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Forked from lambda-mike/
Last active May 29, 2022 23:05
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Kakoune cheatsheet (forked from lambda-mike)
# Kakoune
set verbose mode (good for learning)
`:set -add global autoinfo normal`
## Movement
### Goto
`10g` - go to line 10
`g` +
`g` - buffer start
`e` - buffer end
`j` - buffer bottom
`t` - window top
`c` - window center
`b` - window bottom
`l` - line end
`h` - line begin
`i` - line non blank start
### Align screen relative to cursor (Vim z+)
`v` +
`v` - center vertically
`m` - center horizontally
`t` - top
`b` - bottom
`h`, `j`, `k`, `l` - scroll one char
### Search
`/ <a-/>` - start search forward (backward)
`n <a-n>` - search next search pattern forward (backward)
`N <a-N>` - extend next search pattern forward (backward)
### Selections
`%` - select whole buffer
`s` - select (find) regex in selected text
`<a-S>` - select first and last char of selection(s)
`<a-s>` - split selection on line ends
`S` - split selection on given regex
`x` - select line (`X` - next line below)
`<a-x>` - extend selections to whole lines
`<a-X>` - crop selections to whole lines
`<a-;>` - switch anchor and cursor
`;` - collapse selection to its anchor (one char, effectively reduce selection to one char)
`<a-i>` - select inner object
`<a-a>` - select all object (paragraph, sentence, etc)
`[` - select to beginning of an object; `<a-[` - inner object
`{` - extend to beginning of an object; `<a-{` - inner object
`]` - select to the end of an object; `<a-]` - inner object
`}` - extend to beginning of an object; `<a-}` - inner object
`<a-s>` - split selected text on line ends
`<a-k>` - select lines matching regexp inside selection
`<a-K>` - select lines NOT matching regexp inside selection
`7G` - select to line 7
`<a-h>` - select until beginning of; line like Vim `0`
`<a-l>` - select until end of line; like Vim `$`
`m` - match paranthesis; like Vim's `%`, select parans and content inside
`<a-m>` - match parens backwards (direction)
`M` - get a selection from current cursor to next block end or rather extend to next parans included
`<a-M>` - extend to prev parens
`f` - select to next char included (`<a-f>` - prev char)
`C` - copy selection on next lines (`<a-C>` - previus lines)
`<a-&>` - copy identation
`Z` - save selection in mark register `^`
`z` - restore selections stored in register `^`
`<a-z>` - combine selection from register, confirm by hitting `a` for example
`<a-Z>` - combine selections to register
`<space>` - remove all selections except main
`<a-space>` - remove main selection
`_` - trim selections
### Text manipulation
`y` - yank
`p` - paste after (`P` before)
`<a-p>` - paste every yanked selection after selected text, keep new (pasted) selection (`<a-P>` before)
`d` - delete
`i` - instert
`c` - delete and inserst
`R` - replace selection with the content of the register
`<a-R>` - replace selected text with yanked text
`u` - undo
`U` - redo
`<a-j>` - join with next line (`<a-J>` include spaces)
`backtick` - convert to lower-case (`<a-backtick>` - swap case)
`~` - convert to upper-case
`o` - insert on new line below (`O` above)
`<a-o>` - add new line below (`<a-O>` above)
## Advanced
`)` - loop through selections (`(` backward)
`<a-)>` - rotate splitted selection clock-wise (`<a-(>` counter clock-wise)
`"m*` - save smart search (*) pattern to register `m` (`_` is a null register)
`<c-r>` - instert into the buffer value stored in the register (`%` - buffer name, etc.); numbers correspond to submatches, like `(\w+)`
`.` - repeat last insert session
`<a-.>` - repeat last selection (for example `]p`); like Vim' `;`
`Q` - start recording macro until `Esc` is hit
`q` - replay the macro (saved in the `@` register)
### Shell
`|` - modify selections by passind to the shell command which will transform them and write back (`<a-|>` will ignore results)
`!` - insert a result of the shell cmd before selections (`<a-!>` - append result)
`$` - apply predicate to selections (0 return value is considered a success); filiter them
### Tips
`|fold -w80` - wrap selection
`!date` - insert date before selection
`$xsel -bi` - copy selection to clipboard. `-bi` stands for `--clipboard --input`
`%|diff -u <c-r>% -` - compare current buffer contents with the version saved to disk
`<a-;>` insert mode -> normal mode (for one cmd) -> back, preseving selections/bindings, modes
can be deeply nested (hit Esc more than once if needed)
The couple `u` and `U` lets you move backward and forward in the last branch while their
alternative versions `<a-u>` `<a-U>` follow absolute history id which may be located
somewhere else in the history tree.
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