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Last active August 17, 2017 14:13
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Definition of a category as an Agda record: level polymorphic in the objects and arrows
module Category where
open import Level
open import Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality
open Level
record Category {lobj : Level} {larr : Level} : Set (suc (lobj ⊔ larr)) where
field obj : Set lobj
arr : (src : obj) -> (trg : obj) -> Set larr
-- composition in the left-to-right form
_$_ : {a b c : obj} (f : arr a b) -> (g : arr b c) -> arr a c
id : (a : obj) -> arr a a
-- Properties of associativity/identity
comp-assoc : {a b c d : obj} (f : arr a b) (g : arr b c) (h : arr c d) -> (f $ (g $ h)) ≡ ((f $ g) $ h)
id-right : {a b : obj} {f : arr a b} -> (f $ (id b)) ≡ f
id-left : {a b : obj} {f : arr a b} -> ((id a) $ f) ≡ f
-- Lift Agda "Set" into a category.
setCat : Category {suc zero} {zero}
setCat = record
{ obj = Set
; arr = λ src trg → src -> trg
; _$_ = λ f g x → g (f x)
; id = λ a x → x
; comp-assoc = λ f g h → refl
; id-right = refl
; id-left = refl
open Category
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dorchard commented Aug 17, 2017

Yes this looks nice- making it parametric on the equality theory is certainly useful.

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