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Last active August 29, 2015 14:24
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Advice to my junior software engineering students

Since starting to teach Computer Science at Pasadena Community College, I've often wondered what advice I would give to my previous self 15 years ago when I first embarked on this journey to become a software engineer.

Here's what I would tell previous myself (ie. current students)...

####Best career advice I ever got

  • Find what you Love...that you can be Great at...for which others will Pay you!
  • Love it or leave it

####Be a Craftsman

  • Practice, Practice, Practice
  • Dedicate time to learning software engineering best practices
  • Take ownership of your responsibilities and keep your promises
  • Find a mentor & follow thought leaders
  • Dedicate atleast 15 hours / week outside of work to sharpen your skills
  • Learning is a life long activity

####Coding is not enough

  • If you can't justify how your development effort ties to a business objective, chances are you won't be doing it for long!
  • Understand the business model
  • Learn what & how each team member contributes to the overall success

####Be Nice & have fun

  • No one likes to work with an a jerk. Most people make decisions emotionally and justify them rationally.

####The letter T

  • Be a generalist (horizontal top of T)
  • Be a specialist (vertical part of T)
  • What ratio of generalist vs specialist make sense for you?

####Be the Worst

  • Try to be part of a team where you were the least knowledgable engineer. This environment will push you to face new challenges & you will rise to a higher level of understanding.

Don't Give Up

  • Like MJ said, "You miss 100% of the shots you never take." I can't emphasize how important it is not to give us.
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