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/* How to calculate postgreSQL database size in disk ? */
SELECT pg_size_pretty(pg_database_size('thedbname'));
/* Calculate size of a table including or excluding the index */
SELECT pg_size_pretty(pg_total_relation_size('big_table'));
SELECT pg_size_pretty(pg_relation_size('big_table')); /* without index */
/* See indexes on a table with `\d tablename` */
cat << EOF
usage: $0 options
This script set ownership for all table, sequence and views for a given database
Credit: Based on by Alex Soto
dot-Sean /
Last active September 21, 2015 20:39 — forked from kevinelliott/
Mac OS X 10.10 Yosemite Setup

Mac OS X 10.10 Yosemite

Custom recipe to get OS X 10.10 Yosemite running from scratch, setup applications and developer environment. I use this gist to keep track of the important software and steps required to have a functioning system after a semi-annual fresh install. On average, I reinstall each computer from scratch every 6 months, and I do not perform upgrades between distros.

This keeps the system performing at top speeds, clean of trojans, spyware, and ensures that I maintain good organizational practices for my content and backups. I highly recommend this.

You are encouraged to fork this and modify it to your heart's content to match your own needs.

Install Software

dot-Sean /
Created October 4, 2015 22:51 — forked from dannguyen/
Using wget + grep to explore inconveniently organized federal data (FAA Section 333 Exemptions)

if !database: wget + grep

The Federal Aviation Administration is posting PDFs of the Section 333 exemptions that it grants, i.e. the exemptions for operators who want to fly drones commercially before the FAA finishes its rulemaking. A journalist wanted to look for exemptions granted to operators in a given U.S. state. But the FAA doesn't appear to have an easy-to-read data file to use and doesn't otherwise list exemptions by location of operator.

However, since their exemptions page is just one giant HTML table for listing the PDFs, we can just use wget to fetch all the PDFs, run pdftotext on each file, and then [grep](

A Beginner's Hip Hop Playlist

Edit: After some constructive feedback on hacker news, I think that it's worth mentioning that this playlist is very skewed towards recent material

I think that hip hop is one of the most, if not the most, misunderstood genres of music. In this playlist, rather than focusing on one artist or one type of hip hop, I tried to give examples of a bunch of different artists with songs ranging from the early 90's all the way up until 2017. The songs are in no particular order and the sounds cover a very broad spectrum. Some of them are pretty damn explicit, so I wouldn't necessarily throw this playlist on if there are kids around. I provided the lyrics to each song, the sub-genre that I'd put the artist in (very rough), and a brief description. This playlist is not by any means meant to be comprehensive and in many cases doesn't necessarily represent the artist's "best" song, but instead aims at exposing you to some of my favorite artists and hoping you might do some further exp

dot-Sean /
Created January 6, 2018 21:25 — forked from rsvp/
noise : relaxing ambient Brown noise generator (cf. white noise) | Linux bash script using sox | CogSci notes
#!/usr/bin/env bash
# bash 4.1.5(1) Linux Ubuntu 10.04 Date : 2011-10-04
# _______________| noise : ambient Brown noise generator (cf. white noise).
# Usage: noise [minutes=59] [band-pass freq center=1786] [wave]
# ^minutes can be any positive integer.
# Command "noise 1" will display peak-level meter.
# Dependencies: play (from sox package)
dot-Sean /
Created January 6, 2018 21:29 — forked from rsvp/ : shell script for radio and remixes.
#!/usr/bin/env bash
vlc "$( shuf -n1 - <<HearMusic