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Created February 14, 2023 20:44
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Implementation of date arithmetic in Rosette
#lang rosette
(require rosette/lib/angelic)
(require (except-in rosette < <= -)
(prefix-in old (only-in rosette < <= -)))
(define-struct date [Y M D] #:transparent)
(define (is-leap-year Y) (and (= (remainder Y 4) 0) (=> (= (remainder Y 100) 0) (= (remainder Y 400) 0))))
(define (num-days Y M)
(cond [(= M 1) 31]
[(and (= M 2) (not (is-leap-year Y))) 28]
[(and (= M 2) (is-leap-year Y)) 29]
[(= M 3) 31]
[(= M 4) 30]
[(= M 5) 31]
[(= M 6) 30]
[(= M 7) 31]
[(= M 8) 31]
[(= M 9) 30]
[(= M 10) 31]
[(= M 11) 30]
[(= M 12) 31]))
(define (assert-valid-date d) (assert (<= 1 (date-D d) (num-days (date-Y d) (date-M d)))))
(define (symbolic-date)
(define-symbolic* Y integer?)
(define M (choose* 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12))
(define-symbolic* D integer?)
(define d (make-date Y M D))
(assert-valid-date d)
(define (date<= x y)
(and (<= (date-Y x) (date-Y y))
(=> (= (date-Y x) (date-Y y))
(and (<= (date-M x) (date-M y))
(=> (= (date-M x) (date-M y))
(<= (date-D x) (date-D y)))))))
(define (date< x y)
(and (<= (date-Y x) (date-Y y))
(=> (= (date-Y x) (date-Y y))
(and (<= (date-M x) (date-M y))
(=> (= (date-M x) (date-M y))
(< (date-D x) (date-D y)))))))
(define (days-since-start-of-year d)
(define Y (date-Y d))
(define M (date-M d))
(define D (date-D d))
(define is-leap (is-leap-year Y))
(+ (- D 1) (if is-leap
(cond [(= M 1) 0]
[(= M 2) 31]
[(= M 3) 60]
[(= M 4) 91]
[(= M 5) 121]
[(= M 6) 152]
[(= M 7) 182]
[(= M 8) 213]
[(= M 9) 244]
[(= M 10) 274]
[(= M 11) 305]
[(= M 12) 335])
(cond [(= M 1) 0]
[(= M 2) 31]
[(= M 3) 59]
[(= M 4) 90]
[(= M 5) 120]
[(= M 6) 151]
[(= M 7) 181]
[(= M 8) 212]
[(= M 9) 243]
[(= M 10) 273]
[(= M 11) 304]
[(= M 12) 334]))))
(define (days-since-1900-01-01 d)
(define y (date-Y d))
(define yp (- y 1))
;; First, compute days from 1900-01-01 to y-01-01
;; We need to know how many of the 1900, 1901, ... (y-1) years are leap years
;; 1900, 1901, 1902, 1903, 1904, 1905, 1906, 1907, 1908, 1909, ...
;; First, say that every year divisible by 4 is a leap year:
;; 1900*, 1901, 1902, 1903, 1904*, 1905, 1906, 1907, 1908*, 1909, ...
;; leap years = 1 + (yp - 1900) / 4 (integer division round down)
;; but this overcounts, since divisible by 100 shouldn't be leap years, so adjust:
;; leap years = 1 + (yp - 1900) / 4 - (1 + (yp - 1900) / 100)
;; but this undercounts, since divisible by 400 should be leap years, so adjust:
;; leap years = 1 + (yp - 1900) / 4 - (1 + (yp - 1900) / 100) + (yp - 1600) / 400
;; simplify:
;; leap years = (yp - 1900) / 4 - (yp - 1900) / 100 + (yp - 1600) / 400
(define num-full-years (- y 1900))
(define num-leap-years (+ (- (quotient (- yp 1900) 4) (quotient (- yp 1900) 100)) (quotient (- yp 1600) 400)))
(define num-normal-years (- num-full-years num-leap-years))
(define days-in-1900-to-y-01-01 (+ (* 365 num-normal-years) (* 366 num-leap-years)))
(+ days-in-1900-to-y-01-01 (days-since-start-of-year d)))
(define (date- x y)
(- (days-since-1900-01-01 x) (days-since-1900-01-01 y)))
(define (<= . xs)
(if (andmap date? xs)
(for/and ([x xs]
[y (cdr xs)])
(date<= x y))
(apply old<= xs)))
(define (< . xs)
(if (andmap date? xs)
(for/and ([x xs]
[y (cdr xs)])
(date< x y))
(apply old<= xs)))
(define (- . xs)
(if (andmap date? xs)
(assert (= (length xs) 2))
(date- (first xs) (second xs)))
(apply old- xs)))
;; Ok, as long as other constraints make sure that doesn't happen
(define 2022-01-01 (make-date 2022 1 1))
(define 2023-01-01 (make-date 2023 1 1))
(define 2023-01-15 (make-date 2023 1 15))
(define x (symbolic-date))
(assert (<= 2022-01-01 x))
(assert (<= x 2023-01-01))
(assert (> (- 2023-01-15 x) 30))
(define model (solve #t))
(evaluate x model)
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