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Last active February 16, 2016 05:29
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Python version of Verhoeff alphanumeric check digit algorithm
#!/usr/bin/env python
Python port of alphanumeric derivative of Verhoeff check digit algorithm.
Ported from:
N = 18
N2 = N * 2
class Verhoeff(object):
def __init__(self):
# Multiplication table
self.d18_op = [0 for i in xrange(N2*N2)]
for i in xrange(N):
for j in xrange(N):
self.d18_op[N2*i+j] = (i + j) % N
for i in xrange(N):
for j in xrange(N, N2):
self.d18_op[N2*i+j] = N + (i + j) % N
for i in xrange(N, N2):
for j in xrange(N):
self.d18_op[N2*i+j] = N + (i - j) % N
for i in xrange(N, N2):
for j in xrange(N, N2):
self.d18_op[N2*i+j] = (N + i - j) % N
# Inverse table
self.d18_inv = [0 for i in xrange(N2)]
for i in xrange(1, N):
self.d18_inv[i] = N - i
for i in xrange(N, N2):
self.d18_inv[i] = i
# Permutation table
self.perm = [[] for i in xrange(N2)]
p = [29,0,32,11,35,20,7,27,2,4,19,28,30,1,5,12,3,9,16,
b = [False for i in xrange(len(p))]
i = 0
while i < len(b):
h = [None]
c = h
ln = 0
while not b[i]:
cc = [None, p[i]]
c[0] = cc
c = cc
b[i] = True
i = p[i]
ln += 1
c[0] = h[0]
for j in xrange(ln):
pp = [0 for x in xrange(ln)]
self.perm[c[1]] = pp
for k in xrange(ln):
pp[k] = c[1]
c = c[0]
c = c[0]
while i < len(b) and b[i] == True:
i += 1
# Alphanumeric to numeric conversion table
self.a2i = [0xff for i in xrange(256)]
for i in xrange(0x30, 0x3a): self.a2i[i] = i - 0x30
for i in xrange(0x41, 0x5b): self.a2i[i] = i - 0x41 + 10
for i in xrange(0x61, 0x7b): self.a2i[i] = i - 0x61 + 10
# Numeric to alphanumeric conversion table
self.i2a = [0 for i in xrange(N2)]
for i in xrange(0, 10): self.i2a[i] = i + 0x30
for i in xrange(10, N2): self.i2a[i] = i + 0x41 - 10
def op(self, i, j):
""" Group operation """
return self.d18_op[N2*i+j]
def nperm(self, i , n):
""" Compute n-th application of the permutation """
return self.perm[i][n % len(self.perm[i])]
def is_valid(self, s):
return self.verify(s) == 0
def verify(self, s):
""" Verify correctness of check digit, returns 0 if correct """
i = 0
c = 0
for ch in reversed(s):
ch = self.a2i[ord(ch) & 0xff]
if ch != 0xff:
c = self.op(c, self.nperm(ch, i))
i += 1
return c
def create(self, s):
""" Create a new check digit """
i = 1
c = 0
for ch in reversed(s):
ch = self.a2i[ord(ch) & 0xff]
if ch != 0xff:
c = self.op(c, self.nperm(ch, i))
i += 1
return self.i2a[self.d18_inv[c]]
def append(self, s):
""" Append check digit to the given string """
return s + chr(self.create(s))
def main():
v = Verhoeff()
assert v.create('ABCDEF') == 67
assert v.append('123ABCDEF') == '123ABCDEFD'
assert v.append('ABCDEF') == 'ABCDEFC'
assert v.verify('ABCDEFC') == 0
if __name__ == '__main__':
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