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Created April 12, 2021 21:36
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import { Controller } from "stimulus"
import strftime from "strftime"
import { capitalize } from "src/helpers"
en: strftime.localizeByIdentifier("en_US"),
fr: strftime.localizeByIdentifier("fr_FR"),
es: strftime.localizeByIdentifier("es_MX"),
it: strftime.localizeByIdentifier("it_IT"),
de: strftime.localizeByIdentifier("de_DE"),
pt: strftime.localizeByIdentifier("pt_BR"),
const FORMATS = {
long: {
en: "%A %-d %B %Y at %l:%M%P",
fr: "%A %-d %B %Y à %Hh%M",
es: "%A %-d de %B de %Y %H:%M",
it: "%A %-d %B %Y %H:%M",
de: "%A, %-d. %B %Y, %H:%M Uhr",
pt: "%A, %-d de %B de %Y, %H:%Mh",
short: {
en: "%a %e %b %l:%M%P",
fr: "%a %e %b %kh%M",
es: "%a %e %b %k:%M",
it: "%a %e %b %H:%M",
de: "%a, %e. %b, %H:%M Uhr",
pt: "%a, %e de %b %H:%M hs",
export default class extends Controller {
connect() {
const locale ="locale")
const format ="format")
const datetime = new Date("datetime"))
const localizedStrftime = LOCALIZED_STRFTIME[locale]
if (!localizedStrftime) return
this.element.innerText = capitalize(
localizedStrftime(FORMATS[format][locale], datetime)
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