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Forked from jeffcrouse/camcrawler.js
Created August 15, 2018 12:20
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A quick node-crawler that looks for open surveillance cameras worldwide. Inspired by, and using URL patterns found at
var Crawler = require("crawler").Crawler; //
var S = require('string');
var fs = require('fs');
// A list of some patterns that will show up in webcam URLs
var patterns = ["jpg/image.jpg\?r="
, "mjpg/video.mjpg"
, "record/current.jpg"
, "cgi-bin/faststream.jpg"
, "oneshotimage.jpg"
, "SnapshotJPEG"
, "nphMotionJpeg"].join("|");
var regex = new RegExp( patterns );
var crawled = []; // This will contain all of the URLs that we've already crawled
var onContent = function(error, result, $) {
if(error) {
// Provide some feedback that we're still running
crawled.push( result.uri );
if(crawled.length % 100==0)
console.log("\n\n"+crawled.length+" pages crawled\n");
// Loop through all of the links (<a> tags) in the document and add them to the queue
// There are some weird errros thrown here, so throw it in a try/catch
// Perhaps it's
try {
$("a").each(function(index, a) {
// as long as it's an http uri && we haven't already crawled them
if(S(a.href).startsWith("http") && crawled.indexOf(a.href) == -1) {
// I the href matches one of our patterns, write it to a file
fs.appendFileSync('./matches.txt', a.href+"\n");
c.queue( a.href );
} catch (err) {
// Kick off the craler
var c = new Crawler({
"maxConnections": 20,
"timeout": 10000,
"callback": onContent
// Add some initial URLs to crawl.
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