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Last active March 29, 2018 11:42
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Assumptions and Considerations:

  1. Identity Access Management via Secure Services

    This section handles the following items on the website:

    • Authentication (login, registrations, session management and access rights)
    • Password management (forgot password, change password, OTP)

    The assumption is that this will be implemented. Things to consider and finalise:

    • The specifications are required on how this will be implemented.
    • How will this work for non-SCI Manco's, with a focus on lite registrations and online buying?
    • What pieces of data are required to perform the lite-registrations?
    • How are emails via Secure Services sent out to tenants (SCI or non-SCI)? Can these email templates be dynamic to cater for different tenants? Will these be branded for SCI/Satrix etc?
  2. SCI and Silica Back-office Integration

    • Noted in a previous meeting was that in order for SCI to handle the investment, it would need to be created in their back-office. How does this work and is it compatible with SCI and Satrix products together in one investment? The reason that the investment application needs to be created in their back-office is so that they have the entity to track and perform the following checks:

      • ID verification
      • This is me service (address)
      • Duplicate service check (existing application)
      • Check Sanlam Product Discovery Service (may have existing products)
      • Online Buying service check identity
      • Risk rating
      • Screening Service (terrorist etc)
    • Static data lookups from SCI was raised. How to these work and where exactly are they used?

    • Does the data on the new website screens, when creating and investment, match the data supported within the back-office?

    • Knowing that SCI and Satrix will be housed in one application (one tenant), how would a user decide to top-up, or create RA's, for each Manco?

  3. Fund Store (Service)

    This service needs to be built. We still need to understand the following:

    • Who owns, manages and aggregates the fund data?
    • What is the strategy to remove manual manipulation of data by business?
    • How do we handle external Manco fund data and co-brands not in RPT / Infostore? (currently manual spreadsheet/xlsx import process)
    • What is the strategy for managing and retrieving fund commentary/fact-sheet data (non-performance data)?
    • How do we handle cut-off times every month for both new and old data?

    The data can be retrieved from either FFS (Graeme) or the existing Smart Invest database. This is the difference between manual data management or automatically retrieving from FSS. Both are hampered by manual manipulation of data, dealing with errors on a monthly basis, by business. This needs to be finalised.

  4. Content Management System

    Dreyer was tasked to perform a POC on whether Wordpress content could be accessed via a service. Dreyer confirmed that this is possible as they provide a REST API (

    The following needs to be decided on:

    • Who manages the content on the Wordpress site(s)
    • How will the Wordpress sites manage content for all white-labels?
    • We have multiple environments (dev/ppe/prod) that would require multiple Wordpress sites:
      • How is this setup and managed?
      • Is this the responsibility of GTI?
    • Is the Wordpress content compatible with the KJD styles and design?
    • Who will be managing the different sets of content, per tenant, for each environment during normal development cycles?
    • How will content be segmented in Wordpress for each aria of the site (general content, articles, media etc)?
    • Are the fund fact sheet files (MDD documents) hosted here?

    The above considerations are not limited to Wordpress. They would apply to any external CMS solution.

    If the decision to use Wordpress has not been finalised, what other CMS platforms are being considered? Is there a need to build and in-house CMS system?

  5. Multitenancy

    • How are the front-end sites going to be hosted to support this?
    • What has been decided on the concerns GTI raised about multiple domains and SSL certificates?
  6. MVP

    • We need to discuss what falls under the MVP for July. There are options available to meet the deadline and re-visit areas of work. This needs discussion.

Review of Functional Specification

Pages 4-19 (Header, Footer and Homepage):

  • The header and footer should be driven from a backend service. Not every tenant will have the same menu:

    • A tenant can not have the Guided Journey enabled
    • A tenant may not have awards
    • A tenant may not have tax-free funds
    • The external links will differ
    • etc
  • Is the Sign-in link a redirect out of the website, as in to a completely different domain or is this embedded?

  • Business would like an entirely dynamic content-driven site. We may need to have some level of static assets built into the asset pack to ensure we meet the deadline. This needs discussion and the current Smart Invest has this already (where it makes sense). This needs discussion.

  • Homepage Slice 3

    • Where is the spreadsheet for the "calculator" so that the logic can be understood so long?
    • Is the comparative growth always compared against a Money Market fund? How would this fund be set for other tenants?
    • The web services required will depend on the decisions taken above.

Pages 21-57 (Guided Journey):

  • The goals are loaded into the admin section. These are no longer "labels". With this in mind:

    • Are these dynamic per tenant?
    • How do we marry the assets (images, icons etc) returned from the API for the front-end?
    • Are they pre-defined, knowing that they can also act like a product, Retirement for example, where large workflow, calculators etc are attached?
  • Is Education copy limited to only a child or is this sample text?

  • Will the pre-login sessions be browser-based and post-login sessions be Secure Services? This needs clarification.

  • How does the Education, Savings and Retirement Calculators work and where are the business rules defined? Are these backend services?

  • "Open an RA / Top-up RA Fund":

    • Where is the workflow?
    • Is the user redirected into the SCI environment?
    • How will the screen accommodate multiple Manco's (eg: SCI + Satrix)?
    • How would they choose the Manco as they are separate in SCI?
  • Tax and Tax-free investments are defined as one or the other, is this correct?

  • If the Contribution Calculator needs to be implemented, how does it work and where are the business rules defined? Is this a backend service?

  • Are the Risk Profile calculators and flow of questions still driven via the backend?

  • The Risk Profile Calculators exist in "Investing 101". Is it correct that they have now been removed from the flow, eg: applying the risk profile in the flow?

  • Fund Options:

    • Is it always comparing 1 fund against a Money Market Fund?
    • If there is 2 funds for the Risk Profile, how would this screen work?
    • Where is the business rules and logic for the Fund Comparison tool? Is this a backend service?

Page 57 (Points 8-27):

  • There is lots of questions that need answering.
  • How does the About page look/work?
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15 How are the emails sent to the end-user? These will be sent out via SCI. Are the email templates changing?

How are emails via Secure Services sent out to tenants (SCI or non-SCI)? Can these email templates be dynamic to cater for different tenants?

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