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Last active June 22, 2022 19:44
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  • Save donoso-eth/bacd13ccb9718d70f618eca6c82587f7 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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let _txFee = ethers.utils.parse("0.1");
let _feeToken = ETH;
let _taskCreator = partyApp.address // task creator is the contract
let _useTaskTreasuryFunds = true // yes or no depending on funding
let _revertOnFailure = true
// resolver hash is a bit more complicated:
let resolverHash = ethers.utils.keccak256(new ethers.utils.AbiCoder().encode(
['address', 'bytes']
[resolverAddress, resolverData]
// being
let resolverAddress = partyApp.address // resolver is same contract
let resolverData = await partyApp.interface.encodeFunctionData('checkerStartParty'); /// encoded checker function
let _execAddress = partyApp.address // is same contract
let _execData = await partyApp.interface.encodeFunctionData ('startParty'); // excoded exutable function
//// now we can call the exec() function in Ops contract and the task will be executed if the conditions are met
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