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Created May 4, 2014 07:37
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Clone Command Block MCEdit filter
Clone Command Block MCEdit Filter
This filter helps you to clone big structures from one position to any other
position in the level (as long as it is loaded). To achieve this it splits up
the zone in smaller 15x15x15 chunks which may be copied even though the overall
structure has more than 4096 blocks.
* Select the source structure
* Select the clone filter and select the mode "source"
* Filter the region
* Select the target region (same size!)
* Select the clone filter and select the mode "target"
* Filter the region
* Select the clone filter and select the mode "generate"
* Click Filter
* Save the resulting schematic
* Load it and place it where ever you want
Please note that you will have to save a schematic and load it again to use the
filter accordingly. This is sadly a problem I couldn't work around (yet). But due
to this method you will be able to place the command blocks correctly wherever you
want without selecting a region which needs to be big enough for the filter to work.
One additional note: I'm using 15x15x15 zones here to work around a problem I discovered
within the /clone command. Even though the block limit (4096 blocks) would suggest that
the maximum size of a zone is 16x16x16 it will not work with this code (I might be missing
something small here). That said the code seems to run perfectly with a zone of 15x15x15.
If you ever experience any problems with this region size, you may change the ```COMMAND_CHUNK_SIZE```
constant to shrink or expand all sub-zones.
Please leave a comment below if you know a way to directly open a schematic in the
editor the same way to copy tool does or something similarly easy to use.
# Copyright (C) 2014 Evil-Co <>
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
# import leveleditor
import math
import mcplatform
import mcedit
from pymclevel import MCSchematic
from pymclevel import TAG_Byte, TAG_Compound, TAG_Int, TAG_String
# MCEdit information
# displayName = "Create Clone Command Blocks"
inputs = (
("Mode:", ("source", "target", "generate")),
# Constants
# Global Variables
except NameError:
sourceBox = None
except NameError:
targetBox = None
# Filter method
def perform(level, box, options):
# import globals
global sourceBox, targetBox
# store source location
if (options["Mode:"] == "source"):
sourceBox = box;
# store target location
elif (options["Mode:"] == "target"):
targetBox = box;
# process
# get sizes
sourceSizeX, sourceSizeY, sourceSizeZ = sourceBox.size
targetSizeX, targetSizeY, targetSizeZ = targetBox.size
# check for errors
if (sourceSizeX > targetSizeX or sourceSizeY > targetSizeY or sourceSizeZ > targetSizeZ):
raise Exception ("The target volume is smaller than the source volume (source: " + str (sourceSizeX) + ", " + str (sourceSizeY) + ", " + str (sourceSizeZ) + "; target: " + str (targetSizeX) + ", " + str (targetSizeY) + ", " + str (targetSizeZ) + ")")
# get sizes
sizeX = (sourceBox.maxx - sourceBox.minx)
sizeY = (sourceBox.maxy - sourceBox.miny)
sizeZ = (sourceBox.maxz - sourceBox.minz)
# get sub volumes
volumeX = int (math.ceil ((float (sizeX) / float (COMMAND_CHUNK_SIZE))))
volumeY = int (math.ceil ((float (sizeY) / float (COMMAND_CHUNK_SIZE))))
volumeZ = int (math.ceil ((float (sizeZ) / float (COMMAND_CHUNK_SIZE))))
# create schematic
schematic = MCSchematic ((volumeX, volumeY, volumeZ), mats = level.materials)
# generate a lot of command blocks
for x in xrange (0, volumeX):
for y in xrange (0, volumeY):
for z in xrange (0, volumeZ):
# calculate chunk position
sourceStartX = (sourceBox.minx + (COMMAND_CHUNK_SIZE * x))
sourceStartY = (sourceBox.miny + (COMMAND_CHUNK_SIZE * y))
sourceStartZ = (sourceBox.minz + (COMMAND_CHUNK_SIZE * z))
sourceEndX = (sourceStartX + COMMAND_CHUNK_SIZE)
sourceEndY = (sourceStartY + COMMAND_CHUNK_SIZE)
sourceEndZ = (sourceStartZ + COMMAND_CHUNK_SIZE)
targetStartX = (targetBox.minx + (COMMAND_CHUNK_SIZE * x))
targetStartY = (targetBox.miny + (COMMAND_CHUNK_SIZE * y))
targetStartZ = (targetBox.minz + (COMMAND_CHUNK_SIZE * z))
# cap sizes
if (sourceEndX > sourceBox.maxx):
sourceEndX = sourceBox.maxx
if (sourceEndY > sourceBox.maxy):
sourceEndY = sourceBox.maxy
if (sourceEndZ > sourceBox.maxz):
sourceEndZ = sourceBox.maxz
# create command
command = "/clone {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {}".format (sourceStartX, sourceStartY, sourceStartZ, sourceEndX, sourceEndY, sourceEndZ, targetStartX, targetStartY, targetStartZ)
# create block
schematic.setBlockAt (x, y, z, 137)
schematic.setBlockDataAt (x, y, z, 0)
# create TileEntity
tileEntity = TAG_Compound ()
tileEntity["id"] = TAG_String ("Control")
tileEntity["x"] = TAG_Int (x)
tileEntity["y"] = TAG_Int (y)
tileEntity["z"] = TAG_Int (z)
tileEntity["Command"] = TAG_String (command)
tileEntity["TackOutput"] = TAG_Byte (0)
schematic.TileEntities.append (tileEntity)
# Display schematic
# editor.addCopiedSchematic (schematic)
# Save as schematic
schematic_file = mcplatform.askSaveFile ((mcplatform.lastSchematicsDir or mcplatform.schematicsDir), "Save Schematic As...", "", "Schematic\0*.schematic\0\0", ".schematic")
# Catch errors
if schematic_file == None:
print "ERROR: No schematic filename provided!"
# Save
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