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Created August 13, 2020 16:41
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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import base64
import cv2
import numpy as np
import math
def distance(start, end):
x1, y1 = start
x2, y2 = end
return math.sqrt((x2 - x1) ** 2 + (y2 - y1) ** 2)
def deskew(boxes):
if len(boxes) == 0:
return 0
rectpoints = max(boxes, key=cv2.contourArea)
h = distance(rectpoints[ 0 ], rectpoints[ 3 ])
w = distance(rectpoints[ 2 ], rectpoints[ 3 ])
angle = 0
if h > w:
angle = math.atan2(rectpoints[ 3 ][ 1 ] - rectpoints[ 0 ][ 1 ], rectpoints[ 0 ][ 0 ] - rectpoints[ 3 ][ 0 ])
angle = math.atan2(rectpoints[ 3 ][ 1 ] - rectpoints[ 2 ][ 1 ], rectpoints[ 2 ][ 0 ] - rectpoints[ 3 ][ 0 ])
angle = angle * 180 / 3.1415926535
angle = -1 * angle
return angle
def rotate_image(Inimg, angle):
image_center = tuple(np.array(Inimg.shape[ 1::-1 ]) / 2)
rot_mat = cv2.getRotationMatrix2D(image_center, angle, 1.0)
result = cv2.warpAffine(Inimg, rot_mat, Inimg.shape[ 1::-1 ], flags=cv2.INTER_LINEAR)
return result
def getDetBoxes_core(textmap, linkmap, text_threshold, link_threshold, low_text):
# prepare data
linkmap = linkmap.copy()
textmap = textmap.copy()
img_h, img_w = textmap.shape
""" labeling method """
ret, text_score = cv2.threshold(textmap, low_text, 1, 0)
ret, link_score = cv2.threshold(linkmap, link_threshold, 1, 0)
text_score_comb = np.clip(text_score + link_score, 0, 1)
nLabels, labels, stats, centroids = cv2.connectedComponentsWithStats(
text_score_comb.astype(np.uint8), connectivity=4)
det = []
mapper = []
for k in range(1, nLabels):
# size filtering
size = stats[k, cv2.CC_STAT_AREA]
if size < 10: continue
# thresholding
if np.max(textmap[labels == k]) < text_threshold: continue
# make segmentation map
segmap = np.zeros(textmap.shape, dtype=np.uint8)
segmap[labels == k] = 255
segmap[np.logical_and(link_score == 1, text_score == 0)] = 0 # remove link area
x, y = stats[k, cv2.CC_STAT_LEFT], stats[k, cv2.CC_STAT_TOP]
w, h = stats[k, cv2.CC_STAT_WIDTH], stats[k, cv2.CC_STAT_HEIGHT]
niter = int(math.sqrt(size * min(w, h) / (w * h)) * 2)
sx, ex, sy, ey = x - niter, x + w + niter + 1, y - niter, y + h + niter + 1
# boundary check
if sx < 0: sx = 0
if sy < 0: sy = 0
if ex >= img_w: ex = img_w
if ey >= img_h: ey = img_h
kernel = cv2.getStructuringElement(cv2.MORPH_RECT, (1 + niter, 1 + niter))
segmap[sy:ey, sx:ex] = cv2.dilate(segmap[sy:ey, sx:ex], kernel)
# make box
np_contours = np.roll(np.array(np.where(segmap != 0)), 1, axis=0).transpose().reshape(-1, 2)
rectangle = cv2.minAreaRect(np_contours)
box = cv2.boxPoints(rectangle)
# align diamond-shape
w, h = np.linalg.norm(box[0] - box[1]), np.linalg.norm(box[1] - box[2])
box_ratio = max(w, h) / (min(w, h) + 1e-5)
if abs(1 - box_ratio) <= 0.1:
l, r = min(np_contours[:, 0]), max(np_contours[:, 0])
t, b = min(np_contours[:, 1]), max(np_contours[:, 1])
box = np.array([[l, t], [r, t], [r, b], [l, b]], dtype=np.float32)
# make clock-wise order
startidx = box.sum(axis=1).argmin()
