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Last active August 15, 2019 06:26
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[Enquire JS] #javascript

Enquire JS

Snippet / Proof of Concept.

// dependencies:
// jQuery 1.10.2
// JSHint
/* global enquire */
// Monkey patch:
// to allow unmatch (which usually runs on breakpoint transition) to run on DOM load as well
enquire.registerImmediate = function(query, options) {
options.setup = options.unmatch;
return this.register(query, options);
function em(target_px) { // based on our .scss function
var context = 16; // basefont_size
var target = target_px.replace('px', '');
target = parseInt(target, 10);
return ( target/context + 'em' );
function myfunction() {
if ( typeof enquire !== 'undefined') {
enquire.registerImmediate('screen and (max-width:' + em('767px') + ')', {
match : function() {
// do something
// transition from this breakpoint to another
unmatch : function() {
// do something else
// triggered once, when the match handler is registered.
// the monkey patch uses the unmatch callback instead
//setup : function() {
// OPTIONAL, defaults to false
// If set to true, defers execution of the setup function
// until the first time the media query is matched
deferSetup : false // needs to be false for the monkey patch to work
// If supplied, triggered when handler is unregistered.
// Place cleanup code here
//destroy : function() {}
}, false); // false == !shouldDegrade
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