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Last active October 21, 2020 00:04
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Tools for SMARTS-based querying of TorsionDrives from QCArchive
#!/usr/bin/env python
Utility functions for SMARTS-based querying of TorsionDrive datasets on QCArchive
Created jointly by:
- @trevorgokey
- @pavankum
- @dotsdl
from openforcefield.topology import Molecule, Topology
from openforcefield.typing.engines.smirnoff import ForceField
# 1. Perhaps a default for datasets grabbing *all* OpenFF TorsionDrives?
def get_torsiondrives_matching_smarts(smarts, datasets, client):
"""Get all TorsionDrive entries from the given QCArchive instance datasets that
match the given SMARTS pattern.
smarts : str
SMARTS to query TorsionDrives against;
if the SMARTS has 4 indexed atoms, then these must match the dihedral atoms exercised in the TorsionDrive;
if the SMARTS has 2 indexed atoms, then these must match the atoms of the central, rotated bond in the TorsionDrive.
datasets : iterable of strings
TorsionDriveDataset names to sample from.
client : qcportal.FractalClient
Fractal client to use for database queries.
tdentries : list
List of TDEntries matching given SMARTS.
Get back TDEntries corresponding to a C-C bond torsiondrive:
>>> from qcportal import FractalClient
>>> client = FractalClient()
>>> smarts = "[*:1]~[#6:2]-[#6:3]~[*:4]"
>>> datasets = ["OpenFF Substituted Phenyl Set 1"]
>>> tdentries = get_torsiondrives_matching_smarts(smarts, dataset, client)
Equivalent to the above due to wildcard matching, but specifying only central bond:
>>> smarts = "[#6:1]-[#6:2]"
>>> tdentries = get_torsiondrives_matching_smarts(smarts, dataset, client)
# first, we want to grab all datasets into memory
tdrs = []
for dataset in datasets:
ds = client.get_collection("TorsionDriveDataset", dataset)
for entry in
# need to build molecule from smiles so we can query against it
mol_smiles = entry.attributes["canonical_isomeric_explicit_hydrogen_mapped_smiles"]
offmol = Molecule.from_mapped_smiles(mol_smiles)
# apply SMARTS to each TorsionDrive object
matching_indices = offmol.chemical_environment_matches(smarts)
# if we get back nothing, move on
if len(matching_indices) == 0:
# by convention, we only have one driven torsion
# would need to revisit if we are working with 2D torsions
dihedral_indices = entry.td_keywords.dihedrals[0]
# assemble matches
for indices in matching_indices:
if len(indices) == 2:
if sorted(indices) == sorted(dihedral_indices[1:3]):
elif len(indices) == 4:
if sorted(indices) == sorted(dihedral_indices):
raise ValueError("Number of indices returned not 2 or 4;"
" check number of tagged atoms in SMARTS")
return tdrs
def get_assigned_torsion_param(tdentry, forcefield):
"""Get the OpenFF forcefield torsion parameter ultimately assigned to the
given TorsionDrive entry's torsion dihedral.
tdentry : TDEntry
TDEntry (TorsionDrive entry) to operate on;
will be used to generate molecule, extract dihedral indices driven.
forcefield : str, ForceField
OpenFF forcefield to apply.
torsion_params : ProperTorsion
Dict-like object with attributes giving the applied torsion parameters
Starting with TDEntries from usage of `get_torsiondrives_matching_smarts`
(see its Example), we can get back the parameter assigned to this by, say
>>> from openforcefield.typing.engines.smirnoff import ForceField
>>> tdentries = get_torsiondrives_matching_smarts(smarts, dataset, client)
>>> ff = ForceField('openff-1.0.0.offxml')
>>> assigned = [smarts_torsions.get_assigned_torsion_param(tdentry, ff)
for tdentry in tdentries]
>>> print([ for t in assigned])
['t47', 't47', 't47', 't47', ...]
mol_smiles = tdentry.attributes["canonical_isomeric_explicit_hydrogen_mapped_smiles"]
offmol = Molecule.from_mapped_smiles(mol_smiles)
if isinstance(forcefield, str):
forcefield = ForceField(forcefield)
# apply forcefield parameters
topology = Topology.from_molecules(offmol)
# we only have one molecule by definition here, so extracting 0th
molecule_forces = forcefield.label_molecules(topology)[0]
# by convention, we only have one driven torsion
# would need to revisit if we are working with 2D torsions
dihedral_indices = tdentry.td_keywords.dihedrals[0]
# get torsion parameters corresponding to dihedral indices
torsions = molecule_forces["ProperTorsions"]
torsion_params = torsions.get(dihedral_indices)
# if None, try reversing it
if torsion_params is None:
torsion_params = torsions[dihedral_indices[::-1]]
return torsion_params
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