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Last active May 3, 2020 23:17
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IPv4 storage and handling in Swift
import Foundation
typealias IPv4 = UInt32
extension IPv4 {
private static let octetCount = Self.bitWidth / UInt8.bitWidth
init?(octets: [UInt8]) {
guard octets.count == IPv4.octetCount else { return nil }
self = UInt32(bigEndianBytes: octets)
init?(string: String) {
let components = string.components(separatedBy: ".")
guard components.count == IPv4.octetCount else { return nil }
let octets = components.compactMap { UInt8($0) }
self.init(octets: octets)
extension IPv4 {
func baseAddress(with mask: IPv4) -> IPv4 {
self & mask
func broadcastAddress(with mask: IPv4) -> IPv4 {
self | ~mask
func firstUsableAddress(with mask: IPv4) -> IPv4 {
baseAddress(with: mask) + 1
func lastUsableAddress(with mask: IPv4) -> IPv4 {
broadcastAddress(with: mask) - 1
func usableAddressRange(with mask: IPv4) -> CountableClosedRange<IPv4> {
firstUsableAddress(with: mask)...lastUsableAddress(with: mask)
extension IPv4 {
var address: String { { String($0) }.joined(separator: ".")
extension FixedWidthInteger {
init<I>(bigEndianBytes iterator: inout I) where I: IteratorProtocol, I.Element == UInt8 {
self = stride(from: 0, to: Self.bitWidth, by: UInt8.bitWidth).reversed().reduce(into: 0) {
$0 |= Self(truncatingIfNeeded:!) &<< $1
init<C>(bigEndianBytes bytes: C) where C: Collection, C.Element == UInt8 {
precondition(bytes.count == (Self.bitWidth + 7)/UInt8.bitWidth)
var iter = bytes.makeIterator()
self.init(bigEndianBytes: &iter)
var bigEndianBytes: [UInt8] {
stride(from: 0, to: Self.bitWidth, by: UInt8.bitWidth).reversed().map {
UInt8(truncatingIfNeeded: self >> $0)
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