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Created October 15, 2021 12:00
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  • Save dongsupark/8a0b97ab073981a062d5f7745fe323f4 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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flatcar-sdk-container-20211015 build log
###### Building SDK container for version 3005.0.0 from '/home/dpark/flatcar-sdk.amd64/.cache/sdks/flatcar-sdk-amd64-3005.0.0.tar.bz2' ######
###### Writing versionfile 'sdk_container/.repo/manifests/version.txt' to SDK '3005.0.0', OS '3005.0.0'. ######
###### Using existing SDK tarball container 'flatcar-sdk-tarball:3005.0.0' ######
###### Initialising the SDK container and building board packages ######
Sending build context to Docker daemon 138.1MB
Step 1/34 : ARG VERSION
Step 2/34 : FROM flatcar-sdk-tarball:${VERSION}
---> 4e9a0a229dd4
Step 3/34 : ARG OFFICIAL=0
---> Using cache
---> 6084b6bd586f
Step 4/34 : RUN touch /etc/debian_chroot
---> Using cache
---> 09b44729c27d
Step 5/34 : RUN chmod 644 /etc/passwd
---> Using cache
---> d3952a4691e8
Step 6/34 : RUN chmod 644 /etc/group
---> Using cache
---> 8f8645a158c5
Step 7/34 : RUN if ! grep -q portage /etc/group ; then echo "portage::250:portage" >>/etc/group; fi
---> Using cache
---> 0f958417ecc5
Step 8/34 : RUN if ! grep -q portage /etc/passwd; then echo "portage:x:250:250:portage:/var/tmp/portage:/bin/false" >>/etc/passwd; fi
---> Using cache
---> 31feb49e51e7
Step 9/34 : RUN echo 'export FEATURES="-ipc-sandbox -network-sandbox -pid-sandbox"' >> /etc/skel/.bashrc
---> Using cache
---> 2761008296c1
Step 10/34 : RUN groupadd sdk
---> Using cache
---> bc4d57a8ea48
Step 11/34 : RUN useradd -g sdk -G portage sdk
---> Using cache
---> 662460f79601
Step 12/34 : RUN echo "sdk ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: ALL" > /etc/sudoers.d/sdk-user
---> Using cache
---> 6474f5e6306c
Step 13/34 : RUN rm -rf /mnt/host/source
---> Using cache
---> fb25119c5ff4
Step 14/34 : COPY --chown=sdk:sdk sdk_container/ /mnt/host/source
---> Using cache
---> 1d45d5befaf1
Step 15/34 : COPY --chown=sdk:sdk . /mnt/host/source/src/scripts
---> 2d627ec0859f
Step 16/34 : RUN chown sdk:sdk /mnt/host/source
---> Running in bb1004c1156c
Removing intermediate container bb1004c1156c
---> 3eb5294849a8
Step 17/34 : COPY sdk_lib/90_env_keep /etc/sudoers.d/90_env_keep
---> 9aab30e605d6
Step 18/34 : RUN chmod 0440 /etc/sudoers.d/90_env_keep
---> Running in a2fba3d7d9bb
Removing intermediate container a2fba3d7d9bb
---> 1db4da16b5d5
Step 19/34 : USER sdk:sdk
---> Running in e90566a25daf
Removing intermediate container e90566a25daf
---> c6726e395594
Step 20/34 : RUN mkdir -p /mnt/host/source/src/scripts /mnt/host/source/src/build
---> Running in 48b35ad2f7a6
Removing intermediate container 48b35ad2f7a6
---> dc7849a8b068
Step 21/34 : RUN ln -s /mnt/host/source /home/sdk/trunk
---> Running in e652a8c3d621
Removing intermediate container e652a8c3d621
---> 90866ce6296b
Step 22/34 : RUN rm /home/sdk/.bashrc
---> Running in 691fcde5b547
Removing intermediate container 691fcde5b547
---> 59a5899761b9
Step 23/34 : RUN cp /etc/skel/.bashrc /home/sdk
---> Running in df1586cde7e2
Removing intermediate container df1586cde7e2
---> bb867a66ad78
Step 24/34 : RUN echo "cd /home/sdk/trunk/src/scripts" >> /home/sdk/.bashrc
---> Running in 1ad53b19018a
Removing intermediate container 1ad53b19018a
---> 7560aa3b3578
Step 25/34 : RUN echo 'export PATH="$PATH:/usr/local/bin:/usr/local/sbin"' >> /home/sdk/.bashrc
---> Running in 9f5e89f01a89
Removing intermediate container 9f5e89f01a89
---> 43e2d8a6cd9e
Step 26/34 : RUN echo "if [ -f /mnt/host/source/.env ]; then source /mnt/host/source/.env; fi" >> /home/sdk/.bashrc
---> Running in 3d48569f9602
Removing intermediate container 3d48569f9602
---> e305227345a5
Step 27/34 : RUN echo "if [ -f /mnt/host/source/.sdkenv ]; then source /mnt/host/source/.sdkenv; fi" >> /home/sdk/.bashrc
---> Running in 44c8c4d62333
Removing intermediate container 44c8c4d62333
---> d8e172110417
Step 28/34 : COPY --chown=sdk:sdk sdk_lib/ /home/sdk
---> aa1e383c4e06
Step 29/34 : RUN chmod 755 /home/sdk/
---> Running in 30887a695f35
Removing intermediate container 30887a695f35
---> edba8184596b
Step 30/34 : RUN echo "export COREOS_OFFICIAL=$OFFICIAL" > /mnt/host/source/.env
---> Running in 49bf1ab5963c
Removing intermediate container 49bf1ab5963c
---> fd6fe1b6c8a5
Step 31/34 : RUN /home/sdk/ ./update_chroot --toolchain_boards="amd64-usr arm64-usr"
---> Running in 7b5289dc3ce9
bash: cannot set terminal process group (1): Inappropriate ioctl for device
bash: no job control in this shell
INFO update_chroot: Setting up portage...
find: '/mnt/host/source/config/portage/repos': No such file or directory
INFO update_chroot: Setting up crossdev...
INFO update_chroot: Updating chroot:
INFO update_chroot: chroot version: 3005.0.0
INFO update_chroot: Flatcar version: 3005.0.0+2021-10-15-1135
INFO update_chroot: Updating basic system packages

