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Last active October 12, 2018 01:31
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#!/usr/bin/env tclsh
variable tfcount 0
variable Data [dict create]
variable resources [dict create]
variable current_file ""
proc analyze_file {filename} {
global current_file data
set current_file $filename
init_dict_for_file $filename
# Evaluate the tf file as Tcl! Gnarly!
source $filename
# Ensure that nested keys exist for filename. MUST be called before sourcing a
# Terraform file as Tcl.
proc init_dict_for_file {filename} {
global Data
# TODO: all keys
set required_keys [list RESOURCE]
set nested [dict create]
foreach k $required_keys {
if {![dict exists $nested $k]} {
dict set nested $k [dict create]
dict set Data $filename $nested
# Terraform procedures: terraform, resource, provider, locals, module, data
proc terraform {body} {
global tfcount
incr tfcount
proc resource {type name body} {
global current_file Data
if {![dict exists $Data $current_file RESOURCE $type]} {
dict set Data $current_file RESOURCE $type [list]
# get the current list at nested path
set l [dict get $Data $current_file RESOURCE $type]
# add our value to the list
lappend l $name
# set the list back to the nested path
dict set Data $current_file RESOURCE $type $l
# TODO: gather data on all relevant tf keywords
proc provider {type body} {}
proc locals {body} {}
proc module {name body} {}
proc data {type name body} {}
proc output {name body} {}
# Helper to ignore dot dirs . and ..
proc dotdir {f} {
# can this be more expressiony?
if {[lsearch -exact {"." ".."} $f] > -1} { return 1 } else { return 0 }
proc display {} {
global Data
# We iterate with and additional _ to yield k v pairs, with an unneeded v.
foreach {filename _} [dict get $Data] {
puts "$filename"
foreach {cat _} [dict get $Data $filename] {
puts " $cat:"
foreach {type names} [dict get $Data $filename $cat] {
puts " $type:"
foreach {n} $names {puts " $n"}
proc Main {dir} {
global tfcount Data current_file resources
set files [list]
foreach f [exec ls -a $dir] {
if {[dotdir $f]} {continue}
# debug: single file
#if {[string compare $f ""] != 0} {continue}
if {[string match *.tf $f]} {
analyze_file $f
if $argc>0 {set dir [lindex $argv 0]} else {set dir "."}
Main $dir
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