box = np.roll(box, 4 - startidx, 0)
box = np.array(box)
return det, labels, mapper
def getPoly_core(boxes, labels, mapper, linkmap):
# configs
num_cp = 5
max_len_ratio = 0.7
expand_ratio = 1.45
max_r = 2.0
step_r = 0.2
polys = []
for k, box in enumerate(boxes):
# size filter for small instance
w, h = int(np.linalg.norm(box[0] - box[1]) + 1), int(np.linalg.norm(box[1] - box[2]) + 1)
if w < 10 or h < 10:
# warp image
tar = np.float32([[0, 0], [w, 0], [w, h], [0, h]])
M = cv2.getPerspectiveTransform(box, tar)
word_label = cv2.warpPerspective(labels, M, (w, h), flags=cv2.INTER_NEAREST)
Minv = np.linalg.inv(M)
# binarization for selected label
cur_label = mapper[k]
word_label[word_label != cur_label] = 0
word_label[word_label > 0] = 1
""" Polygon generation """
# find top/bottom contours
cp = []
max_len = -1
for i in range(w):
region = np.where(word_label[:, i] != 0)[0]
if len(region) < 2: continue
cp.append((i, region[0], region[-1]))
length = region[-1] - region[0] + 1
if length > max_len: max_len = length
# pass if max_len is similar to h
if h * max_len_ratio < max_len:
# get pivot points with fixed length
tot_seg = num_cp * 2 + 1
seg_w = w / tot_seg # segment width
pp = [None] * num_cp # init pivot points
cp_section = [[0, 0]] * tot_seg
seg_height = [0] * num_cp
seg_num = 0
num_sec = 0
prev_h = -1
for i in range(0, len(cp)):
(x, sy, ey) = cp[i]
if (seg_num + 1) * seg_w <= x and seg_num <= tot_seg:
# average previous segment
if num_sec == 0: break
cp_section[seg_num] = [cp_section[seg_num][0] / num_sec,
cp_section[seg_num][1] / num_sec]
num_sec = 0
# reset variables
seg_num += 1
prev_h = -1
# accumulate center points
cy = (sy + ey) * 0.5
cur_h = ey - sy + 1
cp_section[seg_num] = [cp_section[seg_num][0] + x, cp_section[seg_num][1] + cy]
num_sec += 1
if seg_num % 2 == 0: continue # No polygon area
if prev_h < cur_h:
pp[int((seg_num - 1) / 2)] = (x, cy)
seg_height[int((seg_num - 1) / 2)] = cur_h
prev_h = cur_h
# processing last segment
if num_sec != 0:
cp_section[-1] = [cp_section[-1][0] / num_sec, cp_section[-1][1] / num_sec]
# pass if num of pivots is not sufficient or segment widh is smaller than character height
if None in pp or seg_w < np.max(seg_height) * 0.25:
# calc median maximum of pivot points
half_char_h = np.median(seg_height) * expand_ratio / 2
# calc gradiant and apply to make horizontal pivots
new_pp = []
for i, (x, cy) in enumerate(pp):
dx = cp_section[i * 2 + 2][0] - cp_section[i * 2][0]
dy = cp_section[i * 2 + 2][1] - cp_section[i * 2][1]
if dx == 0: # gradient if zero
new_pp.append([x, cy - half_char_h, x, cy + half_char_h])
rad = - math.atan2(dy, dx)
c, s = half_char_h * math.cos(rad), half_char_h * math.sin(rad)
new_pp.append([x - s, cy - c, x + s, cy + c])
# get edge points to cover character heatmaps
isSppFound, isEppFound = False, False
grad_s = (pp[1][1] - pp[0][1]) / (pp[1][0] - pp[0][0]) + (pp[2][1] - pp[1][1]) / (
pp[2][0] - pp[1][0])
grad_e = (pp[-2][1] - pp[-1][1]) / (pp[-2][0] - pp[-1][0]) + (pp[-3][1] - pp[-2][1]) / (
