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Last active March 10, 2020 12:54
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'Bergmeister's papilla'
'Wormian bones'
'abnormal Harderian gland development'
'abnormal Leydig cell differentiation'
'abnormal Meibomian gland development'
'abnormal S-shaped body morphology'
'abnormal Sertoli cell phagocytosis'
'abnormal Tomes' process morphology'
'abnormal adult Leydig cell differentiation'
'abnormal ameloblast differentiation'
'abnormal ameloblast morphology'
'abnormal anterior fontanelle morphology'
'abnormal bile duct development'
'abnormal branching involved in alveolar duct morphogenesis'
'abnormal branching involved in alveolar sac morphogenesis'
'abnormal branching involved in bronchus morphogenesis'
'abnormal branching involved in lung morphogenesis'
'abnormal branching involved in preterminal bronchiole morphogenesis'
'abnormal branching involved in respiratory bronchiole morphogenesis'
'abnormal branching involved in terminal bronchiole morphogenesis'
'abnormal branching involved in trachea morphogenesis'
'abnormal branching involved in ureteric bud morphogenesis'
'abnormal branching of the mammary ductal tree'
'abnormal cecum development'
'abnormal cementoblast morphology'
'abnormal cementoblast number'
'abnormal cementocyte dendritic process morphology'
'abnormal cementocyte morphology'
'abnormal cementoid morphology'
'abnormal cementum development'
'abnormal cementum mineralization'
'abnormal cerebellar lobule formation'
'abnormal cervical loop morphology'
'abnormal chondrocyte differentiation'
'abnormal cochlear hair cell development'
'abnormal comma shaped body morphology'
'abnormal corneal stroma development'
'abnormal costochondral joint morphology'
'abnormal cranial cartilage development'
'abnormal cranial synchondrosis'
'abnormal dental epithelium morphology'
'abnormal dental follicle morphology'
'abnormal dental lamina morphology'
'abnormal dental mesenchyme morphology'
'abnormal dental papilla morphology'
'abnormal dentin development'
'abnormal dentin mineralization'
'abnormal dermatome morphology'
'abnormal digit development'
'abnormal ear development'
'abnormal enamel cord morphology'
'abnormal enamel development'
'abnormal enamel knot morphology'
'abnormal enamel mineralization'
'abnormal enamel organ morphology'
'abnormal endometrial gland development'
'abnormal epidermal stem cell morphology'
'abnormal epiphyseal plate morphology'
'abnormal extraocular muscle development'
'abnormal eye development'
'abnormal eye muscle development'
'abnormal eyelid development'
'abnormal eyelid fusion'
'abnormal female meiosis I arrest'
'abnormal female meiosis'
'abnormal fetal Leydig cell differentiation'
'abnormal first sternocostal joint morphology'
'abnormal fontanelle morphology'
'abnormal hair follicle development'
'abnormal hair follicle peg morphology'
'abnormal hair follicle placode formation'
'abnormal hair follicle placode morphology'
'abnormal hepatoblast differentiation'
'abnormal hepatoblast morphology'
'abnormal hyaloid artery morphology'
'abnormal hymen development'
'abnormal inner dental epithelium morphology'
'abnormal inner ear development'
'abnormal interdigital cell death'
'abnormal intervertebral disk development'
'abnormal intraocular muscle development'
'abnormal involution of the mammary gland'
'abnormal kidney development'
'abnormal kidney medulla development'
'abnormal kidney mesenchyme morphology'
'abnormal lacrimal gland branching morphogenesis'
'abnormal lacrimal gland bud elongation'
'abnormal lacrimal gland bud morphology'
'abnormal lacrimal gland development'
'abnormal lens development'
'abnormal lens induction'
'abnormal lens vesicle development'
'abnormal liver bud morphology'
'abnormal liver development'
'abnormal liver regeneration'
'abnormal long bone epiphyseal ossification zone morphology'
'abnormal long bone epiphyseal plate morphology'
'abnormal long bone epiphyseal plate proliferative zone'
