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Last active July 22, 2016 13:59
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Improvement to my Pokemon GO server status checking thingy. Still hating myself.
#!/usr/bin/env python3
import requests, re
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
URL = ''
# Pick the code for the country you live in or that you're closest to.
country = 0
countries = {
0: 'United States',
1: 'Argentina',
2: 'Australia',
3: 'Austria',
4: 'Belgium',
5: 'Brazil',
6: 'Bulgaria',
7: 'Canada',
8: 'Chile',
9: 'Croatia',
10: 'Czech Republic',
11: 'Denmark',
12: 'Estonia',
13: 'Finland',
14: 'Germany',
15: 'Greece',
16: 'Hong Kong',
17: 'Hungary',
18: 'Iceland',
19: 'India',
20: 'Indonesia',
21: 'Ireland',
22: 'Italy',
23: 'Japan',
24: 'Japan',
25: 'Latvia',
26: 'Lithuania',
27: 'Luxembourg',
28: 'Netherlands',
29: 'New Zealand',
30: 'Norway',
31: 'Phillippines',
32: 'Poland',
33: 'Portugal',
34: 'Romania',
35: 'Russia',
36: 'Singapore',
37: 'Slovakia',
38: 'Slovenia',
39: 'Spain',
40: 'Sweden',
41: 'Switzerland',
42: 'Taiwan',
43: 'Thailand',
44: 'Turkey',
45: 'United Kingdom'
# Getting information
r = requests.get(URL)
import lxml
soup = BeautifulSoup(r.text, 'lxml')
except ImportError:
soup = BeautifulSoup(r.text, 'html.parser')
c = countries[country]
found = soup.find(text=re.compile(' ?' + c))
parent = found.find_parent()
c_status = parent.i.attrs['class']
# Get game status
g = soup.find(text=' Game stable')
g_parent = g.find_parent()
game_status = g_parent.i.attrs['class']
# Output
if 'red' in c_status and 'red' in game_status:
print(' PKGO Down!')
elif 'green' in c_status and 'red' in game_status:
print(' PKGO Unstable!')
elif 'green' in c_status and 'green' in game_status:
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