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Last active August 29, 2015 13:59
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TikZによる連成振動アニメーション (2) ~ 動くPDF篇
%%%% \A*cos(\OMEGA*\t)+\B*sin(1.73*\OMEGA*\t) のパラメータ
%%% 壁などの描画のパラメータ
%%% 壁などのスタイル
\tikzset{wall/.style={pattern = north east lines}}
\tikzset{ball/.style={circle,shade,outer color=black!90!white,inner color=white,inner sep=2.5mm,label={$m$}}}
\tikzset{spring/.style={decorate,decoration={aspect=0.4, segment length=#1, amplitude=2mm,coil}}}
\begin{animateinline}[autoplay,loop]{10}% fps
%%% 左壁
\coordinate (south east of left wall) at (0,-.5*\wallHeight);
\coordinate (north west of left wall) at ($(south east of left wall) + (-\wallWidth,\wallHeight)$);
\fill[wall] (south east of left wall) rectangle (north west of left wall);
\draw[thick] (south east of left wall) -- (south east of left wall |- north west of left wall);
%%% 右壁
\coordinate (south west of right wall) at (\totalLength,-.5*\wallHeight);
\coordinate (north east of right wall) at ($(south west of right wall) + (\wallWidth,\wallHeight)$);
\fill[wall] (south west of right wall) rectangle (north east of right wall);
\draw[thick] (south west of right wall) -- (south west of right wall |- north east of right wall);
%%% おもり
\node[ball] (a) at (\totalLength/3 + \u,0) {};
\node[ball] (b) at (2*\totalLength/3 + \v,0) {};
%%% 座標軸
\draw[->] (0.5,\axisDepth) -- +(\totalLength-1,0);
\draw[dotted,thick] (\totalLength/3,\axisDepth-0.3) -- +(0,1.6)
(2*\totalLength/3,\axisDepth-0.3) -- +(0,1.6)
(a.south |- south east of left wall) -- (a.south)
(b.south |- south east of left wall) -- (b.south);
\draw[->] (\totalLength/3,\axisDepth-0.15) --node[below] {$x_1$} +(\u,0);
\draw[->] (2*\totalLength/3,\axisDepth-0.15) --node[below] {$x_2$} +(\v,0);
%%% 座標計算
\coordinate (0) at (0,0);
\coordinate (0-right) at (\springStraightLength,0);
\coordinate (a-left) at ($(a.west) + (0.1-\springStraightLength,0)$);
\coordinate (a-right) at ($(a.east) + (\springStraightLength,0)$);
\coordinate (b-left) at ($(b.west) + (0.1-\springStraightLength,0)$);
\coordinate (b-right) at ($(b.east) + (\springStraightLength,0)$);
\coordinate (c-left) at (\totalLength + 0.1-\springStraightLength,0);
\coordinate (c) at (\totalLength,0);
%%% バネの直線部
\draw (0) -- (0-right)
(a-left) -- (a.west)
(a.east) -- (a-right)
(b-left) -- (b.west)
(b.east) -- (b-right)
(c-left) -- (c);
%%% バネのグルグル部
\draw[spring={\totalLength/3 + \u}] (0-right) -- node[springk]{} (a-left);
\draw[spring={\totalLength/3 + \v - \u}] (a-right) -- node[springk]{} (b-left);
\draw[spring={\totalLength/3 - \v}] (b-right) -- node[springk]{} (c-left);
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