'abnormal long bone epiphysis morphology'
'abnormal long bone hypertrophic chondrocyte zone'
'abnormal mammary gland bud elongation'
'abnormal mammary gland bud formation'
'abnormal mammary gland bud morphology'
'abnormal mammary gland cord formation'
'abnormal mammary gland development'
'abnormal mammary gland embryonic development'
'abnormal mammary gland growth during lactation'
'abnormal mammary gland growth during pregnancy'
'abnormal mammary gland pattern'
'abnormal mammary line morphology'
'abnormal mammary placode morphology'
'abnormal mastoid fontanelle morphology'
'abnormal mesonephric mesenchyme morphology'
'abnormal metanephric mesenchyme morphology'
'abnormal metanephric ureteric bud development'
'abnormal metanephros morphology'
'abnormal midbrain-hindbrain boundary development'
'abnormal nephrogenic mesenchyme morphogenesis'
'abnormal nephrogenic zone morphology'
'abnormal nephron morphogenesis'
'abnormal neuron specification'
'abnormal nipple development'
'abnormal nipple sheath formation'
'abnormal odontoblast differentiation'
'abnormal odontoblast morphology'
'abnormal odontoblast number'
'abnormal oocyte morphology'
'abnormal oocyte number'
'abnormal oogenesis'
'abnormal optic cup morphology'
'abnormal optic eminence morphology'
'abnormal optic fissure closure'
'abnormal optic fissure morphology'
'abnormal optic placode morphology'
'abnormal optic stalk morphology'
'abnormal optic vesicle formation'
'abnormal osteoblast differentiation'
'abnormal osteoclast differentiation'
'abnormal otic capsule development'
'abnormal otic pit morphology'
'abnormal otic placode morphology'
'abnormal otic vesicle development'
'abnormal otic vesicle morphology'
'abnormal outer dental epithelium morphology'
'abnormal parathyroid gland development'
'abnormal periocular mesenchyme apoptosis'
'abnormal periocular mesenchyme morphology'
'abnormal pharyngeal arch mesenchyme morphology'
'abnormal posterior fontanelle morphology'
'abnormal predentin morphology'
'abnormal presphenoid synchondrosis'
'abnormal primary vitreous morphology'
'abnormal retinal development'
'abnormal retinal progenitor cell morphology'
'abnormal rib development'
'abnormal skin development'
'abnormal spermiation'
'abnormal spermiogenesis'
'abnormal sphenoid fontanelle morphology'
'abnormal sphenooccipital synchondrosis'
'abnormal stellate reticulum morphology'
'abnormal stratum intermedium morphology'
'abnormal subarachnoid space development'
'abnormal synchondrosis'
'abnormal thyroglossal duct morphology'
'abnormal thyroid diverticulum morphology'
'abnormal thyroid gland development'
'abnormal tooth development'
'abnormal tooth eruption'
'abnormal tooth mineralization'
'abnormal tooth placode morphology'
'abnormal tooth root development'
'abnormal trachea development'
'abnormal ultimobranchial body morphology'
'abnormal ureter development'
'abnormal ureter ureteric bud development'
'abnormal ureteric bud elongation'
'abnormal ureteric bud invasion'
'abnormal ureteric bud morphology'
'abnormal ureteric bud number'
'abnormal ureteric bud tip morphology'
'abnormal ureteric bud trunk morphology'
'abnormal urinary bladder development'
'abnormal vascular endothelial cell development'
'abnormal vascular endothelial cell differentiation'
'abnormal vascular endothelial cell migration'
'abnormal vasculogenesis'
'abnormal vertebrae development'
'abnormal vertebral arch development'
'abnormal vertebral body development'
'abnormal vertebral epiphyseal plate morphology'
'abnormal vestibular hair cell development'
'abnormal zona pellucida morphology'
'absent Tomes' process'
'absent dermatome'
'absent enamel cord'
'absent epidermal stem cells'
'absent hair follicle placode'
'absent hymen'
'absent interdigital cell death'
'absent lacrimal gland bud'
'absent lens vesicle'
'absent metanephric mesenchyme'
'absent metanephros'
'absent nephrogenic zone'
'absent oocytes'
'absent optic cup'
'absent optic placodes'
