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Created June 2, 2016 21:04
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jquery-observe unminified ala
(function(d) {
d.Observe = {}
(function(d, q) {
var r = function(e, f) {
f || (f = e, e = window.document);
var m = [];
d(f).each(function() {
for (var l = [], g = d(this), h = g.parent(); h.length && !; h = h.parent()) {
var f = g.get(0).tagName.toLowerCase();
l.push(f + ":eq(" + h.children(f).index(g) + ")");
g = h
}(h.length || && m.push("> " + l.reverse().join(" > "))
return m.join(", ")
q.path = {
get: r,
capture: function(e, f) {
f || (f = e, e = window.document);
var m = [];
d(f).each(function() {
var l = -1,
g = this;
if (this instanceof Text)
for (var g = this.parentNode, h = g.childNodes,
f = 0; f < h.length; f++)
if (h[f] === this) {
l = f;
var k = r(e, g),
n = d(e).is(g);
m.push(function(e) {
e = n ? e : d(e).find(k);
return -1 === l ? e : e.contents()[l]
return function(e) {
e = e || window.document;
return m.reduce(function(d, f) {
return d.add(f(e))
}, d([]))
})(jQuery, jQuery.Observe);
(function(d, q) {
var r = function(e) {
this.original = d(e);
this.root = this.original.clone(!1, !0)
r.prototype.find = function(d) {
return q.path.capture(this.original, d)(this.root)
q.Branch = r
})(jQuery, jQuery.Observe);
(function(d, q) {
var r = function(a, b) {
var c = {};
a.forEach(function(a) {
(a = b(a)) && (c[a[0]] = a[1])
return c
e = r("childList attributes characterData subtree attributeOldValue characterDataOldValue attributeFilter".split(" "), function(a) {
return [a.toLowerCase(), a]
f = r(Object.keys(e), function(a) {
if ("attributefilter" !== a) return [e[a], !0]
m = r(["added", "removed"], function(a) {
return [a.toLowerCase(), a]
l = d([]),
g = function(a) {
if ("object" === typeof a) return a;
a = a.split(/\s+/);
var b = {};
a.forEach(function(a) {
a =
if (!e[a] && !m[a]) throw Error("Unknown option " + a);
b[e[a] || m[a]] = !0
return b
h = function(a) {
return "[" + Object.keys(a).sort().reduce(function(b, c) {
var d = a[c] && "object" === typeof a[c] ? h(a[c]) : a[c];
return b + "[" + JSON.stringify(c) + ":" + d + "]"
}, "") + "]"
t = window.MutationObserver || window.WebKitMutationObserver,
k = function(a, b, c, s) {
this._originalOptions = d.extend({}, b);
b = d.extend({}, b);
this.attributeFilter = b.attributeFilter;
delete b.attributeFilter;
c && (b.subtree = !0);
b.childList && (b.added = !0, b.removed = !0);
if (b.added || b.removed) b.childList = !0; = d(a);
this.options = b;
this.selector = c;
this.handler = s
}; = function(a, b, c) {
return h(this._originalOptions) === h(a) && this.selector === b && this.handler === c
k.prototype.match = function(a) {
var b = this.options,
c = a.type;
if (!this.options[c]) return l;
if (this.selector) switch (c) {
case "attributes":
if (!this._matchAttributeFilter(a)) break;
case "characterData":
return this._matchAttributesAndCharacterData(a);
case "childList":
if (a.addedNodes && a.addedNodes.length &&
b.added && (c = this._matchAddedNodes(a), c.length)) return c;
if (a.removedNodes && a.removedNodes.length && b.removed) return this._matchRemovedNodes(a)
} else {
var s = instanceof Text ? d( : d(;
if (!b.subtree && s.get(0) !== return l;
switch (c) {
case "attributes":
if (!this._matchAttributeFilter(a)) break;
case "characterData":
case "childList":
if (a.addedNodes && a.addedNodes.length && b.added || a.removedNodes && a.removedNodes.length && b.removed) return
return l
k.prototype._matchAttributesAndCharacterData = function(a) {
return this._matchSelector(, [])
k.prototype._matchAddedNodes = function(a) {
return this._matchSelector(, a.addedNodes)
k.prototype._matchRemovedNodes = function(a) {
var b = new q.Branch(,
c = {
return a.cloneNode(!0)
a.previousSibling ? b.find(a.previousSibling).after(c) : a.nextSibling ? b.find(a.nextSibling).before(c) : ( === ? b.root : b.find(;
return this._matchSelector(b.root, c).length ? d( : l
k.prototype._matchSelector = function(a, b) {
var c = a.find(this.selector);
b =;
return c = c.filter(function() {
var a = this;
return b.some(function(b) {
return b instanceof Text ? b.parentNode === a : b === a || d(b).has(a).length
k.prototype._matchAttributeFilter = function(a) {
return this.attributeFilter && this.attributeFilter.length ? 0 <= this.attributeFilter.indexOf(a.attributeName) : !0
