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Last active September 19, 2018 22:16
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Wolf sheep cabbage riddle solver in scala using backtracking
case class IslandState(destShore: ShoreSide, initialShore: ShoreSide) {
override def toString: String = s"dest:$destShore,init:$initialShore"
import IslandState._
val isGameOver: Boolean = isFinalStateReached(destShore)
def getTheOtherShore(ss: ShoreSide): ShoreSide = if (destShore == ss) initialShore else destShore
def moveBoat(isAtLeftShore: Boolean, boat: Boat): IslandState = {
def addBoatToShore(shoreSide: ShoreSide) = {
//move boat to other shore. boat is ready for new animals and is empty
shoreSide.copy(shoreSide.objects ++ boat.currentAnimalOnBoat + boat.copy(Seq()))
def removeBoatAndItsAnimalsFromShore(shoreSide: ShoreSide) = shoreSide.copy(
shoreSide.objects.filterNot(boat.currentAnimalOnBoat.contains).collect {
case ta: TransferableAnimal => ta
if (isAtLeftShore) {
destShore = removeBoatAndItsAnimalsFromShore(destShore),
initialShore = addBoatToShore(initialShore)
} else {
destShore = addBoatToShore(destShore),
initialShore = removeBoatAndItsAnimalsFromShore(initialShore)
case object IslandState {
val desiredEndState: ShoreSide = ShoreSide(Set(Man, Sheep, Wolf, Cabbage, Boat(Seq())))
val isFinalStateReached: ShoreSide => Boolean = _ == desiredEndState
def isStateValid(states: Seq[IslandState], newState: IslandState): Boolean = {
def isStateRepeating(states: Seq[IslandState], newState: IslandState): Boolean = (states :+ newState).toSet.size == states.size
def isShoreOkay(shoreSide: ShoreSide): Boolean = shoreSide.objects match {
case x if x.contains(Man) => true
case objectsOnShore: Set[_] =>
val isSomeoneGoingToBeEaten = objectsOnShore.toList.collect {
case animal: TransferableAnimal => animal
isShoreOkay(newState.destShore) && isShoreOkay(newState.initialShore) && !isStateRepeating(states, newState)
case class ShoreSide(objects: Set[TransferableObject]) {
import ShoreSide.getTransferableAnimals
lazy val transferableAnimals: Set[TransferableAnimal] = getTransferableAnimals(objects)
object ShoreSide {
def getTransferableAnimals(objects: Set[TransferableObject]): Set[TransferableAnimal] = objects.collect {
case x: TransferableAnimal => x
sealed trait TransferableObject
sealed trait TransferableAnimal extends TransferableObject {
def afraidOf: Option[TransferableAnimal]
def eats: Seq[TransferableAnimal]
case class Boat(currentAnimalOnBoat: Seq[TransferableAnimal]) extends TransferableObject
case object Man extends TransferableAnimal {
override def afraidOf: Option[TransferableAnimal] = None
override def eats: Seq[TransferableAnimal] = Seq(Wolf, Sheep, Cabbage)
case object Wolf extends TransferableAnimal {
override def afraidOf: Option[TransferableAnimal] = None
override def eats: Seq[TransferableAnimal] = Seq(Sheep)
case object Sheep extends TransferableAnimal {
override def afraidOf: Option[TransferableAnimal] = Some(Wolf)
override def eats: Seq[TransferableAnimal] = Seq(Cabbage)
case object Cabbage extends TransferableAnimal {
override def afraidOf: Option[TransferableAnimal] = Some(Sheep)
override def eats: Seq[TransferableAnimal] = Seq.empty
object WolfSheepCabbage extends App {
type Solution = Seq[IslandState]
//riddle can be solved in more than 1 correct way. hence the Seq[Solution] here.
def solveRiddle(initialState: IslandState): Seq[Solution] = {
def helper(acc: Seq[IslandState], currentState: IslandState, isBoatAtLeftShore: Boolean): Seq[Solution] = {
if (!isStateValid(acc, currentState)) {
} else {
if (currentState.isGameOver) {
Seq(acc :+ currentState)
} else {
val thisShore = if (isBoatAtLeftShore) currentState.destShore else currentState.initialShore
val possibleAnimals = thisShore.transferableAnimals.toSeq.filter(_ != Man).map(Seq(Man, _)) ++ Seq(Seq(Man))
val results = for (animalCombination <- possibleAnimals;
newState = currentState.moveBoat(isBoatAtLeftShore, Boat(animalCombination));
moves = helper(acc :+ currentState, newState, !isBoatAtLeftShore)
if moves.nonEmpty) yield moves
results flatten
//we start at rightShore
helper(Seq(), initialState, isBoatAtLeftShore = false)
val firstState = IslandState(ShoreSide(Set.empty), ShoreSide(Set(Wolf, Sheep, Cabbage, Man, Boat(Seq.empty))))
println(s"as expected: initial state validity is : ${isStateValid(Seq(), firstState)}")
private val possibleSolutions: Seq[Solution] = solveRiddle(firstState)
possibleSolutions match {
case Nil => println(s"could not solve riddle. oh no !")
case list => println( => lst.mkString(System.lineSeparator()))
.mkString(s"possible solutions: ${System.lineSeparator()}", s"${System.lineSeparator()} another solution is: ${System.lineSeparator()}", ""))
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