pp[-3][0] - pp[-2][0])
for r in np.arange(0.5, max_r, step_r):
dx = 2 * half_char_h * r
if not isSppFound:
line_img = np.zeros(word_label.shape, dtype=np.uint8)
dy = grad_s * dx
p = np.array(new_pp[0]) - np.array([dx, dy, dx, dy])
cv2.line(line_img, (int(p[0]), int(p[1])), (int(p[2]), int(p[3])), 1, thickness=1)
if np.sum(np.logical_and(word_label, line_img)) == 0 or r + 2 * step_r >= max_r:
spp = p
isSppFound = True
if not isEppFound:
line_img = np.zeros(word_label.shape, dtype=np.uint8)
dy = grad_e * dx
p = np.array(new_pp[-1]) + np.array([dx, dy, dx, dy])
cv2.line(line_img, (int(p[0]), int(p[1])), (int(p[2]), int(p[3])), 1, thickness=1)
if np.sum(np.logical_and(word_label, line_img)) == 0 or r + 2 * step_r >= max_r:
epp = p
isEppFound = True
if isSppFound and isEppFound:
# pass if boundary of polygon is not found
if not (isSppFound and isEppFound):
# make final polygon
poly = []
poly.append(warpCoord(Minv, (spp[0], spp[1])))
for p in new_pp:
poly.append(warpCoord(Minv, (p[0], p[1])))
poly.append(warpCoord(Minv, (epp[0], epp[1])))
poly.append(warpCoord(Minv, (epp[2], epp[3])))
for p in reversed(new_pp):
poly.append(warpCoord(Minv, (p[2], p[3])))
poly.append(warpCoord(Minv, (spp[2], spp[3])))
# add to final result
return polys
def getDetBoxes(textmap, linkmap, text_threshold, link_threshold, low_text, poly=False):
boxes, labels, mapper = getDetBoxes_core(textmap, linkmap, text_threshold, link_threshold,
if poly:
polys = getPoly_core(boxes, labels, mapper, linkmap)
polys = [None] * len(boxes)
return boxes, polys
def adjustResultCoordinates(polys, ratio_w, ratio_h, ratio_net=2):
if len(polys) > 0:
polys = np.array(polys)
for k in range(len(polys)):
if polys[k] is not None:
polys[k] *= (ratio_w * ratio_net, ratio_h * ratio_net)
return polys
def normalizeMeanVariance(in_img, mean=(0.485, 0.456, 0.406), variance=(0.229, 0.224, 0.225)):
# should be RGB order
img = in_img.copy().astype(np.float32)
img -= np.array([mean[0] * 255.0, mean[1] * 255.0, mean[2] * 255.0], dtype=np.float32)
img /= np.array([variance[0] * 255.0, variance[1] * 255.0, variance[2] * 255.0], dtype=np.float32)
h, w, _ = img.shape
img = cv2.CreateMat(h, w, cv2.CV_32FC3)
return img
def denormalizeMeanVariance(in_img, mean=(0.485, 0.456, 0.406), variance=(0.229, 0.224, 0.225)):
# should be RGB order
img = in_img.copy()
img *= variance
img += mean
img *= 255.0
img = np.clip(img, 0, 255).astype(np.uint8)
return img
def resize_aspect_ratio(img, square_size, interpolation, mag_ratio=1):
height, width, channel = img.shape
# magnify image size
target_size = mag_ratio * max(height, width)
# set original image size
if target_size > square_size:
target_size = square_size
ratio = target_size / max(height, width)
target_h, target_w = int(height * ratio), int(width * ratio)
proc = cv2.resize(img, (target_w, target_h), interpolation=interpolation)
# make canvas and paste image
target_h32, target_w32 = target_h, target_w
if target_h % 32 != 0:
target_h32 = target_h + (32 - target_h % 32)
if target_w % 32 != 0:
target_w32 = target_w + (32 - target_w % 32)
