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Last active August 29, 2015 13:56
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Gets SQL Edition Type for each installed SQL Instance
Collects each SQL Edition Type by Instance Name.
Enumerates the registry for installed instances of SQL, then foreach installed instance, it enumerates the Edition Type.
Get-SqlEdition -ComputerName
@("MyComputer","MyServer","MyDomainController") | %{ Get-SqlEdition -ComputerName $_ }
Proper rights are needed to remote read registry values.
function Get-SqlEdition
# ComputerName, Type String, System to enumerate SQL Edition aginst.
[ValidateScript({ if (Test-Connection $_ -Count 2){ return $true } else { throw "Failed to ping $_. Please ensure the system is available." }})]
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true,
ValueFromPipeline = $true,
Position = 0)]
$ComputerName = $env:COMPUTERNAME
$hive=[Microsoft.Win32.RegistryKey]::OpenRemoteBaseKey('LocalMachine', "$ComputerName")
$regKeys=$hive.OpenSubKey("SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Microsoft SQL Server")
foreach ($instanceNames in $regKeys.OpenSubKey("Instance Names"))
foreach ($instance in $instanceNames.GetSubKeyNames())
foreach ($name in $instanceName.GetValueNames())
foreach ($server in $regKeys.OpenSubKey($instanceName.GetValue($name)+"\\Setup"))
$sqlServer=[PSObject] @{
return $sqlServer
Write-Output "Unable to enmerate the SQL registry hive. Either SQL is not installed on $ComputerName, or remote access is denied to the registry on $ComputerName."
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