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  • Save donaldgray/937d46770f0620ad429bce402d460e0b to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save donaldgray/937d46770f0620ad429bce402d460e0b to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Provides a teamcity metarunner that executes a cake script
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<meta-runner name="Cake">
<description>Execute a cake script</description>
<param name="mr.Cake.script" value="" spec="text description='The location of the Cake Script, relative to the root folder' display='normal' label='Cake Script:'" />
<param name="" value="" spec="text description='The name of the Target within the Cake Script to execute' display='normal' label='Target:'" />
<param name="mr.Cake.verbosity" value="" spec="select data_1='Quiet' data_3='Minimal' data_5='Normal' data_7='Verbose' data_9='Diagnostic' description='The logging level for the Cake Script' display='normal' label='Verbosity:'" />
<param name="mr.Cake.arguments" value="" spec="text description='Additional arguments to pass to Cake Script' display='normal' label='Cake Arguments:'" />
<runner name="Cake" type="jetbrains_powershell">
<param name="jetbrains_powershell_execution" value="PS1" />
<param name="jetbrains_powershell_noprofile" value="true" />
<param name="jetbrains_powershell_errorToError" value="error" />
<param name="jetbrains_powershell_script_mode" value="CODE" />
<param name="jetbrains_powershell_bitness" value="x86" />
<param name="teamcity.step.mode" value="default" />
<param name="jetbrains_powershell_script_code"><![CDATA[[CmdletBinding()]
Write-Verbose "Entering script $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name";
Write-Verbose "Parameter Values";
foreach($key in $PSBoundParameters.Keys)
Write-Verbose ($key + ' = ' + $PSBoundParameters[$key]);
$repositoryPath = "";
$toolsPath = Join-Path $repositoryPath "tools";
$packagePath = Join-Path $toolsPath "packages.config";
$cakePath = Join-Path $toolsPath "<customCake>/Cake.exe";
$nuGetPath = Join-Path $toolsPath "nuget.exe";
$NUGET_URL = "<internalurl>";
$PACKAGES_URL = "<internalurl>"
# Check if there's a tools directory.
if (!(Test-Path $toolsPath)) {
Write-Host "Creating tools directory...";
New-Item -Path $toolsPath -Type directory | out-null;
if (!(Test-Path $toolsPath)) {
Throw "Could not create tools directory.";
# Make sure NuGet exist.
if (!(Test-Path $nuGetPath)) {
# Download NuGet.exe.
Write-Verbose -Message "Downloading NuGet.exe and packages.comfig..."
try {
(New-Object System.Net.WebClient).DownloadFile($NUGET_URL, $nuGetPath)
(New-Object System.Net.WebClient).DownloadFile($PACKAGES_URL, $packagePath)
} catch {
Throw "Could not download NuGet.exe or packages.config."
# Make sure it was properly downloaded.
if (!(Test-Path $nuGetPath)) {
Throw "Could not find nuget.exe";
# Install prereqs from NuGet.
Set-Location $toolsPath;
if ((Test-Path $packagePath)) {
# Install tools in packages.config.
Write-Host "Restoring packages...";
Invoke-Expression "$nuGetPath install `"$packagePath`" -ExcludeVersion -OutputDirectory `"$toolsPath`" -Source `"%nuget.server%`"";
if (!(Test-Path $cakePath)) {
# Install Cake if not part of packages.config.
Write-Host "Installing Cake...";
Invoke-Expression "$nuGetPath install Cake -ExcludeVersion -OutputDirectory `"$toolsPath`" -Source `"%nuget.server%`" -Prerelease";
# Make sure that Cake has been installed.
if (!(Test-Path $cakePath)) {
Throw "Could not find Cake.exe at $cakePath";
# Start Cake
Invoke-Expression "& `"$cakePath`" `"%mr.Cake.script%`" -target=`"`" -verbosity=`"%mr.Cake.verbosity%`" -msBuildLogger=`"JetBrains.BuildServer.MSBuildLoggers.MSBuildLogger,%teamcity.dotnet.msbuild.extensions4.0%`" %mr.Cake.arguments%";]]></param>
<requirements />
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