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Last active March 3, 2017 10:31
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#!/usr/bin/env stack
-- stack --resolver lts-6.27 runghc --package minio-hs --package optparse-applicative --package filepath
-- Mar. 3 2017 -- using (master) to test
-- copyobjectpart fix
{-# Language OverloadedStrings, ScopedTypeVariables, NoImplicitPrelude, RankNTypes #-}
import Protolude
import Network.Minio
import qualified Control.Monad.Trans.Resource as R
import Crypto.Hash (SHA256(..), MD5(..), hashWith, Digest)
import Crypto.Hash.Conduit (sinkHash)
import Data.ByteArray (ByteArrayAccess, convert)
import Data.ByteArray.Encoding (convertToBase, Base(Base16))
import qualified Data.ByteString as BS
import qualified Data.Conduit as C
import qualified Data.Conduit.Binary as CB
import Data.Default (def)
import qualified Data.Text as T
import qualified Data.Text.Format as TF
import Data.Text.Format.Params (Params)
import qualified Data.Text.Lazy as LT
import System.Directory (getTemporaryDirectory)
import qualified Test.QuickCheck as Q
format :: Params ps => TF.Format -> ps -> Text
format f args = LT.toStrict $ TF.format f args
digestToBase16 :: ByteArrayAccess a => a -> ByteString
digestToBase16 = convertToBase Base16
randomDataSrc :: MonadIO m => Int64 -> C.Producer m ByteString
randomDataSrc s' = genBS s'
oneMiB = 1024*1024 + 7
concatIt bs n = BS.concat $ replicate (fromIntegral q) bs ++
[BS.take (fromIntegral r) bs]
where (q, r) = n `divMod` fromIntegral (BS.length bs)
genBS s = do
w8s <- liftIO $ Q.generate $ Q.vectorOf 67 (Q.choose (0, 255))
let byteArr64 = BS.pack w8s
if s < oneMiB
then C.yield $ concatIt byteArr64 s
else do C.yield $ concatIt byteArr64 oneMiB
genBS (s - oneMiB)
mkRandFile :: R.MonadResource m => Int64 -> m FilePath
mkRandFile size = do
dir <- liftIO $ getTemporaryDirectory
randomDataSrc size C.$$ CB.sinkTempFile dir "miniohstest.random"
hashSHA256FromSource :: Monad m => C.Producer m ByteString -> m ByteString
hashSHA256FromSource src = do
digest <- src C.$$ sinkSHA256Hash
return $ digestToBase16 digest
-- To help with type inference
sinkSHA256Hash :: Monad m => C.Consumer ByteString m (Digest SHA256)
sinkSHA256Hash = sinkHash
fileEquality :: R.MonadResource m => FilePath -> FilePath -> m Bool
fileEquality fp1 fp2 = do
h1 <- hashSHA256FromSource (CB.sourceFile fp1)
h2 <- hashSHA256FromSource (CB.sourceFile fp2)
return $ h1 == h2
main :: IO ()
main = do
let size = 512 * 1024 * 1024
res <- runResourceT $ runMinio def $ do
-- create a large file with random content to upload of 512 MiB.
sourcePath <- mkRandFile size
print "Created random file"
print sourcePath
-- upload it to bucket/sourceObject
fPutObject "bucket" "sourceObject" sourcePath
print "Created source object"
-- copy it to bucket/copiedObject (since the object is more than
-- 64MiB, the library will use copyobjectpart)
let cps = def {
cpSource = "/bucket/sourceObject"
copyObject "bucket" "copiedObject" cps
print "Copied the object"
-- now read copied object into a new file.
fGetObject "bucket" "copiedObject" "/tmp/copiedFile"
print "downloaded the copied object"
eqVal <- fileEquality sourcePath "/tmp/copiedFile"
print $ T.concat ["Files are equal:", show eqVal]
print res
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Most util. functions are taken from minio-hs library itself.

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