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Created March 2, 2021 15:16
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An Observable object that emits change events
const EventEmitter = require('events');
class Observable extends EventEmitter {
constructor(source) {
this.self = {};
for (let prop in source) {
if (prop === 'self')
this.self[prop] = source[prop];
Object.defineProperty(this, prop,.
{ set: function(value) {
this.emit('change', { 'property': prop, 'old': this.self[prop], 'new': value });
this.self[prop] = value;
}, get: function() {
return this.self[prop];
const bob = new Observable({ color: 'red', counter: 0, friends: [] });
bob.on('change', (ev) => {
console.log(`property ${} changed from ${ev.old} to ${}`);
const incr = setInterval( () => { bob.counter++; if (bob.counter > 10) { clearInterval(incr) } }, 150 );
setTimeout( () => { bob.color = 'blue' }, 100 );
setTimeout( () => { bob.color = 'green' }, 200 );
setTimeout( () => { bob.friends = [ ...bob.friends, 'Jerry' ] }, 100 );
setTimeout( () => { bob.friends = [ ...bob.friends, 'Donald' ] }, 100 );
setTimeout( () => { bob.friends = [ 'Todd', ...bob.friends ] }, 100 );
setTimeout( () => { bob.friends = [] }, 100 );
setTimeout( () => { bob.color = 'red' }, 100 );
setTimeout( () => { bob.color = 'blue' }, 100
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