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Last active April 3, 2023 13:10
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Base58 is case SENSITIVE alphanumeric ELIMINATING: 0 (zero), I (uppercase), O (uppercase), l (lowercase)
/// <summary>
/// Base58 is case SENSITIVE alphanumeric ELIMINATING: 0 (zero) I (uppercase), O (upppercase), l (lowercase)
/// This reduction of characters eliminates the majority of human typoposition errors
/// </summary>
public class Base58
private static readonly BaseN base58 = new BaseN("123456789ABCDEFGHJKLMNPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijkmnopqrstuvwxyz"); //base58
public static string Encode(long @long) => base58.Encode(@long);
public static long DecodeLong(string encoded, bool truncate = false) => base58.DecodeLong(encoded, truncate);
public static string Encode(byte[] data) => base58.Encode(data);
public static byte[] Decode(string encoded) => base58.Decode(encoded);
/// <summary>
/// Inspired by
/// </summary>
public class BaseN
public BaseN(string characterSet)
CharacterSet = characterSet;
EncodedMaxLong = Encode(long.MaxValue);
public string CharacterSet { get; }
public int Base => CharacterSet.Length;
public char[] CharMap => CharacterSet.ToCharArray();
public string EncodedMaxLong { get; }
public string Encode(long @long)
var array = BitConverter.GetBytes(@long);
var encoded = Encode(array);
return encoded;
public long DecodeLong(string encoded, bool truncate = false)
if (encoded.Length > EncodedMaxLong.Length && false == truncate)
throw new ArgumentException($"{encoded} exceeds long.MaxValue : {EncodedMaxLong} and will truncate." +
"Set truncate parameter to true to allow");
var decoded = Decode(encoded);
var @long = BitConverter.ToInt64(decoded, 0);
return @long;
public string Encode(byte[] data)
// Decode byte[] to BigInteger
var intData = data.Aggregate<byte, BigInteger>(0, (current, @byte) => current * 256 + @byte);
// Encode BigInteger to Base58 string
var result = "";
while (intData > 0)
var remainder = (int)(intData % Base);
intData /= Base;
result = CharacterSet[remainder] + result;
// Append `1` for each leading 0 byte
for (var i = 0; i < data.Length && data[i] == 0; i++)
result = '1' + result;
return result;
public byte[] Decode(string encoded)
// Decode Base58 string to BigInteger
BigInteger intData = 0;
for (var i = 0; i < encoded.Length; i++)
var digitValue = Array.BinarySearch(CharMap, encoded[i]);
if (digitValue < 0)
throw new FormatException(string.Format("Invalid Base58 character `{0}` at position {1}", encoded[i], i));
intData = intData * Base + digitValue;
// Encode BigInteger to byte[]
// Leading zero bytes get encoded as leading `1` characters
var leadingZeroCount = encoded.TakeWhile(c => c == '1').Count();
var leadingZeros = Enumerable.Repeat((byte)0, leadingZeroCount);
var bytesWithoutLeadingZeros =
.Reverse() // to big endian
.SkipWhile(b => b == 0); //strip sign byte
var result = leadingZeros.Concat(bytesWithoutLeadingZeros).ToArray();
return result;
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I previously mentioned using Flakey, at this point I recommend only using

Flakey was a fork of IdGen and is less supported at this point.

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Made it so that encoder can be configurable base

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