var n = function(a) {
this.patterns = [];
this._target =
this._observer = null
n.prototype.observe = function(a, b, c) {
var d = this;
this._observer ? this._observer.disconnect() : this._observer = new t(function(a) {
a.forEach(function(a) {
d.patterns.forEach(function(b) {
var c = b.match(a);
c.length && c.each(function() {, a)
this.patterns.push(new k(this._target, a, b, c));
this._observer.observe(this._target, this._collapseOptions())
n.prototype.disconnect = function(a, b, c) {
var d = this;
this._observer && (this.patterns.filter(function(d) {
return, b, c)
}).forEach(function(a) {
a =
d.patterns.splice(a, 1)
}), this.patterns.length || this._observer.disconnect())
n.prototype.disconnectAll = function() {
this._observer && (this.patterns = [], this._observer.disconnect())
n.prototype.pause = function() {
this._observer && this._observer.disconnect()
n.prototype.resume = function() {
this._observer && this._observer.observe(this._target, this._collapseOptions())
n.prototype._collapseOptions = function() {
var a = {};
this.patterns.forEach(function(b) {
var c = a.attributes && a.attributeFilter;
if (!c && a.attributes || !b.attributeFilter) c && b.options.attributes && !b.attributeFilter && delete a.attributeFilter;
else {
var e = {},
f = [];
(a.attributeFilter || []).concat(b.attributeFilter).forEach(function(a) {
e[a] || (f.push(a), e[a] = 1)
a.attributeFilter = f
d.extend(a, b.options)
Object.keys(m).forEach(function(b) {
delete a[m[b]]
return a
var p = function(a) {
this.patterns = [];
this._paused = !1;
this._target = a;
this._events = {};
this._handler = this._handler.bind(this)
p.prototype.NS = ".jQueryObserve";
p.prototype.observe =
function(a, b, c) {
a = new k(this._target, a, b, c);
a.options.childList && (this._addEvent("DOMNodeInserted"), this._addEvent("DOMNodeRemoved"));
a.options.attributes && this._addEvent("DOMAttrModified");
a.options.characterData && this._addEvent("DOMCharacerDataModified");
p.prototype.disconnect = function(a, b, c) {
var e = d(this._target),
f = this;
this.patterns.filter(function(d) {
return, b, c)
}).forEach(function(a) {
a = f.patterns.indexOf(a);
f.patterns.splice(a, 1)
var g = this.patterns.reduce(function(a,
b) {
b.options.childList && (a.DOMNodeInserted = !0, a.DOMNodeRemoved = !0);
b.options.attributes && (a.DOMAttrModified = !0);
b.options.characterData && (a.DOMCharacerDataModified = !0);
return a
}, {});
Object.keys(this._events).forEach(function(a) {
g[a] || (delete f._events[a], + f.NS, f._handler))
p.prototype.disconnectAll = function() {
var a = d(this._target),
for (b in this._events) + this.NS, this._handler);
this._events = {};
this.patterns = []
p.prototype.pause = function() {
this._paused = !0
p.prototype.resume = function() {
this._paused = !1
p.prototype._handler = function(a) {
if (!this._paused) {
var b = {
type: null,
target: null,
addedNodes: null,
removedNodes: null,
previousSibling: null,
nextSibling: null,
attributeName: null,
attributeNamespace: null,
oldValue: null
switch (a.type) {
case "DOMAttrModified":
b.type = "attributes"; =;
b.attributeName = a.attrName;
b.oldValue = a.prevValue;
case "DOMCharacerDataModified":
b.type = "characterData"; = d(;
b.attributeName = a.attrName;
b.oldValue = a.prevValue;
case "DOMNodeInserted":
b.type =
"childList"; = a.relatedNode;
b.addedNodes = [];
b.removedNodes = [];
case "DOMNodeRemoved":
b.type = "childList", = a.relatedNode, b.addedNodes = [], b.removedNodes = []
for (a = 0; a < this.patterns.length; a++) {
var c = this.patterns[a],
e = c.match(b);
e.length && e.each(function() {, b)
p.prototype._addEvent = function(a) {
this._events[a] || (d(this._target).on(a + this.NS, this._handler), this._events[a] = !0)
q.Pattern = k;
q.MutationObserver = n;
q.DOMEventObserver = p;
d.fn.observe =
function(a, b, c) {
b ? c || (c = b, b = null) : (c = a, a = f);
return this.each(function() {
var e = d(this),
f ="observer");
f || (f = t ? new n(this) : new p(this),"observer", f));
a = g(a);
f.observe(a, b, c)
d.fn.disconnect = function(a, b, c) {
a && (b ? c || (c = b, b = null) : (c = a, a = f));
return this.each(function() {
var e = d(this),
f ="observer");
f && (a ? (a = g(a), f.disconnect(a, b, c)) : (f.disconnectAll(), e.removeData("observer")))
})(jQuery, jQuery.Observe);
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