Performing Global Updates
(Could take a couple of minutes if you have a lot of binary packages.)
>>> Recording sys-apps/portage in "world" favorites file...
>>> Recording sys-devel/binutils in "world" favorites file...
>>> Recording sys-devel/crossdev in "world" favorites file...
>>> Recording sys-devel/gcc in "world" favorites file...
>>> Recording sys-devel/sysroot-wrappers in "world" favorites file...
>>> Recording sys-kernel/linux-headers in "world" favorites file...
>>> Recording sys-libs/glibc in "world" favorites file...
>>> Jobs: 0 of 0 complete Load avg: 3.61, 1.80, 1.04
* Switching native-compiler to x86_64-pc-linux-gnu-9.3.0 ...
* Updating LTO plugin symlink in /usr/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/binutils-bin/lib/bfd-plugins
[ ok ]
INFO update_chroot: Updating cross aarch64-cros-linux-gnu toolchain
* crossdev version: 20200801
* Host Portage ARCH: amd64
* Host Portage System: x86_64-pc-linux-gnu (x86_64-pc-linux-gnu)
* Target Portage ARCH: arm64
* Target System: aarch64-cros-linux-gnu
* Stage: 4 (C/C++ compiler)
* USE=multilib: no
* Target ABIs: arm64
* binutils: binutils-[stable]
* gcc: gcc-[stable]
* headers: linux-headers-[stable]
* libc: glibc-[stable]
* Extra: gdb: DO IT
* CROSSDEV_OVERLAY: /usr/local/portage/crossdev
* PORT_LOGDIR: /var/log/portage
* Portage flags: --quiet -uNv --with-bdeps=y --select --usepkg --getbinpkg --jobs=4
* getting sys-libs/glibc from /mnt/host/source/src/third_party/coreos-overlay
* getting sys-devel/gdb from /mnt/host/source/src/third_party/coreos-overlay
* leaving metadata/layout.conf alone in /usr/local/portage/crossdev
Installing existing binaries
>>> Jobs: 0 of 0 complete Load avg: 3.24, 1.81, 1.05
* Switching cross-compiler to aarch64-cros-linux-gnu-9.3.0 ...
* Updating LTO plugin symlink in /usr/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/aarch64-cros-linux-gnu/binutils-bin/lib/bfd-plugins
[ ok ]
INFO update_chroot: Updating cross x86_64-cros-linux-gnu toolchain
* crossdev version: 20200801
* Host Portage ARCH: amd64
* Host Portage System: x86_64-pc-linux-gnu (x86_64-pc-linux-gnu)
* Target Portage ARCH: amd64
* Target System: x86_64-cros-linux-gnu
* Stage: 4 (C/C++ compiler)
* USE=multilib: no
* Target ABIs: amd64
* binutils: binutils-[stable]
* gcc: gcc-[stable]
* headers: linux-headers-[stable]
* libc: glibc-[stable]
* Extra: gdb: DO IT
* CROSSDEV_OVERLAY: /usr/local/portage/crossdev
* PORT_LOGDIR: /var/log/portage
* Portage flags: --quiet -uNv --with-bdeps=y --select --usepkg --getbinpkg --jobs=4
* getting sys-libs/glibc from /mnt/host/source/src/third_party/coreos-overlay
* getting sys-devel/gdb from /mnt/host/source/src/third_party/coreos-overlay
* leaving metadata/layout.conf alone in /usr/local/portage/crossdev
Installing existing binaries
>>> Jobs: 0 of 0 complete Load avg: 2.88, 1.80, 1.06
* Switching cross-compiler to x86_64-cros-linux-gnu-9.3.0 ...
* Updating LTO plugin symlink in /usr/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/x86_64-cros-linux-gnu/binutils-bin/lib/bfd-plugins
[ ok ]
INFO update_chroot: Updating all SDK packages

