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Created January 16, 2022 15:53
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üq3rinßv1285 u41ß+q4tuü0nqhwpeoföwr zv
+ MLOG=/system/mount/logs/rclone-union.log
+ TMPRCLONE=/mnt/testcache
cp -rv /app/rclone/rclone.conf /root/.config/rclone/
+ cp -rv /app/rclone/rclone.conf /root/.config/rclone/
'/app/rclone/rclone.conf' -> '/root/.config/rclone/rclone.conf'
screen -d -m bash -c "rclone rcd --rc-user=${RC_USER} --rc-pass=${RC_PASSWORD} --cache-dir=${TMPRCLONE}";
+ screen -d -m bash -c 'rclone rcd --rc-user=rclone --rc-pass=LtGBFlOb --cache-dir=/mnt/testcache'
sleep 5
+ sleep 5
rclone rc options/set --rc-user=${RC_USER} --rc-pass=${RC_PASSWORD} \
--json '{"vfs": {"CacheMaxSize": "'${VFS_CACHE_MAX_SIZE}'", "CacheMode": 3, "CaseInsensitive": false, "ChunkSize": "'${VFS_READ_CHUNK_SIZE}'", "ChunkSizeLimit": "'${VFS_READ_CHUNK_SIZE_LIMIT}'", "NoChecksum": false, "NoModTime": true, "NoSeek": true}}'
+ rclone rc options/set --rc-user=rclone --rc-pass=LtGBFlOb --json '{"vfs": {"CacheMaxSize": "2211G", "CacheMode": 3, "CaseInsensitive": false, "ChunkSize": "128M", "ChunkSizeLimit": "4096M", "NoChecksum": false, "NoModTime": true, "NoSeek": true}}'
sleep 5
+ sleep 5
rclone rc options/set --rc-user=${RC_USER} --rc-pass=${RC_PASSWORD} \
--json '{"mount": {"AllowNonEmpty": true, "AllowOther": true, "AsyncRead": true, "Daemon": true, "AllowOther": true }}'
+ rclone rc options/set --rc-user=rclone --rc-pass=LtGBFlOb --json '{"mount": {"AllowNonEmpty": true, "AllowOther": true, "AsyncRead": true, "Daemon": true, "AllowOther": true }}'
sleep 5
+ sleep 5
rclone rc options/set --rc-user=${RC_USER} --rc-pass=${RC_PASSWORD} \
--json '{"main": { "BufferSize": "'${BUFFER_SIZE}'", "Checkers": 32, "TPSLimit": "'${TPSLIMIT}'", "TPSLimitBurst": "'${TPSBURST}'", "UseListR": true, "UseMmap": true, "UseServerModTime": true, "TrackRenames": true, "UserAgent": "'${UAGENT}'" }'
+ rclone rc options/set --rc-user=rclone --rc-pass=LtGBFlOb --json '{"main": { "BufferSize": "32M", "Checkers": 32, "TPSLimit": "10", "TPSLimitBurst": "10", "UseListR": true, "UseMmap": true, "UseServerModTime": true, "TrackRenames": true, "UserAgent": "B3iSfTPb9BblCmpv4jTLUt28vy3R9iA2" }'
2022/01/16 16:50:28 Failed to rc: bad --json input: unexpected end of JSON input
sleep 5
+ sleep 5
rclone rc options/set --rc-user=${RC_USER} --rc-pass=${RC_PASSWORD} \
--json '{ "File": "'${MLOG}'", "Format": "date,time", "LogSystemdSupport": false }'
+ rclone rc options/set --rc-user=rclone --rc-pass=LtGBFlOb --json '{ "File": "/system/mount/logs/rclone-union.log", "Format": "date,time", "LogSystemdSupport": false }'
2022/01/16 16:50:33 Failed to rc: Failed to read rc response: 500 Internal Server Error: {
"error": "unknown option block \"File\"",
"input": {
"File": "/system/mount/logs/rclone-union.log",
"Format": "date,time",
"LogSystemdSupport": false
"path": "options/set",
"status": 500
sleep 5
+ sleep 5
rclone rc mount/mount --rc-user=${RC_USER} --rc-pass=${RC_PASSWORD} fs=remote: mountPoint="/mnt/test/"
+ rclone rc mount/mount --rc-user=rclone --rc-pass=LtGBFlOb fs=remote: mountPoint=/mnt/test/
root@mount:/home# ls -la /mnt/test
total 4
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