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Created June 21, 2022 16:47
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// ============= ============= Create Simple Task Use Case Business Logic ============= ============= //
// #region Create Simple Task Use Case Business Logic
* Create Simple Task Use Case Business Logic
* Step 1 : createTask()
* - will create a gelato task
* - will store the taskId
* Step 2 : checkerstartParty() Function.
* - Check If the task can be executed , in rhis case if we don't headache
* - returns the execPayload of startParty()
* Step 3 : Executable Function: startParty()
* - will Start the party setting lastPartyStrt to block.timestamo
* - will cause a headache
function createTask() public {
require(taskIdByUser[msg.sender] == bytes32(0), "TASK_STILL_ACTIVE");
bytes32 taskId = IOps(ops).createTask(
address(this), /// Contract executing the task
this.startParty.selector, /// Executable function's selector
address(this), /// Resolver contract, in our case will be the same
abi.encodeWithSelector(this.checkerStartParty.selector) /// Checker Condition
taskIdByUser[msg.sender] = taskId;
function checkerStartParty()
returns (bool canExec, bytes memory execPayload)
canExec = headachePresent == false;
execPayload = abi.encodeWithSelector(this.startParty.selector);
function startParty() external onlyOps {
require(headachePresent == false, "NOT_READY");
lastPartyStart = block.timestamp;
headachePresent = true;
// #endregion Create Simple Task Use Case Business Logic
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