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Last active October 30, 2023 19:49
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fail shell script to compress/decompress files for more physical free space, might be entirely useless, screw it
# optimal compact
# by wesley
# sometimes
# might've just been created out of
# the false assumption that it does
# take up more space but not until
# the computer is rebooted because
# everything entered always
# remains compressed
echo "$(tput setaf 14)Optimal Compact$(tput setaf 15) - $(tput setaf 10)Wesley$(tput sgr0)"
echo "$(tput setaf 3)/!\\ Make sure there's no writing/deleting operations happening while this runs.$(tput sgr0)"
[ $# -eq 0 ] && { echo "No paths specified."; exit 1; }
rc=$(tput sgr0); NL=$'\n';
#tc_bl=$(tput setaf 0)
#tc_dr=$(tput setaf 1)
#tc_dg=$(tput setaf 2)
#tc_dy=$(tput setaf 3)
#tc_db=$(tput setaf 4)
#tc_dp=$(tput setaf 5)
#tc_dc=$(tput setaf 6)
#tc_lg=$(tput setaf 7)
tc_gr=$(tput setaf 8)
tc_r=$(tput setaf 9)
tc_g=$(tput setaf 10)
#tc_y=$(tput setaf 11)
#tc_b=$(tput setaf 12)
#tc_p=$(tput setaf 13)
#tc_c=$(tput setaf 14)
tc_w=$(tput setaf 15)
# capture groups for compact command output
cpt="\s\?\([0-9]\+\)\s:\s*\([0-9]\+\)\s=\s[0-9]\+\.[0-9]\+\sto\s1\s\?\([ C]\)\s\?\(.\+\)\$"
# size of disk that the file is on
dsize() { echo $(df --output=avail -- "$1" | tail -1); } # prints kb
fs() { expr $(du -b -- "$1" | awk '{print $1}') / 1000; } # file size
fsod() { du -h -- "$1" | awk '{print $1}'; } # file size
optc() {
cinf=$(compact "$1"|sed -n 5p)
ic=$(echo $cinf|sed "s/$cpt/\3/") # is compressed
[ "$ic" = "C" ] && { ic="U";w="Unc"; } || { ic="C";w="C"; }
echo "${tc_w}${w}ompressing $1${rc}"
echo "${tc_w}File size: $(fs "$1")K, on disk: $(fsod "$1")${rc}"
# size before
b=$(dsize "$1")
compact /$ic "$1" > /dev/null
# size after
a=$(dsize "$1")
revert=0 # if 1, set back to compression state before
echo "${tc_gr}Is this file actually smaller?${rc}"
echo "${tc_gr}Free space:${rc}"
printf "${tc_w}Before: ${tc_gr}%10dK\n${tc_w}After : ${tc_gr}%10dK${rc}\n" $b $a
[ $a -gt $b ] && { s="+";c="${tc_g}"; } || { s="";c="${tc_r}"; }
printf "${tc_w}Diff : ${c}%10sK\n${rc}" "${s}$(expr $a - $b)"
if [ $b -gt $a ]; then
[ "$ic" = "C" ] && { echo "${tc_r}No.${rc}"; } || { echo "${tc_g}Yes!${rc}";revert=1; }
[ "$ic" = "C" ] && { echo "${tc_g}Yes!${rc}"; } || { echo "${tc_r}No.${rc}";revert=1; }
while [ $revert -eq 1 ]; do
echo "Reverting compression state..."
[ "$ic" = "C" ] && { ic="U"; } || { ic="C"; }
b=$(dsize "$1")
compact /$ic "$1" > /dev/null
a=$(dsize "$1")
[ $b -gt $a ] && { [ "$ic" = "C" ] && echo "ACTUALLY NOT SMALLER!"; continue; } || break
optc_d() {
find "$1" -mindepth 1 -type f | while IFS= read -r f; do optc "$f"; done
for f in "$@"; do
if [ -f "$f" ]; then
optc "$f"
elif [ -d "$f" ]; then
optc_d "$f"
echo "Invalid path or it does not exist: $f"
echo Done.
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donnaken15 commented Jul 13, 2023

mainly written for bash, but then optimized for zsh (now dash)

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sometimes compressed files even after reboot will take less space when decompressing

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