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Created August 26, 2015 23:05
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$ readelf -s /usr/lib/pkcs11/ | grep ' C_'
157: 000000000000b3e0 35 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 11 C_SetAttributeValue
163: 000000000000b7d0 35 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 11 C_VerifyRecover
170: 000000000000b920 35 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 11 C_WrapKey
183: 000000000000b9e0 35 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 11 C_CancelFunction
187: 000000000000b800 35 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 11 C_DigestEncryptUpdate
189: 000000000000b470 35 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 11 C_EncryptUpdate
196: 000000000000b2c0 35 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 11 C_GetOperationState
207: 000000000000b4a0 35 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 11 C_EncryptFinal
218: 000000000000c370 224 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 11 C_OpenSession
227: 000000000000b290 35 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 11 C_SetPIN
229: 000000000000b500 35 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 11 C_DecryptFinal
236: 000000000000bae0 115 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 11 C_CloseSession
238: 000000000000ba40 145 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 11 C_GetSlotList
252: 000000000000b650 35 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 11 C_SignFinal
257: 000000000000b3b0 35 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 11 C_GetObjectSize
259: 000000000000b620 35 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 11 C_SignUpdate
269: 000000000000b2f0 35 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 11 C_SetOperationState
282: 000000000000b260 35 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 11 C_InitPIN
284: 000000000000b230 35 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 11 C_InitToken
285: 000000000000b4d0 35 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 11 C_DecryptUpdate
290: 000000000000c9d0 172 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 11 C_GetSlotInfo
294: 000000000000c2e0 130 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 11 C_CloseAllSessions
297: 000000000000c450 326 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 11 C_FindObjects
305: 000000000000b560 35 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 11 C_Digest
309: 000000000000b860 35 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 11 C_SignEncryptUpdate
310: 000000000000ca80 172 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 11 C_GetTokenInfo
313: 000000000000b980 35 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 11 C_DeriveKey
327: 000000000000b890 35 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 11 C_DecryptVerifyUpdate
335: 000000000000b950 35 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 11 C_UnwrapKey
339: 000000000000bbf0 127 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 11 C_Logout
340: 000000000000b7a0 35 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 11 C_VerifyRecoverInit
342: 000000000000b440 35 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 11 C_Encrypt
344: 000000000000b830 35 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 11 C_DecryptDigestUpdate
351: 000000000000b770 35 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 11 C_VerifyFinal
361: 000000000000c010 707 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 11 C_Initialize
362: 000000000000b710 35 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 11 C_Verify
374: 000000000000c6c0 288 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 11 C_WaitForSlotEvent
380: 000000000000b6b0 35 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 11 C_SignRecover
382: 000000000000bb60 142 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 11 C_GetSessionInfo
387: 000000000000bd20 144 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 11 C_DecryptInit
390: 000000000000ba10 16 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 11 C_FindObjectsFinal
403: 000000000000ba20 24 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 11 C_GetFunctionList
407: 000000000000b9b0 35 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 11 C_GetFunctionStatus
408: 000000000000b5f0 35 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 11 C_DigestFinal
412: 000000000000b530 35 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 11 C_DigestInit
414: 000000000000bdb0 144 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 11 C_SignInit
415: 000000000000b320 35 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 11 C_CreateObject
416: 000000000000bef0 144 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 11 C_SeedRandom
420: 000000000000cb30 314 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 11 C_GetMechanismList
422: 000000000000b8c0 35 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 11 C_GenerateKey
426: 000000000000b8f0 35 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 11 C_GenerateKeyPair
428: 000000000000b5c0 35 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 11 C_DigestKey
429: 000000000000b680 35 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 11 C_SignRecoverInit
438: 000000000000ce80 219 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 11 C_FindObjectsInit
441: 000000000000cf60 283 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 11 C_GetAttributeValue
443: 000000000000b590 35 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 11 C_DigestUpdate
450: 000000000000c5a0 281 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 11 C_Login
459: 000000000000cc70 356 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 11 C_GetMechanismInfo
467: 000000000000c7e0 179 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 11 C_GetInfo
468: 000000000000b740 35 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 11 C_VerifyUpdate
469: 000000000000b380 35 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 11 C_DestroyObject
472: 000000000000bc70 164 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 11 C_Decrypt
482: 000000000000c8a0 296 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 11 C_Finalize
486: 000000000000b410 35 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 11 C_EncryptInit
487: 000000000000bf80 144 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 11 C_GenerateRandom
489: 000000000000b350 35 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 11 C_CopyObject
490: 000000000000be40 164 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 11 C_Sign
492: 000000000000b6e0 35 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 11 C_VerifyInit
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