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Created April 29, 2015 13:37
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Prototype of type-enforced linear behaviour for Cloud Haskell
Proof of concept for adding linearity constraints on the communication-patterns
of Cloud Haskell.
Uses the 'effect-monad' package for embedding effect systems in Haskell types:
cabal install effect-monad
{-# LANGUAGE RebindableSyntax, TypeOperators, DataKinds, KindSignatures, PolyKinds, TypeFamilies, ConstraintKinds, NoMonomorphismRestriction, MultiParamTypeClasses, FlexibleInstances, FlexibleContexts, DeriveDataTypeable, StandaloneDeriving #-}
module Main where
import Control.Concurrent ( threadDelay )
import Data.Binary
import Data.Proxy
import Data.Typeable
import Control.Distributed.Process hiding (send,recv,liftIO,newChan,spawnLocal)
import qualified Control.Distributed.Process as CP
import qualified Prelude as P
import Prelude hiding (Monad(..))
import Control.Distributed.Process.Node
import Network.Transport.TCP
import Control.Effect.Monad
import Control.Effect
import GHC.TypeLits
import GHC.Prim
import Control.Effect.Helpers.List hiding (LookUpA,lookupA)
data Ping = Ping deriving Typeable
-- server: receives a channel 'd' on 'c', and then sends a Ping on 'd'.
server :: Typeable d => RecvChan c (SendChan d Ping) -> Session '[R c, S d] ()
server c = do d <- recv c
send d Ping
-- [non-linear usage]
-- UNCOMMENT THIS: makes a type error.
-- send d Ping
-- client: creates a new channel 'd', and sends one endpoint to th server,
-- then receives a ping on the other endpoint.
client :: SendChan c (SendChan D Ping) -> Session '[S c, R D] ()
client c = do (sendD, recvD) <- newChan (Chan :: (Chan D))
send c sendD
Ping <- recv recvD
liftIO $ putStrLn "Got a ping"
-- Compose server and client
go = do (sPing, rPing) <- newChan (Chan :: (Chan C))
par (server rPing) (client sPing)
liftIO $ threadDelay 10000
-- TCP setup
main :: IO ()
main = (P.>>=) (createTransport "" "8090" defaultTCPParameters)
(\transport ->
case transport of
Right transport -> (P.>>=) (newLocalNode transport initRemoteTable) (\node -> runProcess node (getProcess go))
Left x -> error $ show x)
{- 'Session' effect monad -}
data Session (s :: [*]) a = Session {getProcess :: Process a}
instance Effect Session where
type Plus Session s t = s :++ t
type Unit Session = '[]
type Inv Session s t = Split s t
return a = Session (P.return a)
(Session x) >>= k = Session ((P.>>=) x (getProcess . k))
liftIO :: IO a -> Session '[] a
liftIO = Session . CP.liftIO
{- Type-level send and receive information and duality -}
data R c = R
data S c = S
type family Dual (s :: [*]) :: [*] where
Dual '[] = '[]
Dual ((R c) ': xs) = (S c) ': (Dual xs)
Dual ((S c) ': xs) = (R c) ': (Dual xs)
{- Channels -}
-- Can use Symbols (with 7.10 where Symbols are instances of Typeable)
data ChanName = X | Y | Z | C | D deriving Typeable
deriving instance Typeable X
deriving instance Typeable Y
deriving instance Typeable Z
deriving instance Typeable C
deriving instance Typeable D
data Chan (n :: ChanName) = Chan
data SendChan (c :: ChanName) t = SChan (SendPort t) deriving Typeable
data RecvChan (c :: ChanName) t = RChan (ReceivePort t) deriving Typeable
{- Communication/concurrency primitives -}
send :: (Binary a, Typeable a) => SendChan c a -> a -> Session '[S c] ()
send (SChan c) t = Session (sendChan c t)
recv :: (Binary a, Typeable a) => RecvChan c a -> Session '[R c] a
recv (RChan c) = Session (receiveChan c)
newChan :: (Binary a, Typeable a) => Chan c -> Session '[] (SendChan c a, RecvChan c a)
newChan Chan = Session ((P.>>=) CP.newChan (\(s, r) -> P.return (SChan s, RChan r)))
par :: (Split s t, Dual s ~ t) => Session s () -> Session t () -> Session (s :++ t) ProcessId
par x y = do spawnLocal x
spawnLocal y
spawnLocal :: Session s () -> Session s ProcessId
spawnLocal (Session p) = Session $ CP.spawnLocal p
{- Serialisability of data types -}
instance Binary Ping where
put Ping = putWord8 0
get = (P.>>) getWord8 (P.return Ping)
instance (Typeable t, Binary t) => Binary (SendChan c t) where
put (SChan s) = put s
get = (P.>>=) get (\x -> P.return (SChan x))
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