resized = np.zeros((target_h32, target_w32, channel), dtype=np.float32)
resized[0:target_h, 0:target_w, :] = proc
target_h, target_w = target_h32, target_w32
size_heatmap = (int(target_w / 2), int(target_h / 2))
return resized, ratio, size_heatmap
def showReturn(data):
decoded_data = base64.b64decode(data)
np_data = np.fromstring(decoded_data, np.uint8)
img = cv2.imdecode(np_data, cv2.IMREAD_UNCHANGED)
return (img.shape, type(img))
def pre_processing(data):
# img = imgproc.loadImage(image_path)
decoded_data = base64.b64decode(data)
np_data = np.fromstring(decoded_data, np.uint8)
img = cv2.imdecode(np_data, cv2.IMREAD_UNCHANGED)
img = cv2.resize(img, (182, 190), interpolation=cv2.INTER_LINEAR)
img_resized, target_ratio, size_heatmap = resize_aspect_ratio(img, 1280,
ratio_h = ratio_w = 1 / target_ratio
# x = normalizeMeanVariance(img_resized)
# x = torch.from_numpy(x).permute(2, 0, 1) # [height, width, channels] to [channels, height, width]
# ADD one more dimension
# x = x.unsqueeze(0) # [channels, height, width] to [batch=1, channels, height, width]
return (x, type(x))
def post_processing(data):
# extracting from the [1, 144, 144, 2] array
# : -> all content of that dimension
y = np.array(data)
y = y.reshape(1, 144, 144, 2)
score_text = y[0, :, :, 0]
score_link = y[0, :, :, 1]
# Post-processing
# FUNCTION call from:
# return getcharboxes(score_text, 0.4)
#### Donot require this code anymore
# data.numpy() -> convert the tensorf to a array (float)
boxes, polys = getDetBoxes(score_text, score_link, 0.7, 0.4, 0.4, False)
# coordinate adjustment:
boxes = adjustResultCoordinates(boxes, 1, 1)
polys = adjustResultCoordinates(polys, 1, 1)
for k in range(len(polys)):
if polys[k] is None: polys[k] = boxes[k]
# =============================================================================================
# t1 = time.time() - t1
angle = deskew(boxes)
# rotate_image(data, boxes)
deskewed_score_text = rotate_image(score_text, angle)
return [getcharboxes(deskewed_score_text, 0.4), angle]
# file_utils.saveResult(image_path, img[:,:,::-1], polys, dirname=OUTPUT_FOLDER)
# print(f"{idx+1}) {image_path}-{img.shape}, {img_resized.shape}, {target_ratio}, {ratio_h}, {ratio_w}")
# break
def sort_contours(cnts):
reverse = False
boundingBoxes = [cv2.boundingRect(c) for c in cnts]
cnts, boundingBoxes = zip(
*sorted(zip(cnts, boundingBoxes), key=lambda b: b[1][1] + (b[1][3] / 2), reverse=reverse))
return cnts
def findminy(roi):
roi = 255 - roi
min_wp = 30000
min_index = 0
for col in range(10, roi.shape[1] - 10):
curr_wp = 0
for row in range(roi.shape[0]):
if roi[row][col] > 0:
curr_wp += 1
if curr_wp < min_wp:
min_wp = curr_wp
min_index = col
return min_index
def medianfind(lst):
sortedLst = sorted(lst)
n = len(lst)
if n % 2:
return sortedLst[int((n - 1) / 2)]
return sortedLst[int((n / 2) - 1)]
def getcharboxes(textmap, low_text):
img_h, img_w = textmap.shape
ret, textscore = cv2.threshold(textmap, low_text, 1, 0)
textscore = cv2.convertScaleAbs(textscore, alpha=255.0)
textscore_org = textscore
