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Last active March 16, 2018 16:58
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Abstract UrhoSharp AR class
#if __ANDROID__
using Urho;
using System.Linq;
using Com.Google.AR.Core;
using Urho.Droid;
namespace UrhoAR
public abstract partial class ARApp : SimpleApplication
private ARCoreComponent ArCore;
private Frame currentFrame;
private void SetupAR()
ArCore = Scene.CreateComponent<ARCoreComponent>();
ArCore.ARFrameUpdated += OnARFrameUpdated;
ArCore.ConfigRequested += ArCore_ConfigRequested;
protected Vector3? HitTest(float screenX = 0.5f, float screenY = 0.5f)
var hit = currentFrame?.HitTest(screenX * Graphics.Width, screenY * Graphics.Height).FirstOrDefault();
if (hit != null)
var hitPos = hit.HitPose;
return new Vector3(hitPos.Tx(), hitPos.Ty(), -hitPos.Tz());
return null;
private void ArCore_ConfigRequested(Config config)
config.SetUpdateMode(Config.UpdateMode.LatestCameraImage); //non blocking
private void OnARFrameUpdated(Frame arFrame)
currentFrame = arFrame;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Text;
using Urho;
using System.Linq;
namespace UrhoAR
public abstract partial class ARApp
private bool scaling;
protected ARApp(ApplicationOptions options) : base(options) { }
protected override void Start()
Input.TouchBegin += OnTouchBegin;
Input.TouchEnd += OnTouchEnd;
private void OnTouchBegin(TouchBeginEventArgs e)
scaling = false;
protected override void OnUpdate(float timeStep)
if (Input.NumTouches == 2)
scaling = true;
private void OnTouchEnd(TouchEndEventArgs e)
if (scaling)
OnTapped(e.X / (float)Graphics.Width, e.Y / (float)Graphics.Height);
protected virtual void OnTapped(float x, float y)
public Vector3 UserLocation
var x = (LeftCamera.View.m20 + RightCamera.View.m20) * .5f;
var y = (LeftCamera.View.m21 + RightCamera.View.m21) * .5f;
var z = (LeftCamera.View.m22 + RightCamera.View.m22) * .5f;
return new Vector3(x, y, z);
return Camera.Node.WorldPosition;
#if __IOS__
using Urho;
using System.Linq;
using Urho.iOS;
using ARKit;
namespace UrhoAR
public abstract partial class ARApp : SimpleApplication
private ARKitComponent arkitComponent;
private void SetupAR()
arkitComponent = Scene.CreateComponent<ARKitComponent>();
arkitComponent.Orientation = UIKit.UIInterfaceOrientation.Portrait;
arkitComponent.ARConfiguration = new ARWorldTrackingConfiguration
PlaneDetection = ARPlaneDetection.Horizontal,
arkitComponent.RunEngineFramesInARKitCallbakcs = Options.DelayedStart;
protected Vector3? HitTest(float screenX = 0.5f, float screenY = 0.5f)
var result = arkitComponent.ARSession.CurrentFrame.HitTest(new CoreGraphics.CGPoint(screenX, screenY),
if (result != null)
var row = result.WorldTransform.Row3;
return new Vector3(row.X, row.Y, -row.Z);
return null;
#if !NETFX_CORE && !__IOS__ && !__ANDROID__
using Urho;
namespace UrhoAR
public abstract partial class ARApp : SimpleApplication
private void SetupAR()
protected Vector3? HitTest(float screenX = 0.5f, float screenY = 0.5f)
return null;
using Urho;
namespace UrhoAR
public abstract partial class ARApp : Urho.SharpReality.StereoApplication
private void SetupAR()
public override void OnGestureTapped()
OnTapped(.5f, .5f);
protected Vector3? HitTest(float screenX = 0.5f, float screenY = 0.5f)
throw new NotImplementedException("TODO");
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