'absent optic vesicle'
'absent organized vascular network'
'absent otic pit'
'absent otic vesicle'
'absent ovary'
'absent testes'
'absent tooth placode'
'absent ultimobranchial body'
'absent ureteric bud'
'absent zona pellucida'
'ameloblast degeneration'
'arrest of spermiogenesis'
'arrest of tooth development'
'arrested osteoblast differentiation'
'bone marrow failure'
'choroid coloboma'
'ciliary body coloboma'
'decreased Sertoli cell phagocytosis'
'decreased cementoblast number'
'decreased epidermal stem cell number'
'decreased hepatoblast number'
'decreased hepatocyte proliferation'
'decreased liver regeneration'
'decreased long bone epiphyseal plate size'
'decreased oocyte number'
'decreased otic epithelial cell proliferation'
'decreased ovary weight'
'decreased pancreas regeneration'
'decreased periocular mesenchyme apoptosis'
'decreased testis weight'
'decreased width of hypertrophic chondrocyte zone'
'delayed chondrocyte differentiation'
'delayed ear emergence'
'delayed eyelid fusion'
'delayed hepatic development'
'delayed inner ear development'
'delayed kidney development'
'delayed optic fissure closure'
'delayed skin barrier formation'
'delayed tooth eruption'
'disorganized long bone epiphyseal plate'
'early ear unfolding'
'ectopia lentis'
'ectopic lacrimal gland bud'
'ectopic mammary gland'
'ectopic nipples'
'ectopic ureteric bud'
'enhanced osteoblast differentiation'
'eye bleb'
'failure of Mullerian duct regression'
'failure of eyelid fusion'
'failure of heart looping'
'failure of mammary gland growth during pregnancy'
'failure of myelopoiesis'
'failure of tooth eruption'
'fetal bleb'
'fused cornea and lens'
'growth retardation of incisors'
'growth retardation of molars'
'head mesenchyme necrosis'
'impaired branching involved in alveolar duct morphogenesis'
'impaired branching involved in alveolar sac morphogenesis'
'impaired branching involved in bronchus morphogenesis'
'impaired branching involved in preterminal bronchiole morphogenesis'
'impaired branching involved in respiratory bronchiole morphogenesis'
'impaired branching involved in terminal bronchiole morphogenesis'
'impaired branching involved in trachea morphogenesis'
'impaired branching involved in ureteric bud morphogenesis'
'impaired mammary gland growth during pregnancy'
'impaired myelopoiesis'
'impaired osteoblast differentiation'
'impaired ovarian folliculogenesis'
'imperforate hymen'
'increased Sertoli cell phagocytosis'
'increased cementoblast number'
'increased epidermal stem cell number'
'increased head mesenchyme apoptosis'
'increased hepatocyte proliferation'
'increased liver regeneration'
'increased long bone epiphyseal plate size'
'increased metanephric mesenchyme apoptosis'
'increased odontoblast number'
'increased otic epithelial cell apoptosis'
'increased pancreas regeneration'
'increased width of hypertrophic chondrocyte zone'
'iris coloboma'
'large anterior fontanelle'
'large fontanelles'
'large posterior fontanelle'
'oocyte degeneration'
'optic disk coloboma'
'optic nerve coloboma'
'optic placode degeneration'
'otic vesicle hypoplasia'
'ovary atrophy'
'ovary hypoplasia'
'persistence of hyaloid vascular system'
'persistent hair follicle morphogenesis'
'persistent hyaloid artery'
'persistent hyperplastic primary vitreous'
'persistent ultimobranchial bodies'
'premature chondrocyte differentiation'
'premature cranial synchondrosis closure'
'premature hair follicle generation'
'premature mammary gland growth during pregnancy'
'premature presphenoid synchondrosis closure'
'premature sphenooccipital synchondrosis closure'
'premature tooth eruption'
'primary vitreous hyperplasia'
'rachitic rosary'
'retina coloboma'
'short Tomes' process'
'small fontanelles'
'small gonad'
'small lacrimal gland bud'
'small metanephros'
'small otic vesicle'
'small ovary'
'small testis'
'small ureteric bud'
'spina bifida occulta'
'spontaneous remission from bone marrow failure'
'testicular atrophy'
