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Created February 12, 2020 03:50
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Compute Shader Issue (.cs)
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
public class CCA2DCustom : MonoBehaviour
//Rendering stuff
private RenderTexture inRT;
private RenderTexture outRT;
public ComputeShader ccaShader;
public Material outMat;
public int res = 128;
private int startKernelID;
private int stepKernelID;
private void ConfigureTexture()
inRT = new RenderTexture(res, res, 0);
inRT.enableRandomWrite = true;
inRT.filterMode = FilterMode.Point;
inRT.wrapMode = TextureWrapMode.Repeat;
inRT.format = RenderTextureFormat.ARGB32;
outRT = new RenderTexture(res, res, 0);
outRT.enableRandomWrite = true;
outRT.filterMode = FilterMode.Point;
outRT.wrapMode = TextureWrapMode.Repeat;
outRT.format = RenderTextureFormat.ARGB32;
private void Start()
startKernelID = ccaShader.FindKernel("StartKernel");
stepKernelID = ccaShader.FindKernel("StepKernel");
ccaShader.SetTexture(startKernelID, "_inTex", inRT);
ccaShader.SetTexture(stepKernelID, "_inTex", inRT);
ccaShader.SetTexture(stepKernelID, "_outTex", outRT);
outMat.SetTexture("_UnlitColorMap", outRT);
ccaShader.Dispatch(startKernelID, res/8, res/8, 1);
private void Update()
ccaShader.Dispatch(stepKernelID, res / 8, res / 8, 1);
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