if img_w < 120:
kernel = np.ones((3, 3), np.uint8)
iterations = 1
elif 119 < img_w < 170:
kernel = np.ones((4, 4), np.uint8)
iterations = 1
elif 169 < img_w < 399:
kernel = np.ones((5, 5), np.uint8)
iterations = 1
kernel = np.ones((7, 7), np.uint8)
iterations = 2
textscore = cv2.erode(textscore, kernel=kernel, iterations=iterations)
textscore = cv2.dilate(textscore, kernel=kernel, iterations=iterations)
textscore = 255 - textscore
contours, hierarchy = cv2.findContours(textscore, cv2.RETR_TREE, cv2.CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE)
contours = sort_contours(contours)
row_boxes, row1, final = [], [], []
curr, prevmidy, prevh, prevw = 0, 0, 0, 0
for cnt in contours:
x, y, w, h = cv2.boundingRect(cnt)
if w > 0.4 * textmap.shape[0] or h > 0.4 * textmap.shape[1] or w < 0.01 * textmap.shape[
0] or h < 0.01 * textmap.shape[1]:
midx = int(x + w / 2)
midy = int(y + h / 2)
if len(row_boxes) == 0 and len(row1) == 0:
row1.append([x, y, w, h])
prevmidy = midy
prevmidx = midx
prevh = h
prevw = w
diffy = abs(midy - prevmidy)
if diffy > 0.62 * prevh:
row1 = []
row1.append([x, y, w, h])
row1.append([x, y, w, h])
prevmidy = midy
prevh = h
prevw = w
row_len = [len(row) for row in row_boxes]
to_add = {"1": [], "2": [], "3": [], '4': [], '0': [], '5': [], '6': []}
to_del = {i: 0 for i in range(len(row_boxes))}
for k in range(len(row_boxes)):
row_boxes[k] = sorted(row_boxes[k], key=lambda a: a[0])
row2 = row_boxes[k]
width = 0
errors = 0
to_del_box = []
if len(row2) < 3 or len(row2) > 11:
to_del[k] = 10
mean_w = int(medianfind([box[2] for box in row2]))
mean_h = int(medianfind([box[3] for box in row2]))
mean_y = int(medianfind([box[1] for box in row2]))
for j in range(len(row2)):
if j != 0:
if width == 0:
gap = row2[j][0] - row2[j - 1][0] - row2[j - 1][2]
intersection = row2[j][0] + row2[j][2] - row2[j - 1][0] - row2[j - 1][2]
gap = row2[j][0] - row2[j - 1][0] - width
intersection = row2[j][0] + row2[j][2] - row2[j - 1][0] - width
width = 0
if intersection < 0.2 * mean_w:
errors += 1
if gap > mean_w:
errors += 1
if gap > 3 * mean_w:
errors += 1
if len(row2) + len(to_add[str(k)]) in [5, 3]:
[row2[j - 1][0] + row2[j - 1][2], row2[j][1], mean_w, row2[j][3]])
if row2[j][3] > 1.5 * mean_h:
errors += 1
row2[j][1] = mean_y
row2[j][3] = mean_h
if row2[j][2] > 1.5 * mean_w:
errors += 1
width = row2[j][2]
roi = textscore[row2[j][1]:row2[j][1] + row2[j][3],
row2[j][0]:row2[j][0] + row2[j][2]]
new_w = findminy(roi)
if new_w > 1.5 * mean_w:
row2[j][2] = int(new_w / 2)
[row2[j][0] + int(new_w / 2), row2[j][1], int(new_w / 2), row2[j][3]])
[row2[j][0] + new_w, row2[j][1], width - new_w, row2[j][3]])
elif width - new_w > 1.7 * mean_w:
row2[j][2] = new_w
[row2[j][0] + row2[j][2], row2[j][1], int((width - new_w) / 2), row2[j][3]])
[row2[j][0] + row2[j][2] + int(new_w / 2), row2[j][1],
int((width - new_w) / 2),
row2[j][2] = new_w
[row2[j][0] + new_w, row2[j][1], width - new_w, row2[j][3]])
if row2[j][2] < 0.5 * mean_w or row2[j][3] < 0.5 * mean_h:
errors += 1