'testis hypoplasia'
'thickened long bone epiphysis'
'thin long bone epiphysis'
'thin zona pellucida'
'tooth impaction'
'underdeveloped hair follicles'
'uveal coloboma'
'vacuolated lens'
'abnormal Harderian gland pigmentation'
'abnormal agouti pigmentation'
'abnormal choroid melanin granule morphology'
'abnormal choroid melanocyte morphology'
'abnormal choroid pigmentation'
'abnormal ciliary body pigmentation'
'abnormal coat/hair pigmentation'
'abnormal dermal melanocyte morphology'
'abnormal dermal pigmentation'
'abnormal digit pigmentation'
'abnormal dorsoventral coat patterning'
'abnormal ear pigmentation'
'abnormal epidermal melanocyte morphology'
'abnormal epidermal pigmentation'
'abnormal eumelanosome eumelanin content'
'abnormal eumelanosome morphology'
'abnormal eye pigmentation'
'abnormal flank coat pigmentation'
'abnormal foot pigmentation'
'abnormal forehead pigmentation'
'abnormal front foot hair pigmentation'
'abnormal hair follicle eumelanosome eumelanin content'
'abnormal hair follicle melanin granule distribution'
'abnormal hair follicle melanin granule morphology'
'abnormal hair follicle melanin granule shape'
'abnormal hair follicle melanocyte morphology'
'abnormal hair follicle melanogenesis'
'abnormal hair follicle pheomelanosome pheomelanin content'
'abnormal hair shaft melanin granule distribution'
'abnormal hair shaft melanin granule morphology'
'abnormal hair shaft melanin granule shape'
'abnormal hind foot hair pigmentation'
'abnormal iris pigment epithelium'
'abnormal iris pigmentation'
'abnormal iris stromal pigmentation'
'abnormal melanocyte differentiation'
'abnormal melanocyte morphology'
'abnormal melanocyte number'
'abnormal melanocyte proliferation'
'abnormal melanosome formation'
'abnormal melanosome maturation'
'abnormal melanosome morphology'
'abnormal melanosome size'
'abnormal pheomelanosome morphology'
'abnormal pheomelanosome pheomelanin content'
'abnormal pinna hair pigmentation'
'abnormal retinal melanin granule morphology'
'abnormal retinal melanocyte morphology'
'abnormal retinal pigment epithelium morphology'
'abnormal retinal pigmentation'
'abnormal rostrocaudal coat patterning'
'abnormal scrotum pigmentation'
'abnormal skin pigmentation'
'abnormal strial intermediate cell morphology'
'abnormal tail hair pigmentation'
'abnormal tail pigmentation'
'abnormal ventral coat pigmentation'
'absent coat pigmentation'
'absent eye pigmentation'
'absent hair follicle melanin granules'
'absent hair follicle pheomelanosome pheomelanin'
'absent skin pigmentation'
'absent strial intermediate cells'
'belly blaze'
'belly spot'
'black belted'
'darkened coat color'
'decreased digit pigmentation'
'decreased ear pigmentation'
'decreased eye pigmentation'
'decreased foot pigmentation'
'decreased forehead pigmentation'
'decreased melanocyte number'
'decreased skin pigmentation'
'decreased tail pigmentation'
'delayed skin pigmentation appearance'
'diluted coat color'
'ectopic hair follicle melanin granules'
'ectopic melanocytes'
'enlarged hair follicle melanin granules'
'enlarged melanosome'
'grizzled coat color'
'head blaze'
'head spot'
'heterochromatic iridis'
'increased digit pigmentation'
'increased ear pigmentation'
'increased foot pad pigmentation'
'increased foot pigmentation'
'increased forehead pigmentation'
'increased melanocyte number'
'increased nipple pigmentation'
'increased skin pigmentation'
'increased tail pigmentation'
'irregular coat pigmentation'
'mosaic coat color'
'mottled coat'
'non-pigmented tail tip'
'ocular albinism'
'pigment incontinence'
'reduced foot pad pigmentation'
'reduced hair shaft melanin granule number'
'retinal pigment epithelium atrophy'
'retinal pigment epithelium hyperplasia'
'small melanosome'
'transverse fur striping'
'variable body spotting'
'variable depigmentation'
'variegated coat color'
'variegated eye pigmentation pattern'
'white spotting'
'yellow coat color'
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