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Last active September 2, 2016 10:37
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Proofs for inducing monoids from categories
module CatToMon where
open import Data.Product
open import Data.Sum
open import Data.Unit
open import Data.Empty
open import Level
open import Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality
open import Relation.Nullary.Decidable
open import Relation.Binary
open import Relation.Binary.Core
open import Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality.Core
open import Relation.Nullary using (¬_; Dec; yes; no)
record Monoid : Set₁ where
field Carrier : Set
unit : Carrier
_⊕_ : Carrier -> Carrier -> Carrier
assoc : {x y z : Carrier} -> (x ⊕ (y ⊕ z)) ≡ ((x ⊕ y) ⊕ z)
unit-left : {x : Carrier} -> (unit ⊕ x) ≡ x
unit-right : {x : Carrier} -> (x ⊕ unit) ≡ x
open Monoid
record Category {l : Level} : Set (Level.suc l) where
field obj : Set l
arr : (src : obj) -> (trg : obj) -> Set l
-- Decideable equality on objects
eq : Decidable {A = obj} _≡_
-- composition in the left-to-right form
_$_ : {a b c : obj} (f : arr a b) -> (g : arr b c) -> arr a c
id : (a : obj) -> arr a a
-- Properties of composition/identity
comp-assoc : {a b c d : obj} (f : arr a b) (g : arr b c) (h : arr c d) -> (f $ (g $ h)) ≡ ((f $ g) $ h)
id-right : {a b : obj} {f : arr a b} -> (f $ (id b)) ≡ f
id-left : {a b : obj} {f : arr a b} -> ((id a) $ f) ≡ f
open Category
data Completion (C : Category) : Set where
Bottom : Completion C
Top : Completion C
Morph : (x : obj C) -> (y : obj C) -> (arr C x y) -> Completion C
plus : {C : Category} -> Completion C -> Completion C -> Completion C
plus Bottom x = Bottom
plus x Bottom = Bottom
plus Top x = x
plus x Top = x
plus {c} (Morph u v f) (Morph w x g) with (eq c v w)
plus {c} (Morph u v f) (Morph .v x g) | yes refl = Morph u x (_$_ c f g)
plus {c} (Morph u v _) (Morph w x _) | no ¬refl = Bottom
decEqReflex : {A : Set} {_≟_ : Decidable {A = A} _≡_} -> {x : A} -> (x ≟ x) ≡ yes refl
decEqReflex {s} {_≟_} {x = x} with x ≟ x
decEqReflex | yes refl = refl
decEqReflex | no q = ⊥-elim (q refl)
nonMorphd : {c : Category} {u v w x : obj c} {f : arr c u v} {g : arr c w x}
-> (¬ (v ≡ w))
-> plus {c} (Morph u v f) (Morph w x g) ≡ Bottom
nonMorphd {c} {u} {v} {w} {x} notEq with eq c v w
nonMorphd notEq | yes p = ⊥-elim (notEq p)
nonMorphd notEq | no ¬notEq = refl
unitR : {c : Category} {x : Completion c} -> plus {c} x Top ≡ x
unitR {x = Bottom} = refl
unitR {x = Top} = refl
unitR {x = Morph _ _ _} = refl
unitL : {c : Category} {x : Completion c} -> plus {c} Top x ≡ x
unitL {x = Bottom} = refl
unitL {x = Top} = refl
unitL {x = Morph _ _ _} = refl
absorbR : {c : Category} {x : Completion c} -> plus {c} x Bottom ≡ Bottom
absorbR {x = Bottom} = refl
absorbR {x = Top} = refl
absorbR {x = Morph _ _ _} = refl
absorbL : {c : Category} {x : Completion c} -> plus {c} Bottom x ≡ Bottom
absorbL {x = Bottom} = refl
absorbL {x = Top} = refl
absorbL {x = Morph _ _ _} = refl
associativity : {c : Category} {x y z : Completion c}
-> plus {c} x (plus {c} y z) ≡ plus {c} (plus {c} x y) z
associativity {c} {x = Top} {y} {z}
rewrite (unitL {c} {x = plus {c} y z})
| (unitL {c} {x = y})
= refl
associativity {c} {x} {Top} {z}
rewrite unitL {c} {x = z}
| unitR {c} {x = x}
= refl
associativity {c} {x} {y} {Top}