if len(row2) + len(to_add[str(k)]) in [7, 9]:
elif len(row2) + len(to_add[str(k)]) in [5, 3]:
row2[j][0] = int(row2[j][0] - 0.15 * row2[j][2])
row2[j][1] = int(row2[j][1] - 0.15 * row2[j][3])
row2[j][2] = int(1.15 * row2[j][2])
row2[j][3] = int(1.15 * row2[j][3])
if errors < 4:
if len(row2) + len(to_add[str(k)]) in [5, 7]:
if row2[0][0] - mean_w < 0:
to_add[str(k)].append([row2[-1][0] + mean_w, mean_y, mean_w, mean_h])
elif row2[-1][0] + 2 * mean_w > img_w:
to_add[str(k)].append([row2[0][0] - mean_w, mean_y, mean_w, mean_h])
roi_left = textscore_org[mean_y:mean_y + mean_h,
row2[0][0] - mean_w:row2[0][0] - int(0.2 * mean_w)]
roi_right = textscore_org[mean_y:mean_y + mean_h,
row2[-1][0] + mean_w:row2[-1][0] + 2 * mean_w]
roi_left_wp = np.sum(roi_left == 255)
roi_right_wp = np.sum(roi_right == 255)
if roi_left_wp - roi_right_wp > 26:
to_add[str(k)].append([row2[0][0] - mean_w, mean_y, mean_w, mean_h])
elif roi_right_wp - roi_left_wp > 26:
to_add[str(k)].append([row2[-1][0] + mean_w, mean_y, mean_w, mean_h])
errors += 2
to_add[str(k)].append([row2[-1][0] + mean_w, mean_y, mean_w, mean_h])
to_del[k] = errors
row_boxes[k] = [row_boxes[k][j] for j in range(len(row_boxes[k])) if j not in to_del_box]
for er, eb in to_add.items():
prev_box = []
for b in eb:
if len(prev_box) == 0:
prev_box = b
if b[0] - prev_box[0] < 0.5 * prev_box[2]:
prev_box = b
templ = list()
for er, err in to_del.items():
if err > 4:
row_boxes[er] = []
row_len = [len(row) for row in row_boxes]
if len(row_len) == 0:
return None
pairs = []
for i in range(len(row_len)):
for j in range(len(row_len)):
if i == j:
if row_len[i] + row_len[j] == 12 and row_len[i] != 0 and row_len[j] != 0:
if [j, i] not in pairs:
pairs.append([i, j])
final_pair = list()
if len(pairs) == 0:
if len(row_boxes) == 1:
return row_boxes
min_err = 200
max_char = 0
lst_err_pair = [0, 1]
for i in range(len(row_boxes)):
for j in range(i + 1, len(row_boxes)):
curr_err = to_del[i] + to_del[j]
curr_char = len(row_boxes[i]) + len(row_boxes[j])
if curr_err < min_err:
min_err = curr_err
lst_err_pair = [i, j]
if curr_char > max_char:
max_char = curr_char
max_chr_pair = [i, j]
if len(row_boxes[lst_err_pair[0]]) + len(row_boxes[lst_err_pair[0]]) < 10:
final_pair = max_chr_pair
final_pair = lst_err_pair
pairs_error = list()
for i in range(len(pairs)):
temp = to_del[pairs[i][0]] + to_del[pairs[i][1]]
pairs_error.append([pairs[i], temp])
pairs_error = [sorted(pairs_error, key=lambda item: item[1])]
# pairs_error = [pe for pe in (y for y in pairs_error if y[0][1] == pairs_error[0][0][1])]
if len(pairs_error[0]) > 1:
if pairs_error[0][0][1] == pairs_error[0][1][1]:
final_pair = pairs_error[0][1][0]
final_pair = pairs_error[0][0][0]
if len(row_boxes) == 1:
final = row_boxes
for row in final:
for box in row:
box[ 0 ] = int(box[ 0 ] - 0.15 * box[ 2 ])
box[ 1 ] = int(box[ 1 ] - 0.15 * box[ 3 ])
box[ 2 ] = int(1.12 * box[ 2 ])
box[ 3 ] = int(1.30 * box[ 3 ])
return final
# function call
# bboxes_char = getcharboxes(score_text, low_text)
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