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Last active July 29, 2022 09:20
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A script for executing torsiondrives on a molecule given a chosen dihedral, compute spec
#!/usr/bin/env python
Author : Josh Horton (@jthorton)
Posted with permission
Small additions by David Dotson (@dotsdl)
from typing import Tuple, List, Optional
import click
import time
from pprint import pprint
from qcsubmit.datasets import TorsiondriveDataset
from qcsubmit.factories import TorsiondriveDatasetFactory
from qcsubmit.common_structures import QCSpec
from qcsubmit.results import TorsionDriveCollectionResult
from qcfractal.interface import FractalClient
from qcfractal import FractalSnowflakeHandler
from qcengine import list_available_programs
from openforcefield.topology import Molecule
def run_torsiondrive(molecule: Molecule, dihedral: Tuple[int, int, int, int], qcspec: QCSpec, workers: int = 2):
""" This is the main run function of the script witch takes the molecule and
the dihedral and runs the torsiondrive at the given spec using qcfractal.
molecule: The openforcefield molecule instance
dihedral: The 0 indexed dihedral which should be driven
qcspec: The QCspecification which should be used to compute the torsiondirve, note the environment must have the program installed or it will hang.
print("building the dataset for submission ...")
dataset = TorsiondriveDataset()
factory = TorsiondriveDatasetFactory()
attributes = factory.create_cmiles_metadata(molecule=molecule)
index = molecule.to_smiles()
# add conformers if non supplied
if molecule.n_conformers <= 1:
# in total this should be 3 conformers
molecule.generate_conformers(n_conformers=3, clear_existing=False)
# add the molecule to the dataset
dataset.add_molecule(index=index, molecule=molecule, attributes=attributes, dihedrals=dihedral)
# set the dataset name
dataset.dataset_name = "Bespoke Torsiondrive"
dataset.metadata.long_description_url = ""
print("Dataset validated and ready")
print(f"Starting qcarchive server with {workers} workers.")
server = FractalSnowflakeHandler(ncores=workers)
client = server.client()
# this is ready to submit
print("submitting calculation")
response = dataset.submit(client=client)
print(f"response from calculations {response}")
collection = client.get_collection("TorsionDriveDataset", dataset.dataset_name)
# now start to monitor the task.
while True:
print("waiting for torsiondrive tasks to finish...")
# check if the task is done
tasks = get_tasks(client=client, dataset=dataset)
# check that the torsiondrives are done else restart them
task = tasks[0]
if task.status.value == "ERROR":
print(f"Torsiondrive found with error restarting job {task}")
# get the optimization ids
td_opts = [optimization for optimization in task.optimization_history.values()]
opt_restarts = [ for opt in td_opts if opt.status == "ERROR"]
error_cycle_optimizations(client=client, optimization_ids=opt_restarts)
error_cycle_torsions(client=client, torsiondrive_ids=[, ])
elif task.status in ("INCOMPLETE", "RUNNING"):
running = [task for task in tasks if task.status == 'RUNNING']
incomplete = [task for task in tasks if task.status == 'INCOMPLETE']
elif task.status == "COMPLETE":
print("torsiondrive complete extracting results.")
# the task is complete gather for collection
result = TorsionDriveCollectionResult.from_server(
# now the task is done lets shut down the server
print("exporting results to result.json")
return result
def build_qcspec(method: str, program: str, basis: Optional[str] = None) -> QCSpec:
""" Build the qcspec for the user provided inputs.
spec = QCSpec(method=method, basis=basis, program=program, spec_name="default", spec_description="Bespoke torsiondrive spec.")
return spec
def get_tasks(client: FractalClient, dataset: TorsiondriveDataset):
""" Get a task from the torsion drive dataset.
tasks = []
ds = client.get_collection(dataset.dataset_type, dataset.dataset_name)
ids = dataset.dataset.keys()
for index in ids:
record = ds.get_record(index, "default")
return tasks
def error_cycle_torsions(client: FractalClient, torsiondrive_ids: List[int]) -> bool:
""" Error cycle the given torsion ids.
for td in torsiondrive_ids:
client.modify_services(operation="restart", procedure_id=td)
return True
def error_cycle_optimizations(client: FractalClient, optimization_ids: List[int]) -> bool:
""" Error cycle the given optimization ids.
for opt in optimization_ids:
client.modify_tasks(operation="restart", base_result=opt)
return True
@click.option("--molecule", type=str, required=True, help="The name of the input file containing the molecule.")
@click.option("--dihedral", required=True, type=(int, int, int, int), help="The zero indexed torsion tuple")
@click.option("--method", type=str, default="ani2x")
@click.option("--basis", type=str, default=None)
@click.option("--program", type=click.Choice(["torchani", "xtb", "openmm", "psi4", "rdkit"], case_sensitive=False), default="torchani")
@click.option("--workers", type=int, default=2)
def main(molecule, dihedral, method, basis, program, workers):
""" Run a torsiondrive on the selected dihedral in the given molecule, using the specified compute spec.
# check that we have the specified program
# error if QCEngine can't find it
if program.lower() not in list_available_programs():
raise ValueError(f"Program '{program}' not found in this environment")
# load the molecule
molecule = Molecule.from_file(molecule)
# if we have multipule conformers they will be seperate molecules so combine
if isinstance(molecule, list):
mol = molecule.pop()
for m in molecule:
molecule = mol
qcspec = build_qcspec(method=method, basis=basis, program=program)
# now run the main function
result = run_torsiondrive(molecule=molecule, dihedral=[dihedral, ], qcspec=qcspec, workers=workers)
return result
if __name__ == "__main__":
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