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Last active August 29, 2015 14:25
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our 3rd go (has a nice menu and input cleaning, but not the quick exit stuff)
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
namespace ConsoleApplication1
class Program
static List<List<int>> generateLiveCells()
var allCoordinates = new List<List<int>>();
var selectedOption = getSelectionFromMenu();
if (selectedOption.Key == ConsoleKey.D1)
else if (selectedOption.Key == ConsoleKey.D2)
Console.WriteLine("Enter co ordinates of cells with X and Y values seperated by a comma, press s to finish!");
Console.WriteLine("Press o to return to Options");
var sNotPressed = true;
while (sNotPressed)
var inputKey = Console.ReadKey().KeyChar;
if (inputKey == 'o' || inputKey == 'O')
return generateLiveCells();
else if (inputKey == 's' || inputKey == 'S')
sNotPressed = false;
var inputValue = Console.ReadLine();
inputsParsedToPairs(allCoordinates, inputKey + inputValue);
return allCoordinates;
private static void inputsParsedToPairs(List<List<int>> allCoordinates, string inputValue)
var cleansedInput = new string(inputValue.Where(character => char.IsNumber(character) || character == ',').ToArray());
var commaSeperatedInput = cleansedInput.Split(',');
var xCoordinate = int.Parse(commaSeperatedInput[0]);
var yCoordinate = int.Parse(commaSeperatedInput[1]);
var coordinatePair = new List<int> { xCoordinate, yCoordinate };
private static void randomStartingCellPositionsCreator(List<List<int>> allCoordinates)
var random = new Random();
var numberOfLiveCells = random.Next(40, 50);
for (var count = 0; count <= numberOfLiveCells; count++)
var yCoordinate = random.Next(25);
var xCoordinate = random.Next(80);
var coordinatePair = new List<int> { xCoordinate, yCoordinate };
private static ConsoleKeyInfo getSelectionFromMenu()
var builder = new StringBuilder();
builder.AppendLine("Welcome to the Game of Life!")
.AppendLine("Press 1 for a randomly generated game")
.AppendLine("Press 2 to enter live cells");
var selectedOption = Console.ReadKey();
return selectedOption;
static void Main(string[] args)
foreach (var item in generateLiveCells())
Console.SetCursorPosition(item[0], item[1]);
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