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Last active August 15, 2019 05:59
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[Modular Front-end Development]

Modular Front-end Development

Created: 07.08.2014 (work discussion)

Modular = "composed of software or hardware modules that can be altered or replaced without affecting the remainder of the system."


  • No more code soup: Smaller blocks of code to understand, test and document - 'What can/can't/could this thing do?'
  • Quality control: Not just 'It seems to work but I'm not sure why'
  • Understand and manage dependencies: 'What else do I need to get this thing working? How do I link it all together?'
  • Share solutions across projects, 'What solution did I use on project X?', 'Why does feature Y work on this project but not on that project?', 'What was that fix I applied to get this working on project Z?'
  • Code is a living thing - bugs are unavoidable with tight deadlines and changing technology: fix bugs and roll out fixes as you have time, share code between developers to benefit from their perspectives/strengths, 'How could I best spend today given that I have no paid work booked?', 'How can I contribute and help someone else out?'
  • Reusable code justifies a greater time investment = more considered, less bugs and hacks
  • Have an easy way to see what versions of shared code are being used, and whether updates are available
  • A standard interface for developers dealing with Chrometoaster code
  • Prototype features using new technologies to reduce R+D time when considering options for a project
  • Share the work between the team and collaborate on new tools and solutions rather than writing the same code over and over
  • Code is more predictable
  • Discoverability - search a repo or directory for code, rather than multiple projects using different naming conventions


  • many more folders and files, need to decide on and stick with a standard approach to reduce maintenance, need automation to stitch the files together, more complex systems to understand
  • if using 3rd party solutions, these may become unmaintained or be deleted altogether
  • Quality Control only works well when we can filter out non-critical warnings from error logs


  • Sass, Compass etc: code reuse, skinnable layouts
  • SMACSS, SMURF, BEM etc: modular layout architecture
  • Mustache + JSON: data-driven reusable templating
  • AMD (Asynchronous Module Definition): modular JavaScript with dependency management and no set order of inclusion
  • TDD & BDD eg Qunit: unit tests for module script functions, so you know how well the code has been tested ('coverage')
  • Selenium: interactive tests of common usage patterns, so you can test whether modules act as expected when integrated
  • Bower, NPM: Package management, to understand where code is sourced from, to avoid unexpected surprises by locking down sub/versions, to manage dependencies, and to roll out updates and bug fixes
  • Grunt, CI (Continuous Integration): combining modular assets, optimising for efficient delivery, automating build scripts and tests, timely error reporting to ensure that code updates do not compromise quality
  • Git/Github/Bitbucket: version control, sharing and collaboration with other developers, learning from each other, tagged releases, pre-releases, Markdown documentation
  • KSS: a central source of documentation for themed modules as they're relevant to a project
  • Terminal: many technologies require understanding of the commandline and Unix file system


  • Consider a site to be a collection of parts rather than a 'whole'
  • Agile/XP methodology: small blocks of development on distinct 'features', iterative improvements, distributed team can work on different files
  • Software engineering: building things properly so they're robust and reusable, good inline documentation, peer coding to reduce tunnel vision, not afraid to refactor to improve and learn
  • DRY: Don't repeat yourself vs WET: Write everything twice. Don't keep writing the same code.
  • Open Source: Share your code to benefit from others' knowledge


  • Github is the main way that developers collaborate on and publish open source code
  • Common Web Platform uses Git (Gitlab) and encourages development of shared backend modules
  • Web Components - "snapping together Lego blocks"
  • NPM is an established package management system for finding and managing Node dependencies
  • Experiments like PatternLab
  • Modular CSS systems like Compass
  • CSS Architectures like BEM
  • Natural evolution from products like Dreamweaver + Library items

Next steps

  • Pick a component that you often use on projects, eg your column/height-match script, set up a Bitbucket repo for it, 'consume' this repository via Bower
  • Troubleshoot some bugs in one of the existing Github repos
  • Think about what tools/plugins/solutions we need, that we don't currently have, or technologies that you'd like to play with

Further reading

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