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Last active June 10, 2019 18:43
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A wrapper for React's useReducer() hook that applies middleware. Written in OCaml.
let use_reducer ?(middleware=[]) reducer initial =
(* [middlewared_dispatch] is setup as a reference so we can change it to the
dispatch function returned by [useReducer]. This way we can insert
middleware before the real reducer function runs. *)
let middlewared_dispatch = React.useRef (fun a ->
Js.Console.error2 "Dispatch called before reducer hook initialized." a)
let apply_middleware middleware state action =
let dispatch = React.Ref.current middlewared_dispatch in
let rec apply action = function
| [] -> action
| hd :: tl ->
match hd ~dispatch state action with
| `Rerun a -> apply a middleware
| `Next a -> apply a tl
| `Stop a -> a
apply action middleware
let middlewared_reducer state action =
|> apply_middleware middleware state
|> reducer state
let state, dispatch = React.useReducer middlewared_reducer initial in
React.Ref.setCurrent middlewared_dispatch dispatch;
(state, dispatch)
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