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Last active June 28, 2020 12:21
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ebb: low point, receding tide

besmirch: damange (reputation)

sycophant: bootlicker

sardonic: mocking / synical

fawning: displaying exaggerated flattery

hegemony: leadership / dominance

promulgate: promote

forsake: give up / abandon / leave

self-effacement: the quality of not claiming attention to oneself

profligate: extravagant, spendthrift, wastefultawdry

parsimonious: frugal

pedestrian: commonplace, unimaginative

avaricious: greedy

altruistic: unselfish

frivolous: unimportant

amorphous: shapeless. vague

synoptic: (synopsis) offering a general view

acerbic: acidic

sanguine: hopeful

cloying: too much, sickly sweet <-> saccharine: sickly sweet

decry, disparage: disapprove, depreciate

colloquially: informally

truculent: aggressively assertive

vernacular: using native language

hypochondriacal: excessive recurring concern about one's health

ambivalent: showing simultaneous and contradictory attitudes or feelings

felicitous: apt

prose: the ordinary language people use in speaking or writing

terse: using few words

pithy: brief

postulate: demand, claim

vaunted: highly or widely praised or boasted about

gregarious: sociable

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