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Last active September 24, 2022 20:02
Weather rich presence for Discord that uses's public api ( version is in revisions, or check forks)
from pypresence import Presence
import requests
import json
import time
client_id = 704435320808276108
city = 'Minneapolis, MN'
url = '{}?format=j1'.format(city)
RPC = Presence(client_id)
print('Rich presence connected!')
while True:
r = requests.get(url).json()['current_condition'][0]
w = r['weatherDesc'][0]['value'] # e.g. "Partly cloudly". also used for icons
display_state = '{}Β° F ({}Β° C)'.format(r['temp_F'], r['temp_C'])
icon = "🌴"
icons = {
"Cloudy": "☁",
"Overcast": "☁",
"Fog": "🌫",
"Haze": "🌫",
"Heavy rain": "🌧",
"Heavy showers": "🌧",
"Heavy snow": "❄",
"Heavy snow showers": "❄",
"Light rain": "🌦",
"Light showers": "🌦",
"Light sleet": "🌧",
"Light sleet showers": "🌧",
"Light snow": "🌨",
"Light snow showers": "🌨",
"Partly cloudy": "⛅️",
"Sunny": "β˜€",
"Thundery heavy rain": "🌩",
"Thundery showers": "β›ˆ",
"Thundery snow showers": "β›ˆ",
"Very cloudy": "☁"
if w in icons.keys():
icon = icons[w]
local_observation_time = r["localObsDateTime"].split(' ')[1] + ' ' + r["localObsDateTime"].split(' ')[2]
display_wtr = '{} {} at {}'.format(icon, w, local_observation_time)
RPC.update(buttons=[{"label": 'πŸ—Ί {} Forecast'.format(city), "url": "{}".format(city.replace(' ', '%20'))}, {"label": "⌨ GitHub Gist", "url": ""}], details=display_wtr, state=display_state, large_image=w, small_image=w)
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javascript pog tho

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