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Created May 10, 2022 08:03
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Go proxy between layer
// === Around ===
type Ctx struct {
Uniq string // 包名+接口名+方法名
type CtxFunc func(ctx Ctx, method any, args []any) (res []any)
var (
customCtxMap = make(map[string]CtxFunc)
// 我只要用ProxyHelper来调用A,就可以在调用A前后添加逻辑
// 可以看到,这里的关键是f的类型是不确定的,如果把f的类型改为any,就必须断言得到具体的类型,这个需要用代码生成在编译前完成
// 记录所有方法的函数类型签名
// 记录参数个数以及参数类型,并做断言
// 记录返回值个数,并append到结果里,res是[]any类型,那怎么得到具体的返回值呢
// 这个函数在另外的函数看来是透明的
func ProxyHelper(ctx Ctx, method any, args []any) (res []any) {
// 执行前可以做很多东西
begin := time.Now()
// TODO: 生成这部分代码
// 如果仅仅用签名来区分,遇到签名一样的不同方法时怎么区分呢?
// 所以,必须加入ctx的Uniq部分来区分
switch ctx.Uniq {
case "|store|add":
cf, ok := customCtxMap[ctx.Uniq]
if ok {
// 自定义around,需要自己决定怎么调用,一般需要包含下面的默认调用
res = cf(ctx, method, args)
} else {
// 默认调用
f := method.(func(string, int) (int, error))
a1 := args[0].(string)
a2 := args[1].(int)
r1, r2 := f(a1, a2)
res = append(res, r1, r2)
case "|src|add":
cf, ok := customCtxMap[ctx.Uniq]
if ok {
// 自定义around,需要自己决定怎么调用,一般需要包含下面的默认调用
res = cf(ctx, method, args)
} else {
f := method.(func(string) (int, error))
a1 := args[0].(string)
r1, r2 := f(a1)
res = append(res, r1, r2)
// more case ...
// 执行后可以做很多东西
used := time.Since(begin)
log.Printf("[ctx: %s]used time: %v\n", ctx.Uniq, used)
type store interface {
add(string, int) (int, error)
add2(string, int) (int, error)
get(id int) string
func NewStore(useMock bool) store {
base := &storeImpl{}
if useMock {
return getStoreProxy(base)
return base
type storeImpl struct{}
func (impl *storeImpl) add(name string, id int) (int, error) {
log.Printf("arg, name: %v, id: %v\n", name, id)
return 1, nil
func (impl *storeImpl) get(id int) string {
return "jd"
func (impl *storeImpl) add2(string, int) (int, error) {
return 2, nil
// TODO: 生成mock相关代码
func getStoreProxy(base *storeImpl) *storeMock {
return &storeMock{
addFunc: func(arg1 string, arg2 int) (int, error) {
res := ProxyHelper(Ctx{
Uniq: "|store|add",
}, base.add, []any{arg1, arg2})
if res[1] == nil {
return res[0].(int), nil
return res[0].(int), res[1].(error)
add2Func: base.add2,
type storeMock struct {
addFunc func(string, int) (int, error)
add2Func func(string, int) (int, error)
getFunc func(id int) string
func (mock *storeMock) add(name string, id int) (int, error) {
return mock.addFunc(name, id)
func (mock *storeMock) add2(name string, id int) (int, error) {
return mock.add2Func(name, id)
func (mock *storeMock) get(id int) string {
return mock.getFunc(id)
type src interface {
add(string) (int, error)
add2(string) (int, error)
func NewSrc(useMock bool, store store) src {
base := &srcImpl{
store: store,
if useMock {
return getSrcProxy(base)
return base
type srcImpl struct {
store store
func (impl *srcImpl) add(name string) (int, error) {
return, 1)
func (impl *srcImpl) add2(name string) (int, error) {
return, 2)
func getSrcProxy(base *srcImpl) *srcMock {
return &srcMock{
addFunc: func(arg1 string) (int, error) {
res := ProxyHelper(Ctx{
Uniq: "|src|add",
}, base.add, []any{arg1})
if res[1] == nil {
return res[0].(int), nil
return res[0].(int), res[1].(error)
add2Func: base.add2,
type srcMock struct {
addFunc func(name string) (int, error)
add2Func func(string) (int, error)
func (mock *srcMock) add(name string) (int, error) {
return mock.addFunc(name)
func (mock *srcMock) add2(name string) (int, error) {
return mock.add2Func(name)
func TestApi(t *testing.T) {
customCtxMap["|src|add"] = func(ctx Ctx, method any, args []any) (res []any) {
log.Printf("custom call")
f := method.(func(string) (int, error))
a1 := args[0].(string)
r1, r2 := f(a1)
res = append(res, r1, r2)
return res
store := NewStore(true) // 用mock包装storeImpl
src := NewSrc(true, store)
r, err := src.add("jd")
if err != nil {
log.Printf("r: %v\n", r)
r, err = src.add2("jd")
if err != nil {
log.Printf("r: %v\n", r)
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