!!! Your current profile is deprecated and not supported anymore.
!!! Use eselect profile to update your profile.
!!! Please upgrade to the following profile if possible:
To upgrade do the following steps:
The amd64 17.1 profiles switch to a more standard 'no SYMLINK_LIB'
multilib layout, and require an explicit migration.
The migration is performed using the app-portage/unsymlink-lib tool.
The following steps can be used to upgrade your system:
1. Sync and upgrade your system to the newest package versions
to reduce the risk of issues.
2. Install the tool:
# emerge -1v app-portage/unsymlink-lib
3. Run 'unsymlink-lib --analyze' and check the output for obvious
mistakes. If you need to perform any changes to the system, remember
to run 'unsymlink-lib --analyze' again afterwards.
[past this point do not call emerge or modify /usr manually]
4. This is a very good time to make a backup.
5. Run 'unsymlink-lib --migrate'. You can add '--pretend' first to see
what is going to happen.
6. Reboot your system. Check if important programs work.
In particular, verify that e.g. 'emerge --info' works (but do not
install anything). If you hit any serious problems, you can use
 'unsymlink-lib --rollback' to revert the changes and return to
step 3.
7. Run 'unsymlink-lib --finish'. You can add '--pretend' first to see
what is going to happen but note that you're going to see a very long
list of files to remove.
8. Switch the profile, e.g.:
 # eselect profile set default/linux/amd64/17.1/desktop
[at this point you can start using emerge again. emerge will then
not display this message anymore, but the remaining steps are still

9. Rebuild gcc:
# emerge -1v sys-devel/gcc:9.3.0
[ repeat for other slots you will be using ]

10. If you are using a multilib profile, rebuild all 32-bit packages.
This can be done using:
# emerge -1v --deep /lib32 /usr/lib32 /usr/lib/llvm/*/lib32
11. Once the last 32-bit package is rebuilt, your package manager
should remove the orphaned /lib32 and /usr/lib32 symlinks. If that
does not happen, remove them manually:
# rm /lib32 /usr/lib32
For known issues, please see bug #506276 [1]. If you have any problems
with the new profiles or the migration procedure, please report a bug
and make it block the tracker.