rewrite unitR {c} {x = y}
| unitR {c} {x = plus {c} x y}
= refl
associativity {x = Bottom} {y} {z} = refl
associativity {c} {x = x} {Bottom} {z}
rewrite absorbL {c} {x = z}
| absorbR {c} {x = x}
= refl
associativity {c} {x = x} {y} {Bottom}
rewrite absorbR {c} {x = y}
| absorbR {c} {x = x}
| absorbR {c} {x = plus {c} x y}
= refl
associativity {c} {x = Morph u v f} {Morph w x g} {Morph y z h}
with eq c v w | eq c x y
associativity {c} {Morph u v f} {Morph .v x g} {Morph .x z h} | yes refl | yes refl
rewrite decEqReflex {obj c} {eq c} {v}
| decEqReflex {obj c} {eq c} {x}
| comp-assoc c {u} {v} {x} {z} f g h
= refl
associativity {c} {Morph u v f} {Morph .v x g} {Morph y z h} | yes refl | no q
rewrite nonMorphd {c} {u} {x} {y} {z} {_$_ c f g} {h} q
= refl
associativity {c} {Morph u v f} {Morph w x g} {Morph .x z h} | no q | yes refl
rewrite nonMorphd {c} {u} {v} {w} {z} {f} {_$_ c g h} q
= refl
associativity {c} {Morph u v f} {Morph w x g} {Morph y z h} | no q1 | no q2 = refl
cToM : Category -> Monoid
cToM p = record
{ Carrier = Completion p
; unit = Top
; _⊕_ = plus
; assoc = λ {x} {y} {z} → associativity {p} {x} {y} {z}
; unit-left = unitL
; unit-right = unitR
record MonoFunctor {l : Level} (c d : Category {l}) : Set (suc l) where
field F : obj c -> obj d
Ff : {a b : obj c} -> (arr c a b) -> arr d (F a) (F b)
Feq : {a b : obj c} -> a ≡ b -> (F a) ≡ (F b)
Feqi : {a b : obj c} -> (F a) ≡ (F b) -> a ≡ b
compAssoc : {x y z : obj c} -> (f : arr c x y) -> (g : arr c y z) ->
Ff (_$_ c f g) ≡ _$_ d (Ff f) (Ff g)
compUnit : {a : obj c} ->
Ff (id c a) ≡ id d (F a)
open MonoFunctor
record MonoidMorphism (m n : Monoid) : Set₁ where
field G : Carrier m -> Carrier n
Gp : {a b : Carrier m} -> G (_⊕_ m a b) ≡ _⊕_ n (G a) (G b)
Gu : G (unit m) ≡ unit n
open MonoidMorphism
objMap : {c d : Category} -> (MonoFunctor c d) -> (Carrier (cToM c) -> Carrier (cToM d))
objMap func Bottom = Bottom
objMap func Top = Top
objMap func (Morph x y f) = Morph (F func x) (F func y) (Ff func f)
monoidHomoAssoc : {c d : Category} -> (func : MonoFunctor c d)
{a b : Carrier (cToM c)}
-> (objMap func) (_⊕_ (cToM c) a b) ≡ _⊕_ (cToM d) (objMap func a) (objMap func b)
monoidHomoAssoc func {Bottom} {Bottom} = refl
monoidHomoAssoc func {Bottom} {Top} = refl
monoidHomoAssoc func {Bottom} {Morph x y x₁} = refl
monoidHomoAssoc func {Top} {Bottom} = refl
monoidHomoAssoc func {Top} {Top} = refl
monoidHomoAssoc func {Top} {Morph x y x₁} = refl
monoidHomoAssoc func {Morph x y x₁} {Bottom} = refl
monoidHomoAssoc func {Morph x y x₁} {Top} = refl
monoidHomoAssoc {c} {d} func {Morph x y f} {Morph w z g}
with eq c y w
monoidHomoAssoc {c} {d} func {Morph x y f} {Morph .y z g} | yes refl
rewrite compAssoc func {x} {y} {z} f g | decEqReflex {obj d} {eq d} {F func y} = refl
-- This case requires that inequality is preserved, but this condition does not
-- come from the pre-order morphism
monoidHomoAssoc {c} {d} func {Morph x y f} {Morph w z g} | no np
rewrite nonMorphd {d} {F func x} {F func y} {F func w} {F func z}
{Ff func f} {Ff func g} (λ p → np (Feqi func p)) = refl
monoFToMmorph : {c d : Category} -> MonoFunctor c d -> MonoidMorphism (cToM c) (cToM d)
monoFToMmorph {p} {q} preM =
record {
G = objMap preM
; Gp = λ {a} {b} -> monoidHomoAssoc {p} {q} preM {a} {b}
; Gu = refl
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