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Created September 4, 2020 20:00
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example POC proxy configuration.
-- local zone could/should be fetched from environment or local file.
-- doing so allows all configuration files to be identical, simplifying consistency checks.
local my_zone = 'z1'
function mcp_config_selectors(oldss)
-- alias mcp.server for convenience.
-- important to alias global variables in routes where speed is concerned.
local srv = mcp.server
-- local zones = { 'z1', 'z2', 'z3' }
-- IPs are "127" . "zone" . "pool" . "srv"
local pfx = 'fooz1'
local fooz1 = {
srv(pfx .. 'srv1', '', 11212, 1),
srv(pfx .. 'srv2', '', 11212, 1),
srv(pfx .. 'srv3', '', 11212, 1),
pfx = 'fooz2'
local fooz2 = {
srv(pfx .. 'srv1', '', 11212, 1),
srv(pfx .. 'srv2', '', 11212, 1),
srv(pfx .. 'srv3', '', 11212, 1),
pfx = 'fooz3'
local fooz3 = {
srv(pfx .. 'srv1', '', 11212, 1),
srv(pfx .. 'srv2', '', 11212, 1),
srv(pfx .. 'srv3', '', 11212, 1),
pfx = 'barz1'
local barz1 = {
srv(pfx .. 'srv1', '', 11212, 1),
srv(pfx .. 'srv2', '', 11212, 1),
srv(pfx .. 'srv3', '', 11212, 1),
pfx = 'barz2'
local barz2 = {
srv(pfx .. 'srv1', '', 11212, 1),
srv(pfx .. 'srv2', '', 11212, 1),
srv(pfx .. 'srv3', '', 11212, 1),
pfx = 'barz3'
local barz3 = {
srv(pfx .. 'srv1', '', 11212, 1),
srv(pfx .. 'srv2', '', 11212, 1),
srv(pfx .. 'srv3', '', 11212, 1),
-- fallback cache for any zone
pfx = 'fallz1'
local fallz1 = {
srv(pfx .. 'srv1', '', 11212, 1),
pfx = 'fallz2'
local fallz2 = {
srv(pfx .. 'srv1', '', 11212, 1),
pfx = 'fallz3'
local fallz3 = {
srv(pfx .. 'srv1', '', 11212, 1),
local main_zones = {
foo = { z1 = fooz1, z2 = fooz2, z3 = fooz3 },
bar = { z1 = barz1, z2 = barz2, z3 = barz3 },
fall = { z1 = fallz1, z2 = fallz2, z3 = fallz3 },
-- FIXME: should we copy the table to keep the pool tables around?
-- does the hash selector hold a reference to the pool (but only available in main config?)
-- convert the pools into hash selectors.
-- TODO: is this a good place to add prefixing/hash editing?
for _, subs in pairs(main_zones) do
for k, v in pairs(subs) do
subs[k] = mcp.hash_selector(mcp.hash_murmur3, v)
return main_zones
-- need to redefine main_zones using fetched selectors?
-- TODO: Fallback zone here?
-- TODO: get rid of the local arg redefinitions.
function failover_factory(zones, local_zone)
local near_zone = zones[local_zone]
local far_zones = {}
-- NOTE: could shuffle/sort to re-order zone retry order
-- or use 'next(far_zones, idx)' via a stored upvalue here
for k, v in pairs(zones) do
if k ~= local_zone then
far_zones[k] = v
return function(r)
local res = near_zone(r)
if res:ok() == false then
for _, zone in pairs(far_zones) do
res = zone(r)
if res:ok() then
return res -- send result back to client
function prefix_factory(pattern, list, default)
local p = pattern
local l = list
local d = default
return function(r)
local route = l[string.match(r:key(), p)]
if route == nil then
return d(r)
return route(r)
-- TODO: Check tail call requirements?
function command_factory(map, default)
local m = map
local d = default
return function(r)
local f = map[r:command()]
if f == nil then
print("default command")
return d(r)
print("override command")
return f(r)
-- TODO: is the return value the average? anything special?
function walkall_factory(pool)
local p = {}
-- convert the pool into a list of servers.
-- TODO: __pairs can be used for selectors to recover their server objects.
-- TODO: a shuffle could be useful here.
for _, v in pairs(pool) do
table.insert(p, v)
local x = #p -- FIXME: did #n get accelerated?
return function(r)
local res
for i=1,x,1 do
res = p[i](r)
return res
local Request = {__name = "mcp.lua_request"}
local CommandMap = {
get = mcp.REQUEST_GET,
set = mcp.REQUEST_SET,
delete = mcp.REQUEST_DELETE,
-- TODO: optimize: alias string.gmatch, loop for table insert
-- TODO: note if key or string modified and rebuild string during __tostring.
function Request:new(r)
r = {req = r, tokens = {}}
-- tokenize the request
-- TODO: could optimize by using a more complete parser.
-- else requests with lots of tokens (meta commands) are unecessarily
-- slow.
for t in string.gmatch(r.req, "%S+") do
table.insert(r.tokens, t)
r.cmd = CommandMap[r.tokens[1]]
self.__index = self
setmetatable(r, self)
return r
function Request:key(k)
if k then
self.k = k
if self.k then
return self.k
return self.tokens[2]
function Request:command()
return self.cmd
function Request:__tostring()
return self.req
function mcp_config_routes(main_zones)
-- generate the prefix routes from zones.
local prefixes = {}
for pfx, z in pairs(main_zones) do
local failover = failover_factory(z, my_zone)
local all = walkall_factory(main_zones[pfx])
local map = {}
map[mcp.REQUEST_SET] = all
map[mcp.REQUEST_DELETE] = all
prefixes[pfx] = command_factory(map, failover)
-- TODO: could also wrap routetop with a final failover:
-- modify the exptime for sets.
local routetop = prefix_factory("^/(%a+)/", prefixes, function(r) return "NO ROUTE\r\n" end)
-- internally run parser at top of tree
-- also wrap the request string with a convenience object until the C bits
-- are attached to the internal parser.
mcp.attach(mcp.REQUEST_ANY, function (r) return routetop(Request:new(r)) end)
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