These are the packages that would be merged, in order:
Calculating dependencies ..... .. .. ...... . ... done!
Total: 0 packages, Size of downloads: 0 KiB
INFO update_chroot: Removing obsolete packages
emerge: 'unavailable' is an empty set
emerge: no targets left after set expansion
Scanning Configuration files...
Exiting: Nothing left to do; exiting. :)
INFO update_chroot: Elapsed time (update_chroot): 2m59s
Removing intermediate container 7b5289dc3ce9
---> 121f4e894951
Step 32/34 : RUN /home/sdk/ ./setup_board --board="arm64-usr"
---> Running in 2417ce34974a
bash: cannot set terminal process group (1): Inappropriate ioctl for device
bash: no job control in this shell
INFO update_chroot: Setting up portage...
find: '/mnt/host/source/config/portage/repos': No such file or directory
INFO update_chroot: Setting up crossdev...
INFO update_chroot: Updating chroot:
INFO update_chroot: chroot version: 3005.0.0+2021-10-15-1135
INFO update_chroot: Flatcar version: 3005.0.0+2021-10-15-1138
INFO update_chroot: Updating basic system packages
>>> Jobs: 0 of 0 complete Load avg: 2.40, 1.97, 1.21
* Switching native-compiler to x86_64-pc-linux-gnu-9.3.0 ...
* Updating LTO plugin symlink in /usr/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/binutils-bin/lib/bfd-plugins
[ ok ]
INFO update_chroot: Updating cross aarch64-cros-linux-gnu toolchain
Installing existing binaries
>>> Jobs: 0 of 0 complete Load avg: 2.26, 1.96, 1.21
* Switching cross-compiler to aarch64-cros-linux-gnu-9.3.0 ...
* Updating LTO plugin symlink in /usr/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/aarch64-cros-linux-gnu/binutils-bin/lib/bfd-plugins
[ ok ]
INFO update_chroot: Updating all SDK packages

!!! Your current profile is deprecated and not supported anymore.
!!! Use eselect profile to update your profile.
!!! Please upgrade to the following profile if possible:
To upgrade do the following steps:
The amd64 17.1 profiles switch to a more standard 'no SYMLINK_LIB'
multilib layout, and require an explicit migration.
The migration is performed using the app-portage/unsymlink-lib tool.
The following steps can be used to upgrade your system:
1. Sync and upgrade your system to the newest package versions
to reduce the risk of issues.
2. Install the tool:
# emerge -1v app-portage/unsymlink-lib
3. Run 'unsymlink-lib --analyze' and check the output for obvious
 mistakes. If you need to perform any changes to the system, remember
to run 'unsymlink-lib --analyze' again afterwards.
[past this point do not call emerge or modify /usr manually]
4. This is a very good time to make a backup.
5. Run 'unsymlink-lib --migrate'. You can add '--pretend' first to see
what is going to happen.
6. Reboot your system. Check if important programs work.
In particular, verify that e.g. 'emerge --info' works (but do not
install anything). If you hit any serious problems, you can use
'unsymlink-lib --rollback' to revert the changes and return to
step 3.
7. Run 'unsymlink-lib --finish'. You can add '--pretend' first to see
what is going to happen but note that you're going to see a very long
list of files to remove.
8. Switch the profile, e.g.:
# eselect profile set default/linux/amd64/17.1/desktop
[at this point you can start using emerge again. emerge will then
not display this message anymore, but the remaining steps are still
9. Rebuild gcc:
# emerge -1v sys-devel/gcc:9.3.0
[ repeat for other slots you will be using ]
10. If you are using a multilib profile, rebuild all 32-bit packages.
This can be done using:
# emerge -1v --deep /lib32 /usr/lib32 /usr/lib/llvm/*/lib32
11. Once the last 32-bit package is rebuilt, your package manager
should remove the orphaned /lib32 and /usr/lib32 symlinks. If that
does not happen, remove them manually:
# rm /lib32 /usr/lib32
For known issues, please see bug #506276 [1]. If you have any problems
with the new profiles or the migration procedure, please report a bug
and make it block the tracker.

