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Last active March 9, 2020 15:40
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import Foundation
let names = ["Dong", "Chris", "Alex", "Ewa", "Barry", "Baniella"]
// 1.Origin
func forward(_ s1: String, _ s2: String) -> Bool { return s1 < s2 }
var orderNames = names.sorted(by: forward)
// 2.Closure writen as entired format
var reverseNames = names.sorted (by: { (s1: String, s2: String) -> Bool in
return s1 > s2
// reverseNames is ["Ewa", "Dong", "Chris", "Barry", "Baniella", "Alex"]
// 3.Inferring Type From Context
reverseNames = names.sorted(by: { s1, s2 in return s1 > s2 })
// 4.Implicit Returns from Single-Expression Closures
reverseNames = names.sorted(by: { s1, s2 in s1 > s2 })
// 5.Shorthand Argument Names
reverseNames = names.sorted(by: { $0 > $1 })
// 6.Operator Methods
reverseNames = names.sorted(by: >)
// 7.Trailing Closures
func someFunctionThatTakesAClosure(closure: () -> Void) {
// function body goes here
print("Here is the function body output")
someFunctionThatTakesAClosure(closure: {
print("I am a closure")
someFunctionThatTakesAClosure {
print("I am another closure")
reverseNames = names.sorted() { $0 > $1 }
// 8. without parentheses
reverseNames = names.sorted { $0 > $1 }
// 9. Shortest
orderNames = names.sorted()
// ["Alex", "Baniella", "Barry", "Chris", "Dong", "Ewa"]
let digitNames = [
0: "Zero", 1: "One", 2: "Two", 3: "Three", 4: "Four",
5: "Five", 6: "Six", 7: "Seven", 8: "Eight", 9: "Nine"
let numbers = [16, 58, 510]
let strings = { number -> String in
var number = number
var output = ""
repeat {
output = digitNames[number % 10]! + output
number /= 10
} while number > 0
return output
// strings is inferred to be of type [String]
// its value is ["OneSix", "FiveEight", "FiveOneZero"]
// Capturing Values
func makeIncrementer(forIncrement amount: Int) -> () -> Int {
var runingTotoal = 0
func incrementer() -> Int {
runingTotoal += amount
return runingTotoal
return incrementer
let incrementByTen = makeIncrementer(forIncrement: 10)
incrementByTen() // returns a value of 10
incrementByTen() // returns a value of 20
incrementByTen() // returns a value of 30
let incrementBySeven = makeIncrementer(forIncrement: 7)
incrementBySeven() // returns a value of 7
incrementBySeven() // returns a value of 14
incrementBySeven() // returns a value of 21
incrementByTen() // returns a value of 40
// Closures are reference types
let alsoIncrementByTen = incrementByTen
// Escaping Closures
// the closure needs to escape, to be called later.
var completionHandlers: [() -> Void] = []
func functionWithEscapingClosure(completionHandler: @escaping () -> Void) {
// completionHandler()
func functionWithNonescapingClosure(closure: () -> Void) {
class SomeClass {
var x = 10
func doSomething() {
functionWithNonescapingClosure { x = 200 }
functionWithEscapingClosure { self.x = 100 }
let instance = SomeClass()
var customersInLine = names
print(customersInLine.count) // 6
// () -> String is a function with no parameters that returns a string.
let customerProvider = { customersInLine.remove(at: 0) }
print(customersInLine.count) // 6
print("Now serving \(customerProvider())!")
// Prints "Now serving Dong!"
print(customersInLine.count) // 5
func serve(customer customerProvider: () -> String) {
print("Now serving \(customerProvider())!")
serve(customer: customerProvider)
// Prints "Now serving Chris!"
serve { () -> String in
customersInLine.remove(at: 0)
// Prints "Now serving Alex!"
// customersInLine is ["Ewa", "Barry", "Daniella"]
func serve1(customer customerProvider: @autoclosure () -> String) {
print("Now serving \(customerProvider())!")
serve1(customer: customersInLine.remove(at: 0))
// Prints "Now serving Ewa!"
// @escaping and @autoclosure
// customersInLine is ["Barry", "Daniella"]
var customerProviders: [() -> String] = []
func collectCustomerProviders(_ customerProvider: @autoclosure @escaping () -> String) {
collectCustomerProviders(customersInLine.remove(at: 0))
collectCustomerProviders(customersInLine.remove(at: 0))
print("Collected \(customerProviders.count) closures.")
// Prints "Collected 2 closures."
for cusomerProvider in customerProviders {
print("Now Serving \(customerProvider())!")
// Prints:
// Now Serving Barry!
// Now Serving Baniella!
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