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Created February 4, 2017 19:32
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Script to generate movie thumbnails and upload to imgur
#uses mtn (movie thumbnailer)
#requires tahoma font to be installed
img=$(mktemp -d)
mtn -f "/usr/share/fonts/truetype/msttcorefonts/tahomabd.ttf" -c 1 -r 8 -D 6 -b 0.80 -B 240 -O $img -o'.jpg' "$1"
for f in $img/*
echo "Processing $f file..."
res=$(curl -sH "Authorization: Client-ID $clientid" -F "image=@$f" "")
echo $res | grep -qo '"status":200' && link=$(echo $res | sed -e 's/.*"link":"\([^"]*\).*/\1/' -e 's/\\//g')
echo link $link
test -n "$link" && (echo link $link | rm "$f") || echo "$res" > "$f.error"
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