These are the packages that would be merged, in order:
Calculating dependencies . ... done!
Total: 0 packages, Size of downloads: 0 KiB
INFO update_chroot: Removing obsolete packages
emerge: 'unavailable' is an empty set
emerge: no targets left after set expansion
Scanning Configuration files...
Exiting: Nothing left to do; exiting. :)
INFO update_chroot: Elapsed time (update_chroot): 0m30s
INFO setup_board: Configuring portage in /build/arm64-usr
WARNING: 'portageq envvar PORTDIR' is deprecated. Use any of 'get_repos, get_repo_path, repos_config' instead.
WARNING: 'portageq envvar PORTDIR_OVERLAY' is deprecated. Use any of 'get_repos, get_repo_path, repos_config' instead.
INFO setup_board: Generating wrapper scripts
INFO setup_board: Performing package updates...
INFO setup_board: Installing baselayout

!!! Error fetching binhost package info from ''
!!! HTTP Error 404: Not Found

!!! Error fetching binhost package info from ''
!!! HTTP Error 404: Not Found
>>> Verifying ebuild manifests
>>> Emerging (1 of 1) sys-apps/baselayout-3.6.8-r1::coreos for /build/arm64-usr/
>>> Installing (1 of 1) sys-apps/baselayout-3.6.8-r1::coreos to /build/arm64-usr/
* Messages for package sys-apps/baselayout-3.6.8-r1 merged to /build/arm64-usr/:
* Log file: /build/arm64-usr/var/log/portage/sys-apps:baselayout-3.6.8-r1:20211015-113848.log
* Falling back to fetching from remote git repository...
* git-r3: git protocol is completely unsecure and may render the ebuild
* easily susceptible to MITM attacks (even if used only as fallback). Please
* use https instead.
* [URI: git://]
* Creating /etc/init.d/ symlink...
INFO setup_board: Installing toolchain

!!! Error fetching binhost package info from ''
!!! HTTP Error 404: Not Found

!!! Error fetching binhost package info from ''
!!! HTTP Error 404: Not Found

emerge: there are no binary packages to satisfy "sys-devel/binutils" for /build/arm64-usr/.
emerge: searching for similar names... nothing similar found.
ERROR setup_board: script called: setup_board '--board=arm64-usr'
ERROR setup_board: Backtrace: (most recent call is last)
ERROR setup_board: file setup_board, line 330, called: die_err_trap '"${EMERGE_WRAPPER}" --usepkgonly --getbinpkg --rebuilt-binaries n ${EMERGE_TOOLCHAIN_FLAGS} "${TOOLCHAIN_PKGS[@]}"' '1'
ERROR setup_board:
ERROR setup_board: Command failed:
ERROR setup_board: Command '"${EMERGE_WRAPPER}" --usepkgonly --getbinpkg --rebuilt-binaries n ${EMERGE_TOOLCHAIN_FLAGS} "${TOOLCHAIN_PKGS[@]}"' exited with nonzero code: 1
ERROR setup_board: (Note bash sometimes misreports "command not found" as exit code 1 instead of 127)
The command '/bin/sh -c /home/sdk/ ./setup_board --board="arm64-usr"' returned a non-zero code: 1
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