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Don McCurdy donmccurdy

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donmccurdy / delete_tweets.js
Last active November 11, 2024 21:42
Delete Tweets
// To delete tweets, navigate to your Twitter/X profile, open your browser's JavaScript console, and paste the script below.
async function sleep(ms) {
return new Promise((resolve) => setTimeout(resolve, ms))
async function deleteTweets() {
const tweetsRemaining = document.querySelectorAll('[role="heading"]+div')[1].textContent;
console.log('Remaining: ', tweetsRemaining);
window.scrollBy(0, 10000);
donmccurdy / index.html
Created May 31, 2024 17:31
ThreeJS BrightnessContrastShader + ACESFilmicToneMapping - strange behaviour ?
<script type="importmap">
"imports": {
"three": "",
"three/addons/": ""
donmccurdy / generate-points.ts
Created March 18, 2024 18:53
Generate a point cloud in glTF format, using glTF Transform.
import { Document, NodeIO, Primitive } from '@gltf-transform/core';
const document = new Document();
const buffer = document.createBuffer();
const position = document.createAccessor()
.setArray(new Float32Array([
0, 0, 0, // ax,ay,az
donmccurdy / vertex-count-method.ts
Created March 17, 2024 14:38
Draft enum, describing different methods for computing vertex counts.
* Various methods of estimating a vertex count. For some background on why
* multiple definitions of a vertex count should exist, see [_Vertex Count
* Higher in Engine than in 3D Software_](
* NOTICE: Many rendering features, such as volumetric transmission, may lead
* to additional passes over some or all vertices. Such tradeoffs are
* implementation-dependent, and not considered here.
export enum VertexCountMethod {
donmccurdy / scan-missing-dependencies.ts
Last active March 15, 2024 18:49
Scan a monorepo for missing or transitive dependencies in subpackages.
import {readFile} from 'node:fs/promises';
import {join} from 'node:path';
import glob from 'glob';
import builtinModules from 'builtin-modules';
const IMPORT_IDENTIFIER_REGEX = /(?:\A|\r|\n|\r\n)import[^'"]*['"]([\@\.\/\w_-]+)['"]/g;
const BUILTIN_MODULES = new Set<string>(builtinModules);
const pkgPaths = glob.sync(join('modules', '*', 'package.json'));
donmccurdy /
Created December 13, 2023 15:07
Applies tone mapping (display transform + look) to source OpenEXR images using Blender's AgX OCIO config.
#!/usr/bin/env bash
OCIO_LOOK="AgX - Base Contrast"
# Source:
declare -a arr=(
donmccurdy / gen-torus.js
Last active August 19, 2023 13:54
Sample code for generating a torus-shaped GLB from scratch using glTF Transform.
import { Document, NodeIO } from '@gltf-transform/core';
function createTorus(radius = 1, tube = 0.4, radialSegments = 12, tubularSegments = 48, arc = Math.PI * 2) {
const indicesArray = [];
const positionArray = [];
const texcoordArray = [];
const vertex = [0, 0, 0];
// generate positions and uvs
donmccurdy /
Created January 31, 2023 02:35
Example script for batch CLI processing with glTF Transform.
for file in $FILES; do
echo "Compressing $file..."
gltf-transform draco "${file%.glb}.glb" "${file%.glb}-draco.glb"
donmccurdy / EXTRACT_GEOMETRY.mjs
Last active September 27, 2022 04:22
Example Node.js script using glTF-Transform to extract geometry from a glTF document and create a geometry-only three.js scene graph.
import { NodeIO } from '@gltf-transform/core';
import { KHRONOS_EXTENSIONS } from '@gltf-transform/extensions';
import draco3d from 'draco3dgltf';
// set up I/O
const io = new NodeIO()
.registerDependencies({'draco3d.decoder': await draco3d.createDecoderModule()});
const document = await'path/to/file.glb');
donmccurdy / generate_lods.mjs
Last active June 18, 2024 04:45
Example implementation of MSFT_lod in glTF-Transform.
import { Extension, ExtensionProperty, Node, NodeIO, PropertyType } from '@gltf-transform/core';
import { weld, dedup, simplifyPrimitive } from '@gltf-transform/functions';
import { MeshoptSimplifier } from 'meshoptimizer';
* Example implementation of MSFT_lod for glTF-Transform.
* ⚠️ NOTICE: This code is provided for the sake of example, and is not tested or
* maintained. For a full implementation, refer to: