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Created August 26, 2018 13:30
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// tslint:disable:max-classes-per-file
declare module 'react-native-paper' {
import { Component, ReactNode } from 'react';
import {
} from 'react-native';
export interface Theme {
dark?: boolean;
roundness?: number;
colors?: {
primary?: string;
background?: string;
paper?: string;
accent?: string;
text?: string;
disabled?: string;
placeholder?: string;
fonts?: {
regular?: string;
medium?: string;
light?: string;
thin?: string;
export const DefaultTheme: Theme;
export interface Themeable {
theme?: Theme;
export class Provider extends Component<Themeable> {}
export interface WithViewStyle {
style?: StyleProp<ViewStyle>;
export type IconSource = string | { uri: string } | number | ReactNode;
export interface ButtonProps extends Themeable {
* Whether the button is disabled. A disabled button is greyed out and `onPress` is not called on touch.
disabled?: boolean;
* Use a compact look, useful for flat buttons in a row.
compact?: boolean;
* Add elevation to button, as opposed to default flat appearance. Typically used on a flat surface.
raised?: boolean;
* Use to primary color from theme. Typically used to emphasize an action.
primary?: boolean;
* Text color of button, a dark button will render light text and vice-versa.
dark?: boolean;
* Whether to show a loading indicator.
loading?: boolean;
* Name of the icon. Can be a string, an image source or a react component.
icon?: IconSource;
* Custom text color for flat button, or background color for raised button.
color?: string;
* Label text of the button.
children: string | string[];
* Function to execute on press.
onPress?: () => void;
style?: StyleProp<ViewStyle>;
export class Button extends Component<ButtonProps> {}
export interface ChipProps extends Themeable {
* Icon to display for the `Chip`.
icon?: IconSource;
* Function to execute on press.
onPress?: () => void;
* Function to execute on delete. The delete button appears only when this prop is specified.
onDelete?: () => void;
style?: StyleProp<ViewStyle>;
export class Chip extends Component<ChipProps> {}
export class Caption extends Component<TextProps & Themeable> {}
export class Headline extends Component<TextProps & Themeable> {}
export class Paragraph extends Component<TextProps & Themeable> {}
export class StyledText extends Component<TextProps & Themeable> {}
export class Subheading extends Component<TextProps & Themeable> {}
export class Text extends Component<TextProps & Themeable> {}
export class Title extends Component<TextProps & Themeable> {}
export interface DialogProps extends Themeable, ViewProps {
* Determines whether clicking outside the dialog dismiss it.
dismissable?: boolean;
* Callback that is called when the user dismisses the dialog.
onDismiss: () => void;
* Determines Whether the dialog is visible.
visible: boolean;
style?: StyleProp<ViewStyle>;
export interface TouchableRippleProps extends TouchableNativeFeedbackProps, TouchableHighlightProps, Themeable {
* Whether to render the ripple outside the view bounds.
borderless?: boolean;
* Type of background drawabale to display the feedback.
background?: any;
* Color of the ripple effect.
rippleColor?: string;
* Color of the underlay for the highlight effect.
underlayColor?: string;
export class TouchableRipple extends Component<TouchableRippleProps> {}
export class Dialog extends Component<DialogProps> {}
export class DialogActions extends Component<ViewProps> {}
export class DialogContent extends Component<WithViewStyle> {}
export class DialogTitle extends Component<TextProps & Themeable> {}
export interface DividerProps extends ViewProps, Themeable {
* Whether divider has a left inset.
inset?: boolean;
export class Divider extends Component<DividerProps> {}
export interface DrawerItemProps extends TouchableRippleProps {
* The label text of the item.
label: string;
* Name of the icon. Can be a string (name of `MaterialIcon`),
* an object of shape `{ uri: '' }`,
* a local image: `require('../path/to/image.png')`,
* or a valid React Native component.
icon?: IconSource;
* Whether to highlight the drawer item as active.
active?: boolean;
* Function to execute on press.
onPress?: () => void;
* Custom color for the drawer text and icon.
color?: string;
export class DrawerItem extends Component<DrawerItemProps> {}
export interface DrawerSectionProps extends ViewProps, Themeable {
title?: string;
export class DrawerSection extends Component<DrawerSectionProps> {}
export type PaperProps = ViewProps & Themeable & { elevation?: number };
export class Paper extends Component<PaperProps> {}
export interface RadioButtonProps extends TouchableRippleProps {
* Value of the radio button
value: string;
* Whether radio is checked.
checked?: boolean;
* Whether radio is disabled.
disabled?: boolean;
* Custom color for unchecked radio.
uncheckedColor?: string;
* Custom color for radio.
color?: string;
export interface RadioButtonGroupProps {
* Function to execute on selection change.
onValueChange: (value: string) => void;
* Value of the currently selected radio button.
value?: string;
export class RadioButton extends Component<RadioButtonProps> {}
export class RadioButtonGroup extends Component<RadioButtonGroupProps> {}
export interface CheckboxProps extends TouchableRippleProps {
* Whether checkbox is checked.
checked: boolean;
* Whether checkbox is disabled.
disabled?: boolean;
* Function to execute on press.
onPress?: () => void;
* Custom color for unchecked checkbox.
uncheckedColor?: string;
* Custom color for checkbox.
color?: string;
export class Checkbox extends Component<CheckboxProps> {}
// Bottom navigation
export interface Route {
key: string;
title: string;
icon: IconSource;
color: string;
export interface NavigationState<T> {
index: number;
routes: T[];
export interface BottomNavigationProps<T = Route> extends Themeable {
* Whether the shifting style is used, the active tab appears wider and the inactive tabs won't have a label.
* By default, this is `true` when you have more than 3 tabs.
shifting?: boolean;
* State for the bottom navigation. The state should contain the following properties:
* - `index`: a number reprsenting the index of the active route in the `routes` array
* - `routes`: an array containing a list of route objects used for rendering the tabs
* Each route object should contain the following properties:
* - `key`: a unique key to identify the route (required)
* - `title`: title of the route to use as the tab label
* - `icon`: icon to use as the tab icon, can be a string, an image source or a react component
* - `color`: color to use as background color for shifting bottom navigation
* Example:
* ```js
* {
* index: 1,
* routes: [
* { key: 'music', title: 'Music', icon: 'queue-music', color: '#3F51B5' },
* { key: 'albums', title: 'Albums', icon: 'album', color: '#009688' },
* { key: 'recents', title: 'Recents', icon: 'history', color: '#795548' },
* { key: 'purchased', title: 'Purchased', icon: 'shopping-cart', color: '#607D8B' },
* ]
* }
* ```
* `BottomNavigation` is a controlled component, which means the `index` needs to be updated via the `onIndexChange` callback.
navigationState: NavigationState<T>;
* Callback which is called on tab change, receives the index of the new tab as argument.
* The navigation state needs to be updated when it's called, otherwise the change is dropped.
onIndexChange: (index: number) => void;
* Callback which returns a react element to render as the page for the tab. Receives an object containing the route as the argument:
* ```js
* renderScene = ({ route, jumpTo }) => {
* switch (route.key) {
* case 'music':
* return <MusicRoute jumpTo={jumpTo} />;
* case 'albums':
* return <AlbumsRoute jumpTo={jumpTo} />;
* }
* }
* ```
* Pages are lazily rendered, which means that a page will be rendered the first time you navigate to it.
* After initial render, all the pages stay rendered to preserve their state.
* You need to make sure that your individual routes implement a `shouldComponentUpdate` to improve the performance.
* To make it easier to specify the components, you can use the `SceneMap` helper:
* ```js
* renderScene = BottomNavigation.SceneMap({
* music: MusicRoute,
* albums: AlbumsRoute,
* });
* ```
* Specifying the components this way is easier and takes care of implementing a `shouldComponentUpdate` method.
* Each component will receive the current route and a `jumpTo` method as it's props.
* The `jumpTo` method can be used to navigate to other tabs programmatically:
* ```js
* this.props.jumpTo('albums')
* ```
renderScene: (props: { route: T, jumpTo: (key: string) => void }) => ReactNode | undefined;
* Callback which returns a React Element to be used as tab icon.
renderIcon?: (props: { route: T, focused: boolean, tintColor: string }) => ReactNode;
* Callback which React Element to be used as tab label.
renderLabel?: (props: { route: T, focused: boolean, tintColor: string }) => ReactNode;
* Get label text for the tab, uses `route.title` by default. Use `renderLabel` to replace label component.
getLabelText?: (props: { route: T }) => string;
* Get color for the tab, uses `route.color` by default.
getColor?: (props: { route: T }) => string;
* Function to execute on tab press. It receives the route for the pressed tab, useful for things like scroll to top.
onTabPress?: (props: { route: T }) => void;
* Style for the bottom navigation bar.
* You can set a bottom padding here if you have a translucent navigation bar on Android:
* ```js
* barStyle={{ paddingBottom: 48 }}
* ```
barStyle?: StyleProp<ViewStyle>;
style?: StyleProp<ViewStyle>;
export class BottomNavigation extends Component<BottomNavigationProps> {}
export interface ToolbarProps extends ViewProps, Themeable {
* Theme color for the toolbar, a dark toolbar will render light text and vice-versa
* Child elements can override this prop independently.
dark?: boolean;
* Extra padding to add at the top of toolbar to account for translucent status bar.
* This is automatically handled on iOS including iPhone X.
* If you are using Android and use Expo, we assume translucent status bar and set a height for status bar automatically.
* Pass `0` or a custom value to disable the default behaviour.
statusBarHeight?: number;
export class Toolbar extends Component<ToolbarProps> {}
export interface ToolbarActionProps extends TouchableRippleProps {
* Theme color for the action icon, a dark action icon will render a light icon and vice-versa.
dark?: boolean;
* Name of the icon to show.
icon: IconSource;
* Optional icon size, defaults to 24.
size?: number;
export class ToolbarAction extends Component<ToolbarActionProps> {}
export interface ToolbarBackActionProps {
* Theme color for the back icon, a dark action icon will render a light icon and vice-versa.
dark?: boolean;
* Function to execute on press.
onPress?: () => void;
style?: StyleProp<ViewStyle>;
export class ToolbarBackAction extends Component<ToolbarBackActionProps> {}
export interface ToolbarContentProps extends Themeable {
* Theme color for the text, a dark toolbar will render light text and vice-versa.
dark?: boolean;
* Text for the title.
title: string | ReactNode;
* Style for the title.
titleStyle?: StyleProp<TextStyle>;
* Text for the subtitle.
subtitle?: string | ReactNode;
* Style for the subtitle.
subtitleStyle?: StyleProp<TextStyle>;
style?: StyleProp<ViewStyle>;
export class ToolbarContent extends Component<ToolbarContentProps> {}
interface ListItemProps extends Themeable {
* Title text for the list item.
title: ReactNode;
* Description text for the list item.
description?: ReactNode;
* Icon to display for the `ListItem`.
icon?: IconSource;
* Component to display as avatar image.
avatar?: ReactNode;
* Function to execute on press.
onPress?: () => void;
style?: StyleProp<ViewStyle>;
export class ListItem extends Component<ListItemProps> {}
export interface ProgressBarProps extends Themeable {
* Progress value (between 0 and 1).
progress: number;
* Color of the progress bar.
color?: string;
style?: any;
export class ProgressBar extends Component<ProgressBarProps> {}
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gto999 commented Oct 18, 2018

GOOD!you are good man!

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