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Created May 14, 2016 16:13
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Soil moisture measurement
import spidev
import time
import os
from time import sleep
import MySQLdb
from time import strftime
# Variables for MySQL
db = MySQLdb.connect(host="localhost", user="root",passwd="raspberry", db="420DB")
cur = db.cursor()
# Open SPI bus
spi = spidev.SpiDev(),0)
# Function to read SPI data from MCP3008 chip
# Channel must be an integer 0-7
def ReadChannel(channel):
adc = spi.xfer2([1,(8+channel)<<4,0])
data = ((adc[1]&3) << 8) + adc[2]
return data
# Define sensor channels
top = 0
bottom = 1
while True:
# Read the light sensor data
n = 0
L0list = [];
L1list = [];
while (n<50):
L0 = ReadChannel(top)
L1 = ReadChannel(bottom)
n = n + 1
L0avg = sum(L0list) / float(len(L0list))
L1avg = sum(L1list) / float(len(L1list))
print L0list
print L1list
L0pc = L0*100 / 1024
#light_volts = ConvertVolts(light_level,2)
# Read the temperature sensor data
L1 = ReadChannel(bottom)
L1pc = L1*100 / 1024
datetime = (time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d ") + time.strftime("%H:%M:%S"))
sql = ("""INSERT INTO soil (time,leveL0,leveL1) VALUES (%s,%s,%s)""",(datetime,L0,L1))
print "Failed writing to database"
#sql = ("""INSERT INTO soil (time,leveL0,leveL1) VALUES (%d,%d,%d)""",(datetime,L0,L1))
#print "Writing to database..."
# Execute the SQL command
# Commit your changes in the database
#print "Write Complete"
# Rollback in case there is any error
#print "Failed writing to database"
#temp_volts = ConvertVolts(temp_level,2)
#temp = ConvertTemp(temp_level,2)
print("ChanneL0 {0:4d} Percentage: {1:3}%".format (L0,L0pc))
print("ChanneL1 {0:4d} Percentage: {1:3}%".format